feh the owl
owl slep. slep good.
- Pronoun
- they/them
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is this formal tuckerclaimowls you cut off my conversation :( couldn't text with cake on my fingers
well with that brain-twisting mystery out of the way, (is this formal tuckerclaimowls you cut off my conversation :( couldn't text with cake on my fingers
i think the fact that you blocked herbe suggests you would have blocked mf from any potential single-headed actions as well. plus i trust herbe about the flavor of mf being asleep—my guess is that means mf wasn't going to carry out any actions last night anyway? hm hmm...wait wait wait
our rb would be overpowered if it blocked both hydra actions and individual actions
despicable meme is not that clear
yeah, if I were mafia with a direct line of contact to the town vig, and the town vig were shooting other townies in front of me, my top priority would be to stop them from doing thatwhat's weird is stryke hasn't even attempted to fuck with my target (that being odysseus n1 and vm n2)