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Lie About the Above Poster

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^Is a loser of said battles and has fled into the forest inside Mt Fuji after dishonorably failing to comply with rules of the matches, which do not exist
^ Is a special Time Patrol file that exists within a video game called sv_01.awes. In the video game, she is the main character who travels through time and through the internet to defeat the Grampataceous Elves of Nora, a country in the middle ages with no internet. When she arrives there, as it turns out, there is no digital technology so she cannot. Thus she uses Manifestation Technology to manifest in a physical and solid form, but ends up finding a kind-hearted, yet extremely clumsy blue-eyed man named Javen de Ruoelles. This man is also thought to be the village fool due to spouting out crazy things he thinks will happen in the future. As it turns out, however, these things actually DO happen in the future that sv_01 is from. In her medieval human form, she calls herself Seva Unscorre O'won. Seva and Javen end up falling in love, but in the very sad ending, she must erase his memory and go back to the future because if their relationship was allowed to happen, the future would've been changed significantly. And thus she continues her lonely journey through time...
^ Was once upon a time the Legendary Seeker, whose quest was to find ninety-nine legends. He searched far and wide to find these legends, but there weren't enough Legendary Pokémon in all of the known regions to satiate his hunger. And thus, he employed Seva Unscorre O'won, a strange woman who seemed to have a high proficiency with computers. Using Seva Unscorre O'won's Manifestation Technology, he created Fakemon which he made real. Seva warned him, however, that if he continued, he would spend all of his Manifest Points. And if that happened, he would lose control of his creations. Unhearing, he continues to create more and more legends, stubbornly wanting EXACTLY ninety nine. However, in his insanity, he accidentally creates 100. This overwhelms him as he loses control of all the legends, having just run out of points. Seva Unscorre O'won, unable to stand idle to this any longer, summons an even more odd woman named Arylett Dawnsborough, AKA the Insanity Storymaker and Points Giver. This woman, having bizarre powers over reality, destroys all of Legendary Seeker's Fakemon and removes all of his points, then erases his memory and sends him back in time to 2011, transforming him into a 13 year old boy whose only vestige of his former identity is his username on this forum.
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