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Legends of the Elemental Ones

Yeah, I made my gov character capture my elemental character. As for Brock, I didn't realise you were at Mt. Coronet, hence no mention of your character. Sorry
grrs. I hate you all actually notice me how can you not notice a guy in a farfethc'd outfit with a Kingler standing right outside the enterence. And Lycis would have passed right by me. Literally. I am standing like... 16 centimeters from the enterance.

jk about thr hate but god I can't post until some one notices me.
Wow this hasn't gotten a post in a long while. Apparently Mewtwo wants us to discuss sequels in here?
Well, with what we've got so far, the Elementals have essentially been killed off, and the last few lines of the epilogue implied that the pokemon will soon disappear completely. That, in a sense, is the foundation of the sequel.

Here's food for thought: what should be done regarding the Government? Will they still be around, or will something else be in charge?
Before we even get to that, is this going to take place in Sinnoh again or in another region that is unaffected as of yet?
I think this would take place in a similar region, if not the same, where the Elementals are being hunted down because no one understands their role in the world. However this time their would be a different goal, or possibly the elementals are in a region where everyone understands them and they need to go somewhere else. Or perhaps the pokemon in every other region have vanished and the elementals need to find proof that its because the elementals were wiped out all that time ago, meanwhile a similar power to the government hunts them down.

Just throwing ideas out there, I just woke up.
I think it would be best to do in Sinnoh, myself, because it would be the whole "reemergence of the elementals and Pokemon" job. I don't think the government should be the enemy, though.
Hmmm. Definately in Sinnoh, for the whole "OMG ELEMENTALSSSSSSS" effect. Maybe the Government could be a part of it, but not necissarily the "main" enemy; maybe the Government realized they needed the Elementals, so now the army/forces/whathaveyou need them as weapons, so they're being captured for that. And the Government would still like to test them, however, they are not a threat, and the Government could be basically characters not named, only played by the DMs, Me and Exo, therefore makinf the army/forces the enemy and therefore playable characters.
That does sound good. But how many years into the future should this take place? I'd say one hundred at the very least.
So a century in the future the Sinnoh National Guard/etc are trying to capture the elementals to use as weapons while the government is trying to capture them so they can do tests on them. All the while the elementals are doing nothing inparticular that i can disclose at this point in time?

Sounds good.

EDIT: Don't blame me if i'm online for a long time, i'm keeping an eye out so someone else doesn't wind up with the Ghost elemental (if there is one(no doubt there will be but still)).
Well, whatever will be done, I'm letting you all know ahead of time that I'll be very busy this coming weekend, which will explain why I'm not on of and when that should happen.

At any rate, a thought just occurred to me: What if This Sinnoh New Order/National Guard/A different Cool Name is trying to recapture new Elementals in an attempt to replicate their DNA for a weapon, or something along those lines? And all the while, the Government will be more of a neutral party, with one of Goodwin's Descendants (I may have to have two, or just bring in a completely new character) running that, while another descendant of Goodwin and one of Andrew are playing for two different sides?

I'd like to emphasize the "Government is Neutral in the Sequel," though.
So, what ended up happening to Franklin, Zack and Gary? Just out of curiosity?

But yes a neutral Government wouldn't be bad.
Basically, they along with the now-drained Elementals were imprisoned beneath Government HQ.

Now then, I know that for this RP, pokemon are completely gone, but if we put a complete embargo on them, it might sound a lot like River's RP. What should be done about that?
Pokemon dropped down to almost zero? Yeah, I was actually thinking the same thing, It would probably be a bit more of a dramamtic reason but a close story line nontheless. Brainstorming may be required.

EDIT: Throwing something into the Brainstorm, Perhaps something involving Mew. Its pokedex entry says that it contains the DNA of every pokemon.
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Mew has DNA of any Pokémon...maybe, when the elementals lost their powers, Mew realised there was noone between human and Pokémon. Due to the lack of this link, Mew, and by extension, every wild Pokémon/some of the newly caught ones (?) start disliking humans and running away whenever they see them. Pokémon are still around, but only trained Pokémon.

I dunno, I am really tired.

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