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knives alley hydra mafia

it's amazing what an inforole claim can do. I spent all of yesterday asleep, calling family, listening to someone talk about their breakup, and playing among us, and I did not return a shitbillion unread posts on the following day. it's sublime

anyways I'm staying parked; all this tucker content is interesting but, for one, the roleclaim therein given is NAI at best, and for another, it strikes me as reasonably plausible for qenya to be a lil hydrahead what's looking the other way, being that anything that could contradict the possibility is something we don't quite know of the setup

anyway i am in agreement that i am staying on a qenya vote bc i don't want to think about "maybe if we lose a townie and a nightkill happens then we lose anyway". unless we should think about that????? -- sande
but like, i don't have anyone better to go on, and i'd rather go with jack's claim so we can go "jack you fucking lied what the fuck" tomorrow if necessary than gamble on "maybe we will lose if we don't pick the exact right person right now"
two hours until eod.

3 – qenya (jackpk, feh the owl, despicable meme)
1 – mawile (redstrykephoenix)
anyway i am in agreement that i am staying on a qenya vote bc i don't want to think about "maybe if we lose a townie and a nightkill happens then we lose anyway". unless we should think about that????? -- sande
fairly sure we don't lose if we miselim here, even if maf kill a whole hydra

i had only one idea
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