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Lucario Palace

*Breloom made a last resort and shot powder into the sky Vespiquen and her minions felt drowsy and fell into a deep slumber. Breloom took a brief nap (rest) and was feeling pretty well now. Olny one thing, who will wake up first?*
*Breloom gathered its enegry into one fist slowly and fast explosive power entered the other one (two fisted focus punch/ Dynamic punch)*
Vespiquen, now awake and confused, summoned some bees to heal her wounds before slapping herself. She then began to float extremely high in a drunken manner. It then summoned some bees to attack Breloom.
Vespiquen fell to the ground as a glittering diamond statue, and the bees turned into sand. Breloom, watching the sand, became sleepy...

...and woke up next to Lucario. Lucario opened his eyes and spoke.

"I will begin the judging. Please feel free to talk amongst yourselves or ask me any questions." It then began to write on a piece of paper with a psychically controlled pen.
Lucario opened his eyes.

"I have finished judging. Here are the results... you will not find them pretty.

Lopunny (FMC)

You attacked your opponents quickly and worked fast. You attacked your opponents with style and planned ahead to some extent.

430 + 250 + 50 (coin) = 730

Weavile (Dragon)

You chained your moves in a smart way, and did well overall. Personally, I believe that throwing the chunk of ice at Poliwhirl wasn’t a very smart move, since it tired you out so much... but either way, you worked fast. Good job.

440 + 300 + 50 (coin) = 790

Mr. Mime (Blastoise)

You used your teleportation tactics again this time, which I personally liked. You took advantage of your foes’ weaknesses and beat them with style.

455 + 200 = 655

Froslass (Stormecho)

Running into Articuno... that was quite lucky of you. Regardless, you managed to kill it with your varied powers (although it was a close call). You worked fast with Wigglytuff, and did very well overall.

480 + 150 + 100 (Articuno) = 730

Wartortle (RandomTyphoon)

You did a nice job fighting the Dragonair. Octillery gave you some trouble, though.

410 + 50 = 460

Pikachu (Pokemonaholic)

Nice work fighting the Victreebel. You seemed to think ahead as well. You got a bit lucky with Buizel, but it’s acceptable.


Hitmonlee (Frank)

Lombre took a while for you to kill, but after that you pretty much became unstoppable. I liked how you threw Staryu with your powerful legs.

430 + 100 + 50 = 580

Breloom (Loco Mocho)

Nice work fighting the Haunter. You started a bit late, but that’s fine. While fighting Vespiquen, though, I noticed you kept using non-effective moves. Why not finish it right off the bat? A Fire Punch easily could kill it.


"Now, with those results added in to your previous scores...

2. Pikachu (Pokemonaholic) 50 + 400 = 450
3. Lopunny (F. Metal Cookies) 740 + 730 = 1450
4. Weavile (Dragon) 570 + 790 = 1360
5. Vaporeon (Minkow) 250
6. Wartortle (RandomTyphoon) 320 + 460 = 780
7. Mr. Mime (Blastoise) 730 + 655 = 1385
8. Gardevoir (Flareth) 550
10. Hitmonlee (Dr. Frank) 475 + 580 = 1055
12. Froslass (Stormecho) 635 + 730 = 1365
14. Smeargle (Scyther) 375
15. Blaziken (Charizard Morph) 150
16. Breloom (The3FightingDragons) 345 + 400 = 745

"Now, the three to be eliminated are..."

5. Vaporeon (Minkow) 11th Place
14. Smeargle (Scyther) 10th Place
15. Blaziken (Charizard Morph) 12th Place

The three appeared in the center of the hall, piled on top of each other, dead.

"That is not all, though." Lucario gestured to a ball of light behind him. "One of you will be executed today."

A pencil was zapped into everyone's hands, along with a piece of paper. "Please write the name of who you would like to be lynched on this piece of paper. I will then collect the results."

(PM me with the subject line "Execution", with the name of who you would like eliminated on the paper. You have two days.)

"Good. Prepare yourself."
Six of the Pokemon wrote on the sheet of paper they were given. Weavile, Hitmonlee, and Gardevoir decided to keep their papers balnk, not wanting to eliminate anyone. The papers suddenly spontaneously combusted, before they disappeared. An ominous voice began to come from the orb of light.


Everybody suddenly became quiet as the voice read off names.

"Breloom." Breloom began to feel a syrange sensation throughout his body, similar to that of a strange singing of his arm. "It's nothing," he muttered.

"Pikachu." Pikachu felt a similar feeling on his nubby arm, unsure what was going on.

"Froslass." Froslass felt the burning sensation as well.

"Froslass again." The burning suddenly seemed to spread all over her body. Froslass cooled herself off with an Ice Beam, which turned into fire before it could hit her.

"Breloom." Breloom suddenly felt the burns spread throughout his body as well. "...what's... What's going on? I feel like I'm on fire..." he said shakily.

"Now, for the final name..." Breloom and Froslass looked at each other nervously before gulping. Breloom wanted desperately for Froslass to be called, and vice versa.

Finally, the orb's voice boomed ominously through the hall.



Breloom suddenly found the burning feeling grow intensely before he actually lit on fire. The flame suddenly went out, and Lucario spoke. "It seems you've been chosen to be lynched. You will have to go home. Please step into the ball of light."

Breloom, suddenly feeling a state of anger, defiantly yelled out. "I refuse, you bastard!" Breloom rushed towards Lucario, glowing a bit as it slammed into him with brute force. But Lucario shrugged off the attack and released a wispy, stringlike wisp of Psychic energy at his opponent's neck.

The wisp lit itself on fire, and became a flaming string to which Breloom was tied. Breloom was spun around a few times before being released a foot away from the orb. It sucked the Breloom up in a flash of light, and then all was silent.

End of Round 2.

Added execution results as well.

I'm working on the banners, but I'm in a bit of a predicament.

Flareth says that she's decided that she won't be participating, so I'm considering trying to ask Minkow/Scyther if they wouldn't mind being brought back from the dead to take her missing place. Wish me luck.
Alright, Blaziken has agreed to rejoin. I've used her Riolu token and gave her 201 points: just enough so that she would not be eliminated through points. Thus, the standings have changed.

Vaporeon (Minkow) 12th Place
Smeargle (Scyther) 11th Place
Gardevoir (Flareth) 10th Place
Breloom (Loco Mocho) 9th Place

I'd also like to show you the chart I used for Round 2. Feel free to vent about how lucky/unlucky you were.

In a few days.

I need ideas for one, though. Would a co-op challenge be good, or should I just go with the "fight a bunch of Pokemon" theme?
I cannot believe that after having a PC and the net fail on you at the same time for about a week you would still be in the game. Anyway, er, yes, a co-op challenge sounds nice.
Co-op sounds good~ Would we get to choose partners or would you choose, or do you not want to say? :O
I'd probably pick the partners, pairing the better members with the ones who are behind. Also, the round lynch only, so it should be interesting.

Currently, I'm waiting for ideas and waiting for Charizard Morph to tell me she's ready.

Everyone sat at the table. It seemed a bit... empty without Breloom there. Some people took note that Blaziken had returned, but others were more paranoid.

"Welcome. I hope you aren't worried about Breloom." Lucario gestured to a new body on the table: that of Gardevoir.

"Gardevoir has chosen to leave. In her place, Blaziken has returned." Blaziken was dragged onto the stage with psychic powers.

"Congratualtions to Froslass, who, during the last challenge, managed to kill an Articuno." Clapping could be heard from the audience.

"Now, for the challenge."

"You will be working together with a partner to scale up a haunted tower. There are four floors to the tower, all with the same challenges. I won't tell you what you'll find, but you'll discover it yourself."

"Now, for your partners..." A Kadabra read off some words on a sheet of paper.

Blaziken and Froslass
Pikachu and Weavile
Wartortle and Mr. Mime
Lopunny and Hitmonlee

The Pokemon found themselves suddenly transported to an ominous tower. They stared upwards, then walked in with their partners.
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