Webcomic Artist

Wow... it's been a good 2 years since I've visited this site. Glad to be back!
Anyways, featuring Guybrush20X6 as the scriptwriter, TheMightyBox as the colorist, and myself as the line artist, I'd like to proudly present to you Level 30 Psychiatry, a webcomic where all of your favorite video game characters collide at the psychiatrist's office! We update every Saturday in Britain (or late afternoon on Fridays if you're American), and we're always eager to hear your feedback!
Feel free to post comments, criticisms, and compliments in this thread, but if you want to have the whole team see what you have to say, you'll have to post it through the actual webcomic. We're still just starting out, so we need all the help and feedback we can get! Don't be shy!