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Lucario Palace

"...huh." Funny looking tower. Slightly funny looking partner. He probably read that. Psychic, remember? And not the pineapple-carrying fakes, either.
Doesn't mean he's not a decent player here, though...
"C'mon. I have a feeling we'll be seeing lots and lots of ghosties here. I'll cover you."
Hitmonlee steals a glance at Lopunny. He hadn't been keeping track of the other contestants, but now regrets his ignorance. He should have monitored their progress, noted their weaknessess and strengths. As they stand inside the tower, with the locked doors behind them, Hitmonlee tries to talk to Lopunny to from some kind of plan. Either that or they charge onward and try a make-it-as-we-go-along beat-em-up approach. Hitmonlee would rather not be caught off-guard.

[OOC: Can we discuss game plan and stuff with our partners, either outside or inside the thread? I may ask this for others as well.]
"Are you-" Weavile glared at her partner. She didn't need a partner to do anything; she was perfectly fine on her own! She could scale this tower by the time this.. rat got to the first floor!

With a resigned sigh, she looked at Pikachu and tried not to glare.

"Let's do this, then," the Weavile muttered. "Let's climb this damn tower!" With a nod, she rushed towards the stairs.
((Weavile no liek partners >:[ Dragon likes torturing her.. Pokemon.))
Yes, you may communicate with your partners by PM or in the thread.

Weavile walked upwards to be greeted by a wet tongue. Two Gastlies began to lick her.
With a shudder and screech, the Weavile ducked away from the two ghost tongues. "A little help would be nice," she yelled down the stairs, and rolled her eyes. Did she really need help? She herself could easily defeat these two... she had a type advantage, even!

Gathering together all the dark, nasty thoughts in her mind, Weavile released them into the waking world and watched as a dark aura rushed towards the two Gastlys. Wasting no time, she rushed up behind her attack, clawing at each ghost with a claw coated in dark energy.

((Dark Pulse, then Night Slash x2.))
Lopunny didn't even look at Hitmomlee, a small frown on her brown-furred face. Creepy towers meant ghosts, and that meant she had an advantage here, being a normal type. She cracked her knuckles, and flexed her strong legs, then finally looked at her partner.

"Okay. I'll stay ahead of you. Ghosts can't hurt me as well as they could you, and I pack a mean Shadow Ball." She said, doing a little stretch and then heading up the tower stairs. "Come on!"
Mr. Mime looked appraisingly at the Wartortle for a moment, and followed him.

"Thanks, but I'm not useless against ghosts, by the way. I have a few tricks up my sleeve," With that, the mime followed the Water-type.
Weavile successfully managed to knock out one of the Gastly. This enraged the second one, who decided to scan the foe's thoughts, and then began to make his eyes glow red. Within seconds, Weavile found herself becoming somewhat sleepy.
"Argh!" Weavile looked away, digging her claws into her palm in an attempt to keep herself conscious. She couldn't fall asleep.. Not in the middle of a battle! She found her eyelids starting to droop, and with a quick thought, begun to draw all her dark thoughts together. With a sigh, Weavile released them and slumped to the floor, asleep. She hoped Pikachu would have the sense to carry her to the next floor.
Hitmonlee stays closely put behind Lopunny, warily looking around in all directions. "If you see anything, tell me and I'll give you a lift", Hitmonlee whispers to Lopunny, "You can then jump up and strike from above."
The second Gastly then vaporized. Pikachu sat down and waited for his partner to wake up.

Hitmonlee and Lopunny came across a lone Duskull. It chose to summon blue flames, and then began to unleash them at Lopunny.

Wartortle gestured for Mr. Mime to come up the stairs.
Lopunny hissed at the sight of the Duskull and quickly tossed up a Magic Coat, her body shimmering oddly pink all over. She stood in front of Hitmonlee, letting the Wil-O-Wisp hit her square in the chest. The Magic Coat gleamed brightly for a moment, then rocketed the flames back at the Duskull.
((So I assume Weavile can just wake up?))

Hearing the dull thud of her partner's blow was all it took to shake the Weavile back into consciousness. "Sorry 'bout that," she muttered, and nodded. Well, they had to continue, unless they wanted to end up like the other Pokemon on the table back in front of the statue.

"We better get going," she mused, leading the way up the stairs.
Hitmonlee looked at the strange spectacle of blue flames shooting towards Lopunny and then ricocheting back. He attempted to focus on his visual sense (Foresight) and succeeded. He saw a strange one-eyed skull wrapped in a cloak and floating in the air. Hitmonlee jumps up, his legs on blazing with red-hot fire. He merges with the Will-O-Wisp flame, and the fire surrounding him becomes blue. He then directs a straight blue flaming kick (Blaze Kick + Will-O-Wisp) at Duskull.
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With that, the Duskull evaporated. The two humanoids began to run upstairs.

Mr. Mime and Wartortle found two Shuppet awaiting them on the next floor.

Weavile and Pikachu ran upwards to see a pair of Sableye waiting for them. One prepared a shiny diamond and launched the power gem at Weavile. The other launched a Shadow Ball at Pikachu.
Hmm, so far all the Pokémon I've met in this competition have outright attacked me...

"Wartortle, isn't it strange that these Shuppet aren't attacking us? Maybe we shouldn't attack yet," the Mr. Mime said to his new partner.
Froslass looked over to her partner expectantly, still preening from the applause on her victory against Articuno. "Shall we go?"
With a huff, the Weavile was knocked to the ground by the Sableye's attack. Leaping up quickly, she ran towards the two Sableye with her claws forwards, each leaving a trail of icy energy as she punched at both Sableyes in twin Ice Punches. Leaping back and nodding to Pikachu, Weavile gathered all the dark thoughts in her mind together and released them into the waking world, taking great care that Pikachu was not caught in the wave of energy.

Having to deal with a partner was awkward.
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