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knives alley hydra mafia

also i asked rari to clarify the "is this just my role or is it both of our roles" thing and she said "sorry i'm only answering questions in the hydra chat" and then she didn't explicitly tell me any answers even in hydra chat, just posted more flavor
yeah i'm getting more and more suspicious of the setup

still voting for eifie and only eifie

like, think about it. in flavor, right. rari's not a fan of the "my love died so i too must die" trope iirc

i can't imagine this would kill jack too
or don't considering i didn't ability last night.

if you're the old couple with the cake you're required to tell me
MF and I are literally just a straight marriage, no frills
fun fact, I found that one minion meme from earlier by searching for "minion straight"

that search was astonishing because it never directly got me what I was looking for but indirectly, it was everywhere
"if you're the old couple with the cake you're required to tell me" -- herbe ofc
yes that is what i meant exactly
sorry i had to meme a little i am very stressed after longpost

despite my townread on RNP of RSP, right now i'm a tiny bit inclined to vote for stryke (it's possible that the reason RSP doesn't have a flavor for stryke is that stryke goes and fucking murders people while rnp is skulking around somewhere else). if this fails and we end up killing rnp along with stryke, then i really fucked up, and i'd have voted to waste one of the only ~two Days where we get to sniff out mafia in a non-double, seven-player classic hydra game. that's why i'm not actually bolding a vote for stryke. i agree with the respectable Despicable Meme in that RNP volunteering information feels very towny.

re: other reads, i feel really good about Despicable Meem, because they were pushing to examine individual behavior independently of each other, which i don't feel like mafia-individuals would want to do. similarly, i feel pretty good about qenya (solvy re: mera). i feel decently good about zori (leaving so much commentary on others' behavior leaves us a lot to examine if they flip wolf).

i'm a tiny bit suspicious about mewt, but mostly i think that was just her arguing in favor of something she really didn't want us to waste time on, so i'm trying to dismiss that and look for other things.

if you're not listed here i have no thoughts about you lol

ok i am going to go play animal crossing for a bit

-- sande
ok you know what i am going to assume since i am not in a mafia chat that i am not mafia even though i technically do not have a town role pm

or i just dont exist mechanically and im just a part of the flavor

actually that second idea makes more sense

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