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knives alley hydra mafia

well that didn't turn out the way i wanted it to
oh well you can still see the meme

cries in OCD
i personally think keeping vote on qenya is probably the best course of action

i feel like if town sees someone claiming to have watched them to the NK while they know well that they didn't do so, the reaction would be to push back, rather than try to explain it as mistaken town
yes, you’re right. we spy through a window each night and try to live the lives of the inhabitants the next day.
aww... this is either really sweet or really creepy. not sure which. possibly both.

but yes it's good to know i'm thinking along the right lines, haha.

i feel like if town sees someone claiming to have watched them to the NK while they know well that they didn't do so, the reaction would be to push back, rather than try to explain it as mistaken town
i mean, that's not quite what i said. only that that was one of the two possibilities. and even that's assuming there's no other possible explanations i was missing. (one that literally just sprang to mind: what if lolfoxes' role interfered with it? like if they have a role that, in flavour, "invites people back to their house"? i don't know what that might do mechanically, but.)

the bit i have trouble with re: jack lying is, what would be his game plan? suppose he successfully gets me yeeted, i flip town, and then it's obvious he lied and presumably our claimed vig kills him immediately, or if that fails for some reason he gets yeeted toMorrow. what's the point?

another quick note: not sure if i made this clear in my post earlier but tucker33 did reveal his identity to us last night, and proved it to my satisfaction (and told us sande's role, though i have no evidence that neither they nor he lied). he didn't give us permission to share that bit though so it's staying quiet unless it becomes relevant.

i feel like if town sees someone claiming to have watched them to the NK while they know well that they didn't do so, the reaction would be to push back, rather than try to explain it as mistaken town
i mean, that's not quite what i said. only that that was one of the two possibilities. and even that's assuming there's no other possible explanations i was missing. (one that literally just sprang to mind: what if lolfoxes' role interfered with it? like if they have a role that, in flavour, "invites people back to their house"? i don't know what that might do mechanically, but.)

the bit i have trouble with re: jack lying is, what would be his game plan? suppose he successfully gets me yeeted, i flip town, and then it's obvious he lied and presumably our claimed vig kills him immediately, or if that fails for some reason he gets yeeted toMorrow. what's the point?

i was also thinking about this and my best guess - ASIDE from lolfoxes fucking with results - and if you are not lying in a desperate attempt to save yourself - is that the mafia are actually a LOT closer to winning than we think they are and they only need one townie down + one nightkill, which aligns with approx. the length of a game with ~7 body slots. so that might be a thing? but rn i'm just tossing out whatever comes into my head in an attempt to be useful -- sande
(iirc people said you were SUPER hard to read mafia in... either tvt or cats...? so i am wary abt how i was townreading you yesterday. but i also am paranoid abt everyone in this game aside from me, mera, & h&m&f. so. -- sande)
(iirc people said you were SUPER hard to read mafia in... either tvt or cats...? so i am wary abt how i was townreading you yesterday. but i also am paranoid abt everyone in this game aside from me, mera, & h&m&f. so. -- sande)
that would be tvt! i was quite proud of my performance as scum there, but i did have the benefit of being outgroup. in cats (2019) several people had suspicions about me, although i ended up surviving to the end anyway because rari basically styled all over the town.

one more townie down + one nightkill would bring us to 6 dead players (all townies) out of 14... i guess if there were 4 scum that would bring us to parity? it depends what the mafia wincon is. and they would need to be sure they could counteract the vigkill. hmm.

(ftr i do still mostly think you're lying in a desperate attempt to save yourself dhsdjkgnsdf. -- sande)
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