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knives alley hydra mafia

i definitely thought this was kind of suspicious though. but again, it could just be someone arguing that we shouldn't waste our time, not a maf being worried that they'll be found out.
yeah at that point in time there was no reason for me to believe that players could operate individually of their hydra aside from someone having said “what if...?”—given that until your longpost it was nothing more than an imagined idea, i don’t really feel any better now about the fact that hmf was insisting on it than i did at the time unless they reveal they had some actual evidence they were withholding

that said in the light of the power that targeted you i think it’s probably worth voting for an individual to test the boundaries there, although imo jack is a better vote than eif
i don’t really feel any better now about the fact that hmf was insisting on it than i did at the time unless they reveal they had some actual evidence they were withholding

I do (and MF didn't even know about it till I told her in hydragram just now) but it would be stupid of me to go into specifics day 1. She just happened to have a hunch (single head tomfoolery) that lined up with my info (i have a single head role) so I backed her up on it/came to similar conclusions.
I really didn't expect the Sandepost to come out of nowhere and confirm single-head roles are a thing though, so I was keeping it to myself. I was also keeping my single-head role to myself cause I was afraid that MF also had a single-head role that could double cross me if I told her about mine, somehow. But when she uh, publicly and privately confirmed she didn't get anything, i figured i could spill the beans to her
ok without quoting or revealing my role, i had the tools in my hands for what my action theoretically would be, and then the cake people knocked on the door and i had to hide everything and stryke came downstairs to also get cake
if it WASN'T a roleblock then that gives me a ton of information

if nobody targetted me at all then i'm pretty sure i solved the game

imo that's probably a rb since it wasn't your action (right?) that stopped you from theoretically acting, it was some other people
Me having a single head role and MF not having a single head role (if she's telling the truth - i do think she is) makes me feel like Stryke doesn't have anything in particular to him either. I don't think there are inno-mafia hydra pairs, I don't think that's the gimmick (or maybe not more than like, one in the game)

Or, fuck it, maybe stryke and mf both are secret mafia. RNP wanna go eat some conspiracy cake with me? You must have some left over that we can like, put conspiracy sprinkles on or something
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