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Lie About the Above Poster

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^ Full Name: Arylett Dawnsborough The Seventh, Slayer of Cheifus Zakalakapromsha Dala Murecklesza, Conquerer of Fate, Champion of Flame, Lord of the Mountain, the Lava-Cleansed, who dared to harm the wielder of Turzorough, the Shatterblade, and brought an end to the evil reign of Ilmurand the Tyrant.
^ Tired of being fooled by deceptive cakes, baked a nice apple pie. Sadly, the pie was a lie.

Then the pie ate itself.
^ Is the reason that the pie was a lie. Created a large complex space warping time machine thing that somehow converts desserts into fabrications.
^ Unfortunately co-engineered the project with me, leading to the eventual collapse of the Sahara Dessert into an uninhabitable wasteland, called the Sahara Desert.
^ Became very greedy at one point during the project, went mad with power, and then decided to do it on his own which lead to him creating the Sahara Desert.
^ When I did so, made no attempt to stop me and just ran off with all the cake, pie, brownies and ice cream she could find before the Dessert turned into a lie.
^ Proceeded to lose all of the ice cream, pie, and cake to a swindler on the streets wearing a silly-looking shako and fake mustache.
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