「にがいのは いやだ」って…
- Pronoun
- they
LAST TIME: Camiklotov get!
Whee, I'm at my castle! ... Hm, size two still.
I head down to the war room. Apple, Shu, Fitcher, and Teresa are there.
: [looks around slowly] "Whew. I feel sort of relieved to be back here. I guess it's because this is where I want to live..."
: [steps up] "Lord Odessa. We weren't able to form an alliance with the Matilda Knights, but we've got many new recruits. However the Highland Army isn't just sitting idly by either. They're going to come at us again sooner or later. This is just a brief rest.... Starting tomorrow, we'll have to fight again."
Fade out.
Still in the war room, but now it's just me and Nanami.
: "Tomorrow.... fight again.... Well, let's follow Shu's advice and get some rest. I think Pilika missed you a lot when you were gone, Odessa."
Fade out.
IT IS NIGHTTIME. Crickets are chirping. I'm outside the war room for some reason.
man guarding war room: "Lord Odessa... Now that your inspection is over, you should get some rest and leave the rest to me!!!"
A lot of doors are blocked, really. I can go to the main room of each floor, though!
: [ Zzzzzz ] "Zzzzzzzzz....... Sorry, I messed up again..... Zzzzzz............."
man in tavern blocking exit: "Hiccup!!! Don't worry. I can keep guard... hiccup.... and drink at the same time. Hiccup!!!" You fill me with confidence.
man blocking exit near Barbara's storehouse: "Even if you are Lord Odessa, no one enters or leaves here after nightfall." Excuse me, this is my army.
man on first floor blocking restaurant and bathhouse: "Hmm, let's see here...." [ beat ] "Aha!!! There's absolutely nothing wrong!"
: [at his desk, right hand hidden from view as always] "Lord Odessa, what can I help you with?"
guard near my room: "Lord Odessa, it's late, sir, you should get some rest."
I step in and Pilika goes ! and jumps a little.
: "I'm back, Pilika. Were you a good girl?"
: [hop, slow spin, hop] "......!"
: "Whew, Hey.... Odessa..... Pilika just wants.... One more time...." [glances at her] "......... Huh? Ummm.... No, Goodnight, Odessa!!"
Nanami leaves the room, fade out.
[BGM: The King's March]
Luca is at the pointy end of a red carpet! Jowy's standing in front of him, still in his white Highland outfit. They're in L'Renouille palace somewhere, I believe. It's been ages since I played through enough to be positive, but I'm pretty sure they're in L'Renouille. (It's the capital of Highland, and also probably meant to be named after R'lyeh for $reasons. Irrelevantly, Soul Eater is a thinly-veiled Elric of Melniboné reference, and Maximillian and Sancho are obviously Don Quixote and Sancho. :D)
: "An interesting idea, but what about the expeditionary force? It's not as if the entire army is loyal to me. Particularly Kiba and his son are more loyal to the King than me. It could even mean the entire State strategy is in danger."
: "I've got a plan to handle that."
: "Hmm. You've really planned it all out. How did you get so wise?"
Jowy steps aside. A man in a brown coat with a grey scarf walks in.
: "That's nothing. If I couldn't figure that much out, I'd be an embarrassment to the Silverburg family." Eh, I think being unable to spell 'Silverberg' makes you an embarrassment to the Silverberg family.
: "So you really were a strategist for the Scarlet Moon Empire along with Mathiu Silverburg.... Why are you here?" Luca, please learn how to spell Silverberg.
: "We're forgotten in times of peace. It's only when war looms that people remember we exist." Later: 'And that, my shiny Apple, is why I don't have to wear pants if I don't want to.' 'Nice try, Caesar.' 'YOU CAN'T SEE ME.'
: "Hmm, as you wish, Well I leave the rest to you, my younger brother-in-law. Hoo hoo hoo ha ha ha ha ha."
Luca walks off.
: "............................."
Fade out.
I'm in my room!
Nanami stops me by the war room when I'm walking downstairs.
: "Terrible news! Terrible news! Everyone's gathering in the square." Did someone conquer Radat?
... and by the square she meant the war room.
[BGM: Sedition] Okay, it looks like 90% of the time when I put 'Suspicion' it's not. Sigh. I just don't recognise Sedition when they skip the opening bars, which they do a lot.
: "Lord Odessa, We've got a report that the Highland Army seems to have appeared in Radat Town." I WAS RIGHT. ... Shit.
: "'Seems to'? Has it been occupied?"
: "I know not, but if they can occupy it before we receive our next report, they are a formidable enemy indeed."
: "So it's not Solon Jhee after all. It's the Third Company, General Kiba and his son." HI KLAUS \o/
: [steps up] "You can't open a lock unless you know the combination. Hey Odessa, Shall we go check things out?" Am I going to wear a disguise?
: ! "What are you saying, Viktor! You can't have Lord Odessa do such a dangerous thing....." Ummm I could wear a bag over my head so no one recognises me. ... Also it's not like I regularly get in fights with everything between upset houseplants to grumpy generals to giant demons or anything. Those are definitely safer than going to Radat wearing a paper bag.
: "C'mon, it's okay I tell you. I'll be with him. It'll be like a stroll in the park. Besides, Odessa needs a break." I hope I'm going to actually wear a disguise for this because this whole thing of everyone in the world recognising me is rather unfortunate.
[ Viktor joins party ]
: "Radat is east of South Window. Be very careful." Yeah, that's why I'm wearing a disguise. ... Wait. No I'm not.
: "Wow, you're something else. What should I do."
: "Don't get caught, Odessa." Damn right.
: "Looks like war....." Wow, you're one smart fucker.
I wonder if II has a medicine cat somewhere.
man in Kuskus (I wanted to sharpen Viktor): "Sowston Army's strategist, Lord Shu is clever, I admit it. But General Kiba's strategist, Klaus, is brilliant...." You just think he's prettier. COMPARE Klaus and Shu
I step into Radat and there are Highland soldiers wandering around. :B
: "They're here. It's full of Highland soldiers. They sure took over quick. There was almost no rioting." It's Radat. They're not really that concerned with things like whose army is currently occupying them.
: "Let's go inside."
: "Okay, that's the spirit. If it gets dangerous, leave it to me. So, which way should we go?"
Highland soldier: "Huh? If we don't hurry, we're going to miss Lord Kiba's speech."
Highland soldier: "We're guarding this area. Huh, are you.....? .... Oh, just my imagination." I told you I should've worn a disguise.
man in inn: "Whew............ I wonder if we'll suffer the same fate as Muse...."
man: "A gaudily dressed man just came up to me. I think he's looking for something....."
There is a ton of people in the middle of town.
: "Huh? What the hell is that?"
[ BGM: The King's March ]
Pan down to most of the townsfolk standing around and watching Kiba and Klaus, who have a lot of Highland troops behind them.
: [steps up] "Listen. From today on, this town is under Highland rule. Anyone who steps out of line will be punished by Highland law."
man in yellow in the middle: "B... but that means... ... our lives are...."
man in white in the middle: "The people of Muse were all devoured by a monster......."
The crowd all looks around at each other uncomfortably and there is the sound of yelling. Kiba steps up and they stop.
: "Nothing but silly rumors! I, Kiba, promise in the name of King Agares that no such thing has happened." Suuuuuuuure.
More spinning and chatter.
someone: "I.... I'm grateful...."
someone else: "If the war would only end, neither the State Army nor the Highland Army would make a difference."
Pan back up to us.
The talking stops.
: "Bah. What law! They got some nerve. Well we know we're facing Kiba and his son. That's enough. Let's go home, Odessa."
We turn up, presumably about to leave.
: "Lord Odessa."
I go ! and look at Viktor.
: "Uh oh. Did they spot you?"
: "Let's run away."
: "That was close.... Let's get back to Sewer Castle. If our enemy is Kiba, we've got lots of work to do if we wanna win this thing."
→ wait or go
: "Wait."
Nanami spins; Viktor panics. Klaus walks up.
: "So we meet again, Lord Odessa. It's too bad, but Lord Jowy isn't here. He's at our capital, L'Renouille. The wedding between him and Jillia Blight should be taking place right about now......."
: [steps forward] "Lord Odessa, You defeated me at Two River, but next time I'll be ready. Well, excuse me for now. We're also busy preparing for battle you know."
And he walks away. Music goes back to whatever's usual for Radat.
: "So it's Kiba and Klaus, eh. But about Jowy...... Well, anyway, let's head back. Those guys mean business. We've got to be ready for them."
And off we go!
I step back into Radat and one of the guards spots me, goes !, and comes back with a ton of soldiers. Sometimes I think they don't like me, even with my charming Highland accent. :'(
Wait, the calico near the entrance to my castle goes, "Ho humm....." ?!
Eilie and Pilika are waiting for me between Luc and Viki.
: "So you made it back, eh? Well that's good at least. Everyone's gathered in the great hall." Fascinating.
Pilika bounces.
[BGM: Sedition]
I go check on Hai Yo and Barbara is unconscious. Bolgan and a kid are freaking out.
: "Hey what did you do? What did you do to Barbara?"
RYUKI: "Ha ha ha. That was a poison extracted from 10 species of spiders found only in the nameless countries north of Zexen. If she doesn't get an antidote within 30 minutes, she will die!!! Now Hai Yo, return the 'thing' that you stole!"
: [panic] "Ohhh....... I..... I won't give it to you!!!"
: "What are you saying, Hai Yo!! Barbara's life is in danger!!!"
: "Ohhh... but, but.... I just can't!!!!!!"
RYUKI: [pause.] "So you won't return it, eh. Here's what we'll do. You and I will have a contest!!! If you win, I'll give you the antidote. I'll aso give you a recipe according to 'Group' rules. But if I win, you must give me that 'thing'. Do you accept the challenge!!!!"
: "Ohhhh.... what should I do? Lord Odessa......."
: "Help Barbara, Hai Yo!" Or kill my star of destiny and vault keeper, that's good too.
: "Okay, I'll do it. I accept your challenge, Ryuki!!!"
RYUKI: "Well said, Hai Yo!!! By the rules of the Black Dragon Group, let's cook!!!!"
"In the woods where he grew up, he used to love to eat fish straight from the river. It's Kinnison!!!"
"We can expect some harsh and accurate criticism from him. It's Clive!!!"
"Put some food in his belly and he'll be happy, I guarantee it. It's Rikimaru!!!"
"My sources say that Fitcher has a major weakness for sweets!!!"
I'm making Sweet Salad (2, 1, 4, 2), Simmered Carp (5, 1, 5, 4), and Cheesecake (4, 1, 5, 1).
He made Sole (3, 1, 3, 1), Tempura (4, 2, 5, 3), and Creamy Gratin (2, 1, 3, 2).
also I guess that's conclusive proof that just because two characters are in the same general category doesn't mean they like the same food: Georg also loves sweets and he fucking loves cheesecake. He really fucking loves cheesecake. Do not get between him and his cheesecake.
RYUKI: "You are a true chef, Hai Yo! That's why you were one of the 4 Lords of the Black Dragon Group." I wonder if that was 四天王 in Japanese.
: ". . . . . . . . . . . ."
RYUKI: "Urgh.... as I promised....."
[ You got the poison antidote ]
[ You got 'Pasta Recipe'. ]
RYUKI: "You beat me, but I won't forget!! Until you return that 'thing', the Black Dragon Group will be hunting for you!!!!!!" Pleasant.
someone: "Ah!!!!!!!!!"
Fade out.
There is the sound of a stab.
Fade in.
someone: "He.... he took his own life... But what did he mean 'hunt'..."
: "I knew this would happen.... I was prepared....."
Fade out.
To the war room!
[BGM: Tactics] Flik, Teresa, Shu, Apple, Ridley, and Fitcher are there.
: "Lord Odessa, we're pleased that you returned safely."
: "Of course, he had me to protect him. But anyway, we learned who the enemy general is.... It's Kiba and his son, Klaus."
: "It's the 3rd Company of the Highland Army. But from their numbers, it looks like part of the 4th Company is with them too." Well, it's hardly as Jowy needs it at the moment.
: "They can do whatever they like. If they attack from the front, we'll meet them at the front. We'll show them that the number of generals as well as the quality of the soldiers has changed from before." I kinda doubt more generals would necessarily help :B
: "Now we can finally fight a decent battle."
: [steps up] "So you've got no strategy this time?" ... he's an honorary Silverberg, Viktor. Even Apple at her worst has a strategy.
: "Are you worried, Viktor? We don't need a strategy for this battle. Lord Odessa, please give the signal for our forces to deploy."
: "Troops! Deploy!" 'Hey, Shu, am I doing it right?'
: "Give the orders for the troops." 'I already said to deploy!'
Fade out!
We're near Radat! The kobolds are up front.
: "Hmm. I thought you'd be hiding in your castle, but you were brave to show your face. Good man!"
: "Father, don't understimate him. He came out because he too has confidence in his strength." But can his hair go all flippy like Klaus's? I THINK NOT.
: "I wouldn't have it any other way. I love a good challenge. It's what keeps me going." And that's why I don't need to run like hell from you.
Rowd teleports in with some of the fourth company. They're the group at the bottom.
: "Listen. Just cause I'm a substitute, don't think you can mess around. Understand? If you understand, stay in your positions. The 3rd Company will take the lead."
: "He he he. Finally a good fight!"
: "Don't underestimate them."
: "I know. I know."
[ Start Battle ]
Oh, huh, took me a bit to notice that Kiba has a mage with him. Round one passes without anything interesting happening.
: "Lord Shu, I have a question regarding our troop deployment. May I speak freely?"
: "Go right ahead, General Ridley."
: "Why is it that only the Kobold Unit is being placed in the front lines?" ... ridley
: "Decisions about troop deployment are mine to make and I expect you to follow them, General."
: ". . . . . . . . . ."
Luc inflicts magical death upon some Highlanders! A kobold unit gets beaten up :'(
Highland unit gets revenge killed by the kobolds ...
My turn!
Ridley kicks some ass, as his unit is wont to do... Teresa finishes off the archers Ridley beat up. Flik beats up some of Rowd's troops. Viktor gets some shit beaten out of him.
End my turn!
: "I knew we shouldn't have joined forces with the humans. We don't need to waste our precious few lives in this meaningless war. Order all forces to retreat!"
KOBOLD ARMY: "Huh? Y... yes, lord. Arf." Even the kobolds are going 'what in the fucks'.
The kobolds retreat!
: "What's this!!!"
: "What? What? A rift among friends? Ha ha Ha! Good. Now it's our turn!!! All forces, advance!!!!!"
Shit, Rowd just beat up Flik.
Tsai just finished off a Highland cavalry unit ... and Flik counter beat up Rowd. Sadly Teresa failed to kick his ass. Viktor beat up some Highlanders; Jeane zapped Kiba; Luc failed to zap Kiba.
Teresa had the crap beaten out of her!
: "It's no good!!! Without Ridley's help, we don't have a chance!!!" Ummmm.
: "At this rate........"
: "We've got no choice.... Lord Odessa, order our troops to withdraw."
: "What happened!!!! Damn it!!!! We could have won this battle!!!!" Yeah actually we were kicking their ass.
We retreat!
: "You won't get away!!!"
: "Father, it's too dangerous to pursue them now. Let's regroup our forces."
[ Withdrawal ]
We're in the great hall! Fitcher, Teresa, Fliktor, Apple, Shu, Camiklotov, Chaco, and Tsai are there!
[BGM: Sedition, skipping the intro as usual]
: "So what about Lord Ridley!!"
: "The State Army's bad habit has shown itself."
: [jump] "Ha! You were so arrogant! You don't want to lose your life?"
: [steps up] "Without help from Two River, we can't match Kiba's strength..."
: "............... This is no time to attack Ridley. We need a strategy to weaken Kiba. Everyone get some rest. The rest is my job. Lord Odessa, you should get some rest too."
- Stars of Destiny: 64 / 108 (and the squirrel squad)
-Times Fainted Riou's Weird Sleeping Habits: fainted once, woke up randomly twice
- Game Overs: 2 total
- Bathrooms: 0
NEXT TIME: ... And that's the good news.
LAST TIME: Camiklotov get!
Whee, I'm at my castle! ... Hm, size two still.
I head down to the war room. Apple, Shu, Fitcher, and Teresa are there.

Fade out.
Still in the war room, but now it's just me and Nanami.

Fade out.
IT IS NIGHTTIME. Crickets are chirping. I'm outside the war room for some reason.
man guarding war room: "Lord Odessa... Now that your inspection is over, you should get some rest and leave the rest to me!!!"
A lot of doors are blocked, really. I can go to the main room of each floor, though!

man in tavern blocking exit: "Hiccup!!! Don't worry. I can keep guard... hiccup.... and drink at the same time. Hiccup!!!" You fill me with confidence.
man blocking exit near Barbara's storehouse: "Even if you are Lord Odessa, no one enters or leaves here after nightfall." Excuse me, this is my army.
man on first floor blocking restaurant and bathhouse: "Hmm, let's see here...." [ beat ] "Aha!!! There's absolutely nothing wrong!"

guard near my room: "Lord Odessa, it's late, sir, you should get some rest."
I step in and Pilika goes ! and jumps a little.

Nanami leaves the room, fade out.
[BGM: The King's March]

Luca is at the pointy end of a red carpet! Jowy's standing in front of him, still in his white Highland outfit. They're in L'Renouille palace somewhere, I believe. It's been ages since I played through enough to be positive, but I'm pretty sure they're in L'Renouille. (It's the capital of Highland, and also probably meant to be named after R'lyeh for $reasons. Irrelevantly, Soul Eater is a thinly-veiled Elric of Melniboné reference, and Maximillian and Sancho are obviously Don Quixote and Sancho. :D)

Jowy steps aside. A man in a brown coat with a grey scarf walks in.

Luca walks off.

Fade out.
I'm in my room!
Nanami stops me by the war room when I'm walking downstairs.

... and by the square she meant the war room.
[BGM: Sedition] Okay, it looks like 90% of the time when I put 'Suspicion' it's not. Sigh. I just don't recognise Sedition when they skip the opening bars, which they do a lot.

[ Viktor joins party ]

I wonder if II has a medicine cat somewhere.
man in Kuskus (I wanted to sharpen Viktor): "Sowston Army's strategist, Lord Shu is clever, I admit it. But General Kiba's strategist, Klaus, is brilliant...." You just think he's prettier. COMPARE Klaus and Shu
I step into Radat and there are Highland soldiers wandering around. :B

Highland soldier: "Huh? If we don't hurry, we're going to miss Lord Kiba's speech."
Highland soldier: "We're guarding this area. Huh, are you.....? .... Oh, just my imagination." I told you I should've worn a disguise.
man in inn: "Whew............ I wonder if we'll suffer the same fate as Muse...."
man: "A gaudily dressed man just came up to me. I think he's looking for something....."
There is a ton of people in the middle of town.

[ BGM: The King's March ]

man in yellow in the middle: "B... but that means... ... our lives are...."
man in white in the middle: "The people of Muse were all devoured by a monster......."
The crowd all looks around at each other uncomfortably and there is the sound of yelling. Kiba steps up and they stop.

More spinning and chatter.
someone: "I.... I'm grateful...."
someone else: "If the war would only end, neither the State Army nor the Highland Army would make a difference."
Pan back up to us.
The talking stops.

We turn up, presumably about to leave.

I go ! and look at Viktor.



→ wait or go

Nanami spins; Viktor panics. Klaus walks up.

And he walks away. Music goes back to whatever's usual for Radat.

And off we go!
I step back into Radat and one of the guards spots me, goes !, and comes back with a ton of soldiers. Sometimes I think they don't like me, even with my charming Highland accent. :'(
Wait, the calico near the entrance to my castle goes, "Ho humm....." ?!
Eilie and Pilika are waiting for me between Luc and Viki.

Pilika bounces.
[BGM: Sedition]

RYUKI: "Ha ha ha. That was a poison extracted from 10 species of spiders found only in the nameless countries north of Zexen. If she doesn't get an antidote within 30 minutes, she will die!!! Now Hai Yo, return the 'thing' that you stole!"

RYUKI: [pause.] "So you won't return it, eh. Here's what we'll do. You and I will have a contest!!! If you win, I'll give you the antidote. I'll aso give you a recipe according to 'Group' rules. But if I win, you must give me that 'thing'. Do you accept the challenge!!!!"

RYUKI: "Well said, Hai Yo!!! By the rules of the Black Dragon Group, let's cook!!!!"
"In the woods where he grew up, he used to love to eat fish straight from the river. It's Kinnison!!!"
"We can expect some harsh and accurate criticism from him. It's Clive!!!"
"Put some food in his belly and he'll be happy, I guarantee it. It's Rikimaru!!!"
"My sources say that Fitcher has a major weakness for sweets!!!"
I'm making Sweet Salad (2, 1, 4, 2), Simmered Carp (5, 1, 5, 4), and Cheesecake (4, 1, 5, 1).
He made Sole (3, 1, 3, 1), Tempura (4, 2, 5, 3), and Creamy Gratin (2, 1, 3, 2).
also I guess that's conclusive proof that just because two characters are in the same general category doesn't mean they like the same food: Georg also loves sweets and he fucking loves cheesecake. He really fucking loves cheesecake. Do not get between him and his cheesecake.
RYUKI: "You are a true chef, Hai Yo! That's why you were one of the 4 Lords of the Black Dragon Group." I wonder if that was 四天王 in Japanese.

RYUKI: "Urgh.... as I promised....."
[ You got the poison antidote ]
[ You got 'Pasta Recipe'. ]
RYUKI: "You beat me, but I won't forget!! Until you return that 'thing', the Black Dragon Group will be hunting for you!!!!!!" Pleasant.
someone: "Ah!!!!!!!!!"
Fade out.
There is the sound of a stab.
Fade in.
someone: "He.... he took his own life... But what did he mean 'hunt'..."

Fade out.
To the war room!
[BGM: Tactics] Flik, Teresa, Shu, Apple, Ridley, and Fitcher are there.

Fade out!
We're near Radat! The kobolds are up front.

[ Start Battle ]
Oh, huh, took me a bit to notice that Kiba has a mage with him. Round one passes without anything interesting happening.

Luc inflicts magical death upon some Highlanders! A kobold unit gets beaten up :'(
Highland unit gets revenge killed by the kobolds ...
My turn!
Ridley kicks some ass, as his unit is wont to do... Teresa finishes off the archers Ridley beat up. Flik beats up some of Rowd's troops. Viktor gets some shit beaten out of him.
End my turn!

KOBOLD ARMY: "Huh? Y... yes, lord. Arf." Even the kobolds are going 'what in the fucks'.
The kobolds retreat!

Shit, Rowd just beat up Flik.
Tsai just finished off a Highland cavalry unit ... and Flik counter beat up Rowd. Sadly Teresa failed to kick his ass. Viktor beat up some Highlanders; Jeane zapped Kiba; Luc failed to zap Kiba.
Teresa had the crap beaten out of her!

We retreat!

[ Withdrawal ]
We're in the great hall! Fitcher, Teresa, Fliktor, Apple, Shu, Camiklotov, Chaco, and Tsai are there!
[BGM: Sedition, skipping the intro as usual]

- Stars of Destiny: 64 / 108 (and the squirrel squad)
- Game Overs: 2 total
- Bathrooms: 0
NEXT TIME: ... And that's the good news.