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Lucario Palace

The Lopunny smirks, getting up from the table and cracking her knuckles. She takes a step forward, Her long ears and puffy til bobbing behind her. She laughs softly, kicking the chair she had been seated in aside. Easy. She darts forward, her muscular legs carrying her easily and quickly over the tiled floor.

She crouches down, her leg muscles balling, and then pushes herself into the air, her strong legs launching her quite high. She spins in midair, her foot aimed squarely at the Zangoose's head, the Jump Kick streaking home.

"Chew on this!" She shrieked, reading another kick with her other leg.

((how's that?))
The Froslass drifted forward, a malevolent laugh echoing from her serene figure. Raising her arms, she called down hailstones from a suddenly cloudy sky. Satisfied with this piece of weather working, she began to float in a circle, speed increasing as she strived to create copies of herself. As they blurred into view, already a small shard of ice was forming in between her hands, sharpening and growing ever larger. When it was adequately large - and of course, razor-sharp, she spun and then lunged with it at the Pachirisu.

((Hope this is good?))
Mr. Mime dropped the Pachirisu to the ground. It was fazed, but anaged to get up.

Meanwhile, Lopunny's attack hit the Zangoose by surprise. Zangoose got up, but told Linoone to do a Double Edge. Linoone charged, and moved at a lightning speed towards the Lopunny.

(NOTE: YOu guys are all fighting seperate teams of Pokemon in the same area. You're not fighting together.)
Froslass's shot caught the Pachirisu by surprise, knocking it backwards. Linoone and Pachirisu crowded together for comfort, trying to warm thenselves. Zangoose set its fist on fire, then ran towards Froslass trying to punch.

Mr. Mime appears in front of the startled Linoone, grabs it firmly by the tail, and Seismic Tosses it towards the leading Zangoose. He quickly begins waving his oversized hands back and forth in a Metronome, smirking.
Hmmm....*charges up tail with electricity then uses an electric iron tail on zangoose*
Ho Yeah! *zangose uses quick attack and runs circles around pikachu*
Getting...to...dizzy...too aim @_@
With a smirk, the Lopunny launched herself right at the charging Linoone, her fist surrounded by a bright white energy, the Drain Punch aimed right for the gut, her other fist surrounded by a white spiral of energy, the Dizzy Punch launched right after the drain punch.

The force of the impact would drive the Linoone into the air, and the Lopunny would take advantage of this; a complete spinning backflip, ready to slam the Linoone into the ground with a powerful spinning Hi Jump Kick.
Pikachu managed to hit the Zangoose with its electrically charged tail, but Pachirisu's thunderbolt hit the Iron Tail, causing Pikachu to recieve and intense electric shock, paralyzing it. With this, the Zangoose scored a free hit, Earthquaking it. Pachirisu, hit by the impact, fainted. Linoone took some damage, but still continued to move.

(Pikachu is paralyzed, Pachirisu is dead.)

Mr. Mime's Seismic Toss left the two Pokemon in a tangled bunch on the ground. Pachirisu, who had gotten up, got a cheap shot in with a Quick Attack.
Breloom Mach punches linoone rocketing him at zagnoose
Then puts pachirisu to sleep with sleep power
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The Froslass chuckled as the fire hit one of the clones, and hit the Zangoose with a Wake Up Slap, before, after some concentration, forcing out a veritable storm of snow at the Zangoose. The Blizzard, made accurate thanks to her Hail, blasted at her target, who was hopefully weakened enough to be struck down by it.
The Lopunny's combo managed to knock out the Linoone early; the Dizzy Punch KO'd it, and the Hi Jump Kick did very little. The Pachirisu aimed a Quick Attack at it, doing some damage, but Lopunny appeared unfazed.
Linoone slipped away just barely, managing to get grazed by the attack. The Pachirisu was asleep from the spores the Breloom unleashed.

Zangoose, hit by a Wake-Up Slap, Hail, and Blizzard in succession, staggered backwards and fainted. Pachirisu quickly unleashed a Thunder Wave, paralyzing the Froslass.

(Zangoose is dead, Froslass is paralyzed.)
Glaring at the impudent little squirrel, Mr. Mime Grabs it by its tail and quickly teleports over to the tangled heap of Pokémon, dropping the Pachirisu and summoning a quick, close-range Zap Cannon.
Breloom used Grass Knot To trip linoone and let out a flurry of 2 kicks at it remaiing silent in the process
Mr. Mime's Zap Cannon collided with the pile. Zangoose and Linoone lay dead, but Pachirisu was as lively as ever. It proceeded to Thunderbolt Mr. Mime.

(Zangoose and Linoone are dead.)

Linoone fell straight into the trap. After tripping, the kicks essentially knocked Linoone over, silencing it. However, Breloom tripped over the Grass Knot as well. It quickly jumped up to its feet, but not before Zangoose rushed in with a Sucker Punch.

(linoone is dead.)
The Froslass hissed in irritation as her muscles spasmed as a result of paralysis. Some more focusing, and snow began to fall on the area, a strong gust blowing towards the Pachirisu. She would have done more, but was unable to move as a result of the paralysis.
Annoyed by the sneak attack breloom gathered the punch and delivered one twice as strong (counter). Breloom threw a few seeds on pachirisu entangling it in a mass of vines (leech seed). The squirrl wailed in pain unable to get there it was breloom and zagnoose.
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"That sure showed you." Lopunny said, smirking. She then turned her gaze of the other two.

The little squirrel had dared attack her! The Rabbit Pokemon grabbed the little rodent's tail and tossed it into the air, swinging a powerful fist upwards in a Sky Uppercut, aiming for the gut. She surrounded herself with a Mirror Coat in case the electric type tried anything funny.

Then she turned on Zangoose. She grinned darkly, the white energy of a Drain Punch surrounding her fist. She lunged, using a Quick Attack to propel herself forward.
Mr. Mime quickly rolls to the side, smoking from the electric attacks. Grinning wildly, the mime reached out psychically, reading his opponents intentions with Mind Reader. After that, the pale humanoid Pokémon charged up a Hyper Beam and fired.

((These are like illusions, right? Not actual Pokémon that I've just killed? *looks sad*))
Pachirisu set up a protective barrier around itself (Protect), shielding it from the snow. It began to make strange dancing motions, and the clouds slowly stopped producing hail. Rain began pouring on the arena, and he Pachirisu began to charge up a Thunder.

Zangoose, struck by the impact of the Breloom's attack, fell onto Pachirisu. Pachirisu woke up from the impact, and rushed towards it with a Thunderbolt.
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