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London Expo


Ohh, yeah!!

Today, we went into the expo, I got in before Butterfree and Dannichu, by a good hour, maybe more. The queue for tickets was absolutely massive!

After we all got in, we went around and Butterfree bought a Dialga plush toy which we decided to name Quentin because of a game we were playing.

It was rather fantastic, yes. In addition to getting to hang out with some of my most favourite people, I also managed to buy more Buffy stuff than I could carry. Good times.

Again, I'm so, so sorry for not keeping my stupid phone on x.x
If I can make it to the May one, we will definitely have to meet up. I promise.

Taking photos of all the cosplayers was fun, but I felt bad because I wasn't in cosplay, but people kept telling me how epic my "And then Buffy staked Edward. The end." shirt was (a couple of people even asked for pictures), even though I hadn't made it or anything. I don't think I'd've got more comments if I'd spent weeks making a perfect cosplay, to be honest X3

I was thrilled that so few people at the Expo liked Twilight, though; there was lots of mech for sale, but I didn't see anyone actually buying any of it X3
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