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knives alley hydra mafia

i will say that personally (not sure if mewt is with me on this) i place rsp a bit above neutral. i think their take on alma was okay, it felt genuine enough. i’m not like locking that read in but would prefer to vote elsewhere

currently my vote of choice remains on alma (alma gosh 😱), could be persuaded toward hmf or feh—gonna have to see about this supposed longpost

OK, just on the very slim chance I'm not going to be back before EoD, I'm plonking our vote down on Despicable Meme

I plan to be back later to read the sandepost but if I'm not, pls don't hate me VM 🥺

/s but if you want me to share genuine rsp thoughts i can skim their iso and pick out a couple things i noticed/appreciated
it def couldn’t hurt!
- m
i will say that personally (not sure if mewt is with me on this) i place rsp a bit above neutral. i think their take on alma was okay, it felt genuine enough. i’m not like locking that read in but would prefer to vote elsewhere

currently my vote of choice remains on alma (alma gosh 😱), could be persuaded toward hmf or feh—gonna have to see about this supposed longpost
this is basically where i’m at too btw
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