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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Lucario Palace

(You can use Sheer Cold, by the way; assuming you just remove all the heat from the arena, it's acceptable.)

wahahaha let's do this

Vaporeon resists the urge to just go and shove that Zangoose into god-knows-where, but instead settles herself with a Sheer Cold.
Turning to the Pachi, Vaporeon screws it with a few more Ice Beams (one or two) to thicken the ice. That thing won't be getting out so easily.
Gardevoit felt the move hit. She couldn't let them get the best of her. She moves her hand forward and shot leaves out of it, aiming at the Zangoose. (Magical Leaf)

She then turned to the Pachisiru. A ball of negative emotions and darkness formed in her hands. She then lanched it at the squirrel. (Shadow Ball)
Hitmonlee does not try to evade the attack and make himself more vulnerable, thus he stands his ground and braces for impact. As his body is poised against the electrical jolt he steadies his mind and focuses on his inner strength (Meditate).
Pachirisu stumbled backwards, then collapsed. Zangoose took the blow, and stumbled back as well. It set up a protective barrier above itself as it tried to get some sleep. (Protect + Rest, Pachi's dead. Only Zangoose is left... better hurry and kill it before it gets all the rest it needs!

(('S this for me? I'd guess so, but.. maybe something like 'Weavile:' might help blind and ignorant idiots like Dragon~))

Waiting for the barrier to disappear, the Weavile began to twist and dance in an odd dance that had her slashing the air like her claws were swords. As she finished, hoping the barrier was gone, she brought both claws down on the Zangoose in a double Brick Break, at the cost of energy.

Oh yes. The Weavile was starting to get pretty tired, though ignored how she had to keep taking gasping breaths and continued her Brick Break assault, repeatedly smashing fists into the Zangoose.

((So that'd be two collected Sword Dances, and a crapload of Brick Breaks.))
Smeargle frowned. That hurt. But he wasn't down that easy.

Let the ink spew, Smeargle swung its tail across thin air, creating a barrier (Barrier).
As the temperature suddenly beame colder, the raindrops began to freeze up. It began to hail. Pachirisu was frozen from the Sheer Cold, and Zangoose was also encased in ice.

The leaves hit the Zangoose hard. It wounded the cat ferret, who was bleeding now. It began to move backwards, stumbling until it died. Pachirisu managed to stay up, and eagerly sent out a Thunderbolt at the Gardevoir.

Linoone rushed in with a Take Down, trying to hit the Hitmonlee. It braced itself, while the Zangoose tried an Ice Punch.

The Brick Breaks began to cause significgant damage, and eventually, the Zangoose fell downwards. It died while sleeping. (Dragon, you is fourth!)

Pachirisu tried to get past the Barrier with an Iron Tail. It began to crack.

I'm going to start adding up points for you guys. Dragon, unless you say otherwise, on CHallenge 2 I'll use your Riolu token. K?
((Well, I might be able to get online *school computers ftw~* and see what the challenge is, so don't yet. If I don't think I can make it then I'll use it :o))

After Hitmonlee took the brunt of Linoone's Take Down, it's eyes dimmed. Then they suddenly began to flash a slight pink, and soon his whole body was surrounded by an unearthly pink glow. Hitmonlee's eyes flashed again, and the glowing ceased. Now his body has been attuned to his mind and ready to dish out some damage onto his foes. Hitmonlee takes off to the air again, attempting to dodge Ice Punch, and lashing out a kick (Jump Kick) onto Zangoose, knowing that his strengthened body (Meditate) and recklessness (Ability: Reckless) will knock this normal-type (fighting > normal) out instantly.
Breloom attempted to unleash a Solarbeam, but couldn't release it. The rainclouds were preventing him from getting sunlight. Zangoose Fire Punched the Breloom, knocking it backwards. (Okay, seriously: why did you use Solarbeam in a rainstorm?)

Rainstorm wth?

Breloom having enough of not knowing anything. Did a punch faster than the speed of sound (mach punch), hitting zagnoose square betweenthe eyes hitting harder then he thought (Critical hit?). Thsn grass had pulled the squirrl to the ground. Then in a bilnk pachi was mach punched!
Gardevoir decided to launch another Shadow Ball at Pachirisu. She hoped this one would get it down and out.
As expected, the move hit the Zangoose so hard that it KOed it. Pachirisu let loose a Thunderbolt at Hitmonlee.

(3FD, I'm soory I didn't make this clear earlier. When a Pokemon uses a weather move, the weather applies to everyone on the arena. Somebody used Rain Dance earlier.)

Zangoose was hit hard, but managed to hold on. (Endure.) It tried to use an Ice Punch, but it knocked into Pachirisu. Pachirisu died from the impact. (Only Zangoose is left!)

The ball of negative emotions hit the Pachirisu hard, knocking it out. (Fifth!)

(Ok, the next person to go out will be the last to get a finishing bonus. Hurry up!)
Hitmonlee let's the Thunderbolt strike him. The electricity sparks through his body, but he attempts to withstand it. His body smokes slightly and Hitmonlee stumbles. He looks up, his eyes glowing red with rage. He charges towards his foe, bent on revenge (Revenge).

[I'm sorry, I'm pretty sure I killed Pachirisu, so how could it Thunderbolt me? Pachirisu dies, si? In that case, I'll revenge whoever attacks me with whatever attack.]
...oh yeah, he was dead. nvm then. Zangoose did it.

The Revenge knocked the Zangoose out, and it writhed in pain. It fell to the ground, unconscious.

You go out sixth.

You have three days left to be the challenge, everyone else.
Alright, time to judge.

Best possible score without time additions is 500.

Pikachu (Pokemonaholic)
...well, you posted. That's more than can be said about a lot of the competitors.

Mr. Mime (Blastoise)
Your teleporting tactics were done well; although you didn't use your varied moveset to the best of your ability, you used your moves in an intelligent way.
430 + 300 = 730

Lopunny (FMC)
You seem to have a mastery of your abilities, and never seemed to show any problems during the fight. You always seemed to be one step ahead of the opponent, and always planned ahead. You combined your moves to create some powerful combos, and you seem to show a mastery in the art of fighting.
490 + 250 = 740

Froslass (Stormecho)
You eliminated the biggest threat quickly, but Pachirisu gave you some trouble. Still, you did a good job fighting, even when you were paralyzed.
435 + 200 = 635

Breloom (3FD)
You did a good job at attacking, and tried to use status moves; you didn't seem to plan ahead, though, so you lost some points. Regardless, you went all-out on the foes.

Blaziken (Charizard Morph)
Well, you did knock someone out... but you didn't really do much else.

Vaporeon (Minkow)
You took advantage of your icy abilities, and did rather well; you didn't do much damage, though.

Smeargle (Scyther)
Flying around and doodling stuff wasn't an amazing strategy. You didn't do too well at the end, but you tried hard.

Hitmonlee (Dr. Frank)
You took your time, but you thought out your moves. You did a very good job, and did it fast.
425 + 50 = 475

Gardevoir (Flareth)
You fought aggressively and fast, and you did a good job.
450 + 100 = 550

Weavile (Dragon)
You fought relentlessly, and you made quick work of your opponents with your offensive skills. You're a prime example of how this contest works.
420 + 150 = 570

Wartortle (Random Typhoon)
You did try to fight, and digging was a good strategy. Zangoose tossed you around, but that's not really your fault.

I believe that's everyone.

So, with these scores intact... the four people to be eliminated are:

1. Medicham (Flora & Ashes)
9. Dusknoir (ProgMetal64)
11. Gallade (Momoharu)
13. Mudkip (Seratinajii)

Challenge 2 shall be put up soon.
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Okay, the next challenge comes up tonight.

Prizes have been placed in the first post. Subscribe to the thread if you haven't already.
All members, I need you to pick a number between 1 and 12 for the following challenge. Nobody can pick the same number.

It's needed for the next challenge.
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