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knives alley hydra mafia


in response to that wallpost i am willing to reveal that our role PM only explicitly confirms Zori's role and not mine - i am referred to in flavor but not in terms of game mechanics

sande's megapost is beautiful and all I have to say is a whoop and a hell yeah and an I agree with everything and a brb I'm gonna go check my individual account double quick now-

sande's megapost is beautiful and all I have to say is a whoop and a hell yeah and an I agree with everything and a brb I'm gonna go check my individual account double quick now-

there was a PM but that was just the regular role PM because I requested to receive hydra messages on my individual account as well phew

now what I'm wondering is whether it's good news or not that I don't suddenly have something to report-
also i want to say - the reason i listed my assumptions is that i want it to be easier for us to tear the argument apart dshjkgndf. if i'm wrong, i want to know where i was wrong and why. and i kind of want to be wrong lol. -- sande
i will say that while i don’t doubt there’s some per-user elements at play i’m going to be depressed if this is actually a normal non-hydra game in disguise 😔
still trying to figure out if the elderly couple who brought us cake last night was just rari fucking around or if it was actually mechanical
say what is everyone's flavor. rari made us a couple whom are college dropouts. then stryke and i made up a bunch of dubiously canon flavor on our own
yo yo yo it'sa him mario

so in-flavor stryke and i live in like an apartment with a crt tv and a painting of an erect penis on the wall (not joking)

however i only move while stryke is asleep. or at least while he says he is asleep idk he could climb out the window or some shit, but our combined role has me and only me carrying out the action

anyone else like this
+ neither of you have confirmed whether or not you're a couple which i still think has something to do with the setup tbh
i'm voting mater specifically because they haven't put much info forward

honestly around this point i'd like them to at LEAST say whether they're a couple if not reveal their role entirely
i'ma be honest i only really skimmed the iso but i stand by it tbh

-stryke lmao

Here's some posts I picked out that make me like RSP. I think at the least they are not being deceitful/hiding things. Flavor is explicitly relevant in this game, and RSP talking about this stuff is therefore game-relevant (there's gotta be something going on with the cake, talking about the romantic couple flavor helped town, and offering up that he has a one-head-action is also helpful for town to figure this stuff out.) The last three quotes, even though Alma Mater did in fact specify being a romantic couple (so they were pressing alma mater on false info), read like two idiot townies who only skimmed alma maters iso (literally) and missed where they mentioned being a romantic couple. I have to assume that actual mafia!them would do their due diligence and not make such an obvious error twice when it could be fixed by double checking. That's a very soft assumption though cause rsp is a wild card and who knows what they'd do - but come on, wouldn't stryke at least try to keep the story straight?


in flavor i am the only one even AWARE of my role

like stryke went to bed early and i got down to business

This too, which got posted as i was typing. I really don't think that mafia would just offer up allllllll this info so freely. Plus with how it fits with the owl's post, makes me really like both of them.

was i seriously the only one checking my individual account for this entire game--

i was too, i thought that was the norm - y'all really just don't log onto your personals through the duration of a hydra game? i have memes to make on there, i can't lose productivity
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