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knives alley hydra mafia

now i guess i’ll just hang around until the longpost comes hahaha.

if this is a *standard* game wrt how the hydras are rolecarded, then @everyone voting eif do you not have any slots that you feel worse about than alma? do you also dislike jack’s posting?

and @Quetzalcoatl i’m interested in hearing any other odd thoughts you might have because i think it sounds like we’re coming from similar povs atm
- m
herbes takes:

great feelings:
- feh the owl

good feelings/ won't vote this category or above category today:
- Quetzalcoatl

further thinks needed
- alma mater
- bruh moment
- lolfoxes

Tiers are not ordered individually (i'm not putting rsp over Quetzalcoatl for any reason at all, etc)
I just went ISOing to see if it'd enlighten me in the direction of moving or retaining the vote, but it's just kind of null all around; Eifie's horsing around doesn't strike me as alignment-indicative, neither do any of Jack's posts -- least of all when his mid-memery analysis immediately postceded getting a vote thrown at his slot -- so... well, frankly, I don't have any better ideas than actually basing a vote on the entrance thing, at least not yet

I'd probably have spent this day advocating for an abstain tbh (and you all know that's not likely), if not for wanting to test out the single player voting thing

and @Quetzalcoatl i’m interested in hearing any other odd thoughts you might have because i think it sounds like we’re coming from similar povs atm
Yeah I've been getting that impression too. I'm still kinda struggling to think of anything to differentiate between the middle-of-the roads (feh, H&M&F, RSP), though. If you told me to vote now I would go for H&M&F - or one of their heads, depending on whether we're going through with that idea - for the same reason I mentioned a moment ago, but I'm second-guessing myself because I'm not sure if it's just that I don't get where they're coming from.

RNP's thoughts so far have seemed entirely NAI to me. He always talks like this, it's not something I'd really feel comfortable reading anything into. But then again we don't have anything really excellent to read into for anyone else either.

Might wait to see sande's post before trying to have any other thoughts. (I need to go eat something anyway)

herbes takes:

great feelings:
- feh the owl

good feelings/ won't vote this category or above category today:
- Quetzalcoatl

further thinks needed
- alma mater
- bruh moment
- lolfoxes

Tiers are not ordered individually (i'm not putting rsp over Quetzalcoatl for any reason at all, etc)
I was just thinking earlier that attempting a tier list might be useful but not without running things by the other-head-

for what it's worth this is pretty much what I think, but more neutral on feh and more positive on the bruhs
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