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Lie About the Above Poster

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^ Has found out my secret identity, which I take part in on my days off. But your secret identity is actually elkcerG elkcerG, which was the cause of the Tiny Quiet - so named because nobody even knows about it.
^ Has engaged in nine violent criminal acts: jaywalking, being nice to others, whaling in Nebraska, traveling around the world in eighty minutes, helping the elderly, birdwatching, feeding chipmunks, talking, and worst of all friendship. The horror!
^ Shot me because I found out his secret identity AND about the Tiny Quiet. Then proceeded to desecrate my grave with elkcerG elkcerG written five thousand times in chocolate frosting.
^ Is actually the last one of it's kind, the wild Tyrannopoopamonis. It survives off of eating human flesh and cars
^ Is currently devising a plan to blow up Pluto to achieve supervillain status. Unfortunately, if the plan did go through correctly, nobody would notice.
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