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Looking Ahead

Oh my gosh, wouldn't it be awesome if some if Butterfree came to it, since she was the one who sorta brought you together by creating this site? OH MY GAWD I WANNA COME TO YOUR WEDDING SO BADDD

Can you try get a video or set up a webcam so we can see it live or something?
Oh my gosh, wouldn't it be awesome if some if Butterfree came to it, since she was the one who sorta brought you together by creating this site? OH MY GAWD I WANNA COME TO YOUR WEDDING SO BADDD

Can you try get a video or set up a webcam so we can see it live or something?

:0 Video is a possibility. We don't have many details yet, so.

We already know a few teecoders who are coming if all goes well (moon-panther, Zora of Terminia, DJ P0N-3, Dark Shocktail) though. Hehehe~

:B you guys are all so nice~
:0 Video is a possibility. We don't have many details yet, so.

We already know a few teecoders who are coming if all goes well (moon-panther, Zora of Termina, DJ P0N-3, Dark Shocktail) though. Hehehe~

:B you guys are all so nice~
You rang?

Yes, yes, I'm definitely going to make an attempt to show up. No guarantees, 'cause I'm in a pretty tight spot money-wise, and I'd have to drive to boot, but I'll definitely try my hardest to be there.

Congratulations you two... I need to get you presents.
eeeee Told my dad about it and he's supportive 100%. He even said he's gonna help me get the money to go visit Kat this summer <3



The engagement ring came in. It's beautiful. <3 (sorry for crap picture, my phone camera sucks)

Congratulations, you two! c: I'm glad at least one parent is supportive ♥ The ring is beautiful. Best of luck to you both!

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