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Lie About the Above Poster

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^ While secretly plotting the downfall of her arch-nemesis broke a leg while performing at the wedding concert.
^ Is the person I cheated on my husband with after I was angry at him for having his stupid Eye Surgery on something as important as our wedding.
^ Has a weird memory about some giant creepy energy leech and another little thing about the Power Rangers (maybe?), but unfortunately is too tired to remember.
^ Has lived in a cave at the bottom of the sea for millions of years and has survived incidents including but not limited to: nuclear bombs, attack of mechanical clones of himself, missile strikes, the entire military, collapsing skyscrapers, crystal behemoths from outer space, and being reduced to a skeleton. He got better.
^ Immune to nuclear bombs, attack of mechanical clones of himself, missile strikes, the entire military, collapsing skyscrapers, crystal behemoths from outer space, and being reduced to a skeleton.
^ Tried to test his resistance to nuclear weapons by sticking one up his nose. Was not so lucky as Gryzalb.
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