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Lucario Palace

Hitmonlee stands patiently, eyes closed, knowing that others have started their challenge. His turn was also coming, but he did not want to rush into things. Not yet. He crosses his arms and opens his eyes. He vaguely tries to remember some appropriate Sun Tzu quote, but fails. He stands his ground and anticipates his foe(s) to make the first move. If any rushes towards him, he'll give it a middle kick straight back at his other foes. He's also tensed his muscles and if they launch a ranged attack towards him then he'll launch himself into the air.

[OOC]Question! Do we have to use regular pokemon moves or can we also use other commands if they make sense?[/OOC]
Breloom nervous, had used its secret weapon. As it rained spores of all colors, Pachi and zagnoose were feeling queasy. The breloom started to glow.
Gardevoir stared at the Pokemon she was facing. She used Psychic on the Pachisiru. if she got it, she'd throw it against its comrades.
The Weavile frowned as she was struck by the wave of electricity, and it begun to rain, oddly enough. The Linoone struck her in the chest with its blow, and she cried out.

Growling, she begun to glow with a dark aura that reached out and snatched the effects of the Swords Dance from the Zangoose. Ha. Now feeling rather pumped, she gathered so icy energy around her fist and leapt forwards, punching the Pachirisu in the face.

Laughing and jumping away, the Weavile made a chopping motion with both claws, bringing down two blows that could shatter bricks on the Zangoose and Linoone.

((Snatched the Swords Dance, Ice Punch@ Pachirisu, and double Brick Break at Zangoose and Linoone.))
Smeargle set all the targets to sleep. Pachirisu drowsily let out a loose Thundershock before falling down and snoring loudly.

(Just limit yourself. Remember that you can use Sketch as well!)

Pachirisu wiped the mud out of its eyes, to see Froslass asleep. He prepared a Thunder at the sleeping Pokemon.

Zangoose laughed, deciding to have fun with Wartortle. It began to close off the exits from the underground tunnel, trapping Wartorle under the ground. It then used an Earthquake.

Pachrisu ran up to the Hitmonlee, but was sprung back by the kick. Linoone ran around in circles, and Zangoose simply waited, sneering at the opponent. (Taunt)

The spores successfully made the opponents sick to their stomach. Linoone vomited up previously digested food at the Breloom. (Spit Up)

Gardevoir hit the mark with Psychic, but Linoone ran away. Zangoose created a shiny, translucent barrier around itself to protect itself from any further Psychics. (How does it know Light Screen, you ask? It hacks!)

Pachirisu was frozen by the impact of the punch. Zangoose, angered that he had been copied by the Weavile, dodged the move, and did a Brick Breaker of his own. Linoone, sliced by the blow, moved back and died.

(Linoone dead! Yay you.)
Weavile cried out as she was knocked head over heels by the blow from the Zangoose. Oh, that was great.. Suddenly turning on her heel, she lashed out and stopped her backwards flight, catching the Zangoose in the chest with a Counter of epic proportions, if she did say so herself. Heheh.

Looking quickly away from the Zangoose and at the Pachirisu that had been frozen to the spot, the Weavile dispelled the heat around her claw and called up the energy inside her to form a pale blue and white ball of aura. Urging it forwards, the ball extended into a thin beam of energy and shot towards the Pachirisu.

((Counter and Ice Beam lalala~))
Wartotle let out a large scream as the Earthquake racked her body.

"Urgghh..." Uh. Not a good plan. Now to get out...

Firing a Water Gun, the ground slowslty softened above her. She focused cool enegy inside her throat, producing an Icy Wind to freeze the wet ground and finally breaking it with her tail.

(Errr...for justification, she didn't outright use w water move, that might've flodded the undergorund. Is this allowed?)
The Froslass began to murmur in her sleep, twitching occasionally. A few graceful, sweeping movements, and a flickering light began to swirl around her, before dancing around the Pachirisu - a Confuse Ray created by the ever-useful Sleep Talk.
Linoone fell straight into the trap. After tripping, the kicks essentially knocked Linoone over, silencing it. However, Breloom tripped over the Grass Knot as well. It quickly jumped up to its feet, but not before Zangoose rushed in with a Sucker Punch.

(linoone is dead.)

spores successfully made the opponents sick to their stomach. Linoone vomited up previously digested food at the Breloom. (Spit Up)

Linoone is dead
The Hitmonlee stares at Zangoose, unconcerned, then launches himself in the air, aiming a straight kick (Jump Kick) at Pachirisu.

[My question is unanswered]
Weavile's attack hit ot's target, but it did very little.

(It's allowed.) Zangoose Thunderpunched the escaping Wartortle.

Pachirisu ran around confused, then fell to the ground. Froslass began to awaken.

Pachirisu dies from the Hitmonlee's attack.

I'm annoyed at how laggy the forums are, so I'm doing this quickly.

Ow. That hurt. Sparks flew where the punch connected.

Well, she wasn't having more of that. glowing a harsh red, she slammed into the zangoose, grinning maniaclly when it hit.

Hitmonlee steadies himself and eyes the remaining opponents. He tries to flip Linoone into the air and then kick it towards Zangoose.
The Weavile frowned at the small amount of damage her attack had done, and growled. With a sudden skidding step, she ripped the grass out of the ground and revealed the muddy ground beneath, wet from the rain. Scooping up a handful, Weavile slapped the Pachirisu across the face with one claw, before twisting around and bringing a claw down on Zangoose, a blow that could shatter bricks.

((Mud-slap and then Brick Break, as usual. :3))
Gardevoir's skin started to glow and crackle. In her hands formed a beam of electricity. She aimed it at her remaining enemies.

(Charge Beam...)
Froslass was eager to get rid of her last foe - eyes opening, she chuckled again as another Ice Shard formed. Stabbing it at the Pachirisu, she followed it up with an Ice Punch, just to make sure this would end.
...wait, yes, you're done, FMC. You're second.

The Counter hit the mark, kicking the Zangoose backwards. It got up, and told Pachirisu to prepare a Thunder in the rain. It also told the Linoone to begin a kamikaze approach (using Double-Edge until it kills itself). Linoone and Zangoose created some copies of themselves.

Breloom attempted to unleash a Solarbeam, but couldn't release it. The rainclouds were preventing him from getting sunlight. Zangoose Fire Punched the Breloom, knocking it backwards. (Okay, seriously: why did you use Solarbeam in a rainstorm?)

Hitmonlee tried to grab the Linoone, but it wriggled free. Pachirisu sent off an electrical wave through the ground, navigating it to hit its target. (Shock Wave.)

Pachirisu stumbled backwards, then collapsed. Zangoose took the blow, and stumbled back as well. It set up a protective barrier above itself as it tried to get some sleep. (Protect + Rest, Pachi's dead. Only Zangoose is left... better hurry and kill it before it gets all the rest it needs!)

Linoone was hit by the blast, and died. Pachirisu, who had tried to use an Iron Tail, was shocked from the blow, and felt her body freeze up, paralyzed. Zangoose launched a Fire Punch at the foe.

Froslass stabbed Pachirisu with the attack, and Pachirisu stumbled onto the ground. Falling on top of the icicle ensured she had died. (Froslass, you are third! Yay!)

Smeargle began to throw out random doodles at its opponents, hitting them all. Linoone, who had waken up, jumped upwards and collided with great force, knocking Smeargle out of the air. It then collapsed on the floor from exhaustion, tried to catch its breath. (Giga Impact, yeah.)
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