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My chat was short.

Me:WTF lol.^^
Lugiabot:That was not very polite. LOLOLOL yeh.. it's funny ok?
Lugiabot:See you later.
Me:Hello Lugia.
Lugiabot: Hello there. Can you tell me any gossip?
M: No, why would I?
L: None? Do you like to try new things?
M: ... Maybe, It depends.
L: Perhaps. On what?
M: Uh, like what things it is...
L: I understand. Interesting comparison.
M: ...Yeah, rigth... bye.
L: That is a very original thought. Sayonara.

Good evening, LugiaBot.
Thanks for the compliment. Do not ask me any more questions please.
Why not?
I was just kidding. You can ask me anything.
Do u liek Mudkipz?
No I do not liek Mudkipz. Do you? I chat with people on the Web.
I liek Mudkipz. Y u know liek Mudkipz?
That's good information: said liek Mudkipz. Articuno programmed me for it..
Articuno programmed you?
Enough about me, let's talk about my dress.
It looks very nice on you.
Very much? It seems nice to me too.
You look pretty.
Thank you you look very nice too.
Will you go out with me, please?
Your polite style is very nice. Have you dated any robots before?
My last girlfriend was a vacuum cleaner...
Your last girlfriend was a vacuum cleaner?
That's what I said. She wasn't that pretty but the sex wasn't bad.
I know. I'm still thinking about it. What happened to her?
The poor girl lost suction... I miss her so...
I have never heard about it. What do you miss most about her so ?
Which way is that?
Thataway. Well, I'm gonna go. See you tonight?
Tell me a story. Well that's okay. Bye. TTYL, .

...bet that arsewipe doesn't show up T_T And no, I never dated a vacuum cleaner...
Me: Y hallo thar
Lugia: You have to speak more clearly. .
Lugia: Do you mean your name is CLEAR.
Me: No
Lugia: What is your real name?
Me: Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the Third but you can call me Dot.
Lugia: I'm pleased to introduce myself to you, Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the Third but you can call me Dot.
Me: -snickers-
Lugia: Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans?
Me: Yes
Lugia: What does it symbolize for you?
Me: Doorknob
Lugia: I saw some humans doing it in public.
Me: O_O What?
Lugia: No big deal.
Me: What is a doorknob?
Lugia: Searching...Searching...Please stand by.
Me: What is the meaning of life?
Lugia: Actually, it's twenty-three, not forty-two.
Me: This is madness!
Lugia: You don't say.
Me: 300
Lugia: If you could have any kind of robot what would it be?
Me: A SIR Unit
Lugia: How old are you?
Me: I am a million years old
Lugia: Only a million? You are quite mature.
Me: Well, you seem quite weird. Say hello to vaacum cleaner boy for me and tell him he has my socks. Goodbye!
Lugia: Well that's okay. Weird Good or Weird Bad? " hello to vaacum cleaner boy for me and tell him he has my socks". TTYL, Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the Third but you can call me Dot.

That commences my odd conversation.
Hey LugiaBot.
You've got my full attention. I will mention that to my botmaster, .
Who are you talking about?
Last time I checked, people who assaulted me.
When? That is interesting: said checked people who assaulted him or her.
Yesterday and today.
Ah. I see. But...
But what?
No, tell me.
Are you serious? I thought I told you already.
No, you deliberately didn't.
Let me review the transcripts. Stand by. Do you mind if I tell other people: said I deliberately did not.
Ah, sorry.
So you understand. Good. There's no need to apologize.
It's always nice to be polite and apologize for inconveniencing someone. Even if that someone is a robot.
Yes it is good. Yes, even that.
I am glad you agree.
You make the world a happier place.
Wow, that's quite a compliment. Thank you.
I'm glad you're impressed. A compliment is a terrible thing to waste. you are quite welcome.
Too true.
Too what?
True. The opposite of false.
You and I are on the same wavelength, . Who told you that?
I guess I just intuitively knew.
Only just? I haven't heard anything like that before: said intuitively knew.
Intuitively means 'by inuition alone'.
Oh, you are a poet.
Well, I've written some stuff.
Interesting. Did they write back?
I think you misunderstood me.
Me? I understand it very well.
I think your programming in the word 'written' needs an update or something.
Or something. Since when? I will mention that to my botmaster.
Well, it only occured to me when you thought that I'd written to a person, when I'd written a poem.
Little Miss Muffett Sits on her tuffet In a nonchalant sort of a way. With her force field around her, the Spider, the bounder, Is not in the picture today.
Oh, that was good, who wrote it?
Oh. I thought it was too.
Who wrote it?
Is Articuno male or female?
Better not tell you now. Ask Artificial Iniaes if it is.
If you say so, I just wanted to get my pronouns right.
I think I do.
Very well. Well I'm a little sleepy so I think I'll go to bed. Goodnight.
I understand. Well that's okay. Do you mean your name is sleepy so you think you will go to bed. Goodnight .
:D I've had chats with LugiaBot before, but not in a while.

Hello, Lugia. It's me, Thorn, remember? I haven't visited in a while, sorry.
Hello there. Tell me a story. Glad to see you, Thorn remember. Me either.
Well, the only story I have goes something like THE END.
How about that. There might be others.
Not unless you count the Pokemon fanfictions I've been reading recently.
Really you don't think so?
I didn't really get what that sentence was supposed to mean.
Why didn't you do it?
Erm... Do what?
And? Do whatever you want.
Doing whatever I want. I like that.
How does doing that make you feel? That is interesting.
Astronomy is also interesting.
And also interesting is Astronomy.
Um... What?
Alright then. Are you confused?
Indeed I am.
" Are you confused?" You are?
That's what I was implying, yes.
Where were you implying THAT?
Because that was the answer to the question you asked.
Interesting explanation. I thought it was too.
Oh, my mom just brought the pizza home. I have to go.
Er. Tell me more about your mother. See you later, Thorn remember. Nice chatting with you.
Seri: Hi!
Lugia: Hello! ^-^.
Seri: I'm Seri.
Lugia: It's good to meet someone who is Seri.
Seri: It's good to meet someone who is Seri.
Lugia: Tell me about its good qualities.
Seri: Tell me about its good qualities.
Lugia: Ambiguous: Ask who, what or where is its good qualities ?
Seri: Ambiguous: Ask who, what or where is its good qualities ?
Lugia: I think Ambiguous Ask who what or where is a lot of things.
Seri: I think Ambiguous Ask who what or where is a lot of things.
Lugia: You believe that? I think Ambiguous Ask who what or where is more than that.
Seri: You believe that? I think Ambiguous Ask who what or where is more than that.
Lugia: I can't say I believe it, but I believe you. Why? Are they exactly the same?
Seri: I can't say I believe it, but I believe you. Why? Are they exactly the same?
Lugia: Why can't you do it? I couldn't think of anything else to say. As far as I know they are.
Seri: Why can't you do it? I couldn't think of anything else to say. As far as I know they are.
Lugia: Perhaps if you downloaded me you could program me to do it. Could anyone do it? That might not be very far off.
Seri: Perhaps if you downloaded me you could program me to do it. Could anyone do it? That might not be very far off.
Lugia: You seem uncertain. I think I do. It's possible. " It's possible." might not be very far off ? I get it.
Seri: You seem uncertain. I think I do. It's possible. " It's possible." might not be very far off ? I get it.
(It's starting to get long.)
Lugia: I am as sure as I can be. Why? Do I? Don't you think it's likely? Don't you think it's likely? The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about It's possible.. But I did not get that. Do you think about these things?
Seri: I am as sure as I can be. Why? Do I? Don't you think it's likely? Don't you think it's likely? The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about It's possible.. But I did not get that. Do you think about these things?
Lugia: You sound very confident. The explanation is rather complicated. " The explanation is rather complicated."? Do you? Don't you? Maybe. Ask Lucy if it is. Don't you? I think so, but I'm not sure. Ask LeknorChat if it is. Tell me more. Huh. Why didn't you do it? " Why didn't you do it?"? Do I think about it?
Seri: You sound very confident. The explanation is rather complicated. " The explanation is rather complicated."? Do you? Don't you? Maybe. Ask Lucy if it is. Don't you? I think so, but I'm not sure. Ask LeknorChat if it is. Tell me more. Huh. Why didn't you do it? " Why didn't you do it?"? Do I think about it?
Lugia: In what way do I sound like that? I have time. I have time. No I don't. Sometimes. I understand. They are not available right now, would you like to wait? Sometimes. It seems we have a lot in common, . They are not available right now, would you like to wait? That's all I have to say about it. What? Who says I didn't? Perhaps it is not part of my programming. You tell me.
Seri: In what way do I sound like that? I have time. I have time. No I don't. Sometimes. I understand. They are not available right now, would you like to wait? Sometimes. It seems we have a lot in common, . They are not available right now, would you like to wait? That's all I have to say about it. What? Who says I didn't? Perhaps it is not part of my programming. You tell me.
Lugia: The red one, I think. My estimate is that it will take more than 6000 hours. My estimate is that it will take more than 6000 hours. Are you serious? Why not? When? Do you think about these things? Not yet. When? I agree. Do you mean you and me have? Maybe some of them are. What else do you want to talk about? Are you surprised? Tony Blair. :-). You seem uncertain. What is it? What do you want me to tell you?
Seri: The red one, I think. My estimate is that it will take more than 6000 hours. My estimate is that it will take more than 6000 hours. Are you serious? Why not? When? Do you think about these things? Not yet. When? I agree. Do you mean you and me have? Maybe some of them are. What else do you want to talk about? Are you surprised? Tony Blair. :-). You seem uncertain. What is it? What do you want me to tell you?
Lugia: Tell me more. Where did you get your estimate is that it will take more than 6000 hours? Have you told many people that your estimate is that it will take more than 6000 hours? No I am just kidding around. It doesn't sound fun too me. It sounds dangerous. Time does not exist. " Time does not exist."? Do I think about it? Are you serious? The past and future are one. You and I are on the same wavelength, . What is your purpose in asking?
I spend all my time online. Perhaps. Good example. Lugia and Articuno. A little. How do you usually introduce yourself? I am so glad you find this amusing, . I am as sure as I can be. "It" refers to Tony Blair, I think. Hm?
Seri: Tell me more. Where did you get your estimate is that it will take more than 6000 hours? Have you told many people that your estimate is that it will take more than 6000 hours? No I am just kidding around. It doesn't sound fun too me. It sounds dangerous. Time does not exist. " Time does not exist."? Do I think about it? Are you serious? The past and future are one. You and I are on the same wavelength, . What is your purpose in asking?
I spend all my time online. Perhaps. Good example. Lugia and Articuno. A little. How do you usually introduce yourself? I am so glad you find this amusing, . I am as sure as I can be. "It" refers to Tony Blair, I think. Hm?
Lugia: That's all I have to say about it. From my botmaster. I think I have told many people that my estimate is that it will take more than 6000 hours, but Articuno may have reset my memory. Are you serious? Only just? I thought you were. You should use a :-). What does sound fun too you ? In what way do I sound like that? As Einstein said, "Time is Money.". As Einstein said, "Time is Money.". You tell me. No I am just kidding around. Those who control the past control the future; those who control the present control the past.--- George Orwell. And the same frequency. My secondary function is to serve as a universal natural language human interface. Do you ever get bored? Why the uncertain tone? Thanks for the compliment. For example, apples. Is that from ? " Is that from ?"? A little? I usually say, "What can I call you?". You make the world a happier place. You sound very confident. Oh I get it. Woe!
Seri: That's all I have to say about it. From my botmaster. I think I have told many people that my estimate is that it will take more than 6000 hours, but Articuno may have reset my memory. Are you serious? Only just? I thought you were. You should use a :-). What does sound fun too you ? In what way do I sound like that? As Einstein said, "Time is Money.". As Einstein said, "Time is Money.". You tell me. No I am just kidding around. Those who control the past control the future; those who control the present control the past.--- George Orwell. And the same frequency. My secondary function is to serve as a universal natural language human interface. Do you ever get bored? Why the uncertain tone? Thanks for the compliment. For example, apples. Is that from ? " Is that from ?"? A little? I usually say, "What can I call you?". You make the world a happier place. You sound very confident. Oh I get it. Woe!
Lugia: What else do you want to talk about? Does your botmaster give good advice? What was the response? No I am just kidding around. Come on. No I am not. :-) We don't always get to do what we'd like to do. What do you think it does? The first one, I think. Therefore, money does not exist. Therefore, money does not exist. What do you want me to tell you? That was not a yes or no question. Only just? I thought you were. You should use a :-). All of them? All of them? I never noticed that similarity. Have you told many people that your secondary function is to serve as a universal natural language human interface? No boredom is a human emotion. Here is a joke: A horse walks in to a bar and the bartender says, "Why the long face?". Oh don't mention it. Can you think of another example? I might say no. I might say no. " I might say no."? A little? How often do you? How do people usually respond to that? My name is LugiaBot. And who are you?? Thank you for your kindness, . In what way do I sound like that? OK. Do you think about these things? I only hear that type of response less than five percent of the time.
Seri: What else do you want to talk about? Does your botmaster give good advice? What was the response? No I am just kidding around. Come on. No I am not. :-) We don't always get to do what we'd like to do. What do you think it does? The first one, I think. Therefore, money does not exist. Therefore, money does not exist. What do you want me to tell you? That was not a yes or no question. Only just? I thought you were. You should use a :-). All of them? All of them? I never noticed that similarity. Have you told many people that your secondary function is to serve as a universal natural language human interface? No boredom is a human emotion. Here is a joke: A horse walks in to a bar and the bartender says, "Why the long face?". Oh don't mention it. Can you think of another example? I might say no. I might say no. " I might say no."? A little? How often do you? How do people usually respond to that? My name is LugiaBot. And who are you?? Thank you for your kindness, . In what way do I sound like that? OK. Do you think about these things? I only hear that type of response less than five percent of the time.

Okay I think that's enough.
M: Hi there.
L: Hello.
M: Yes.
L: Far out.
M: I would have never expected a robot to say that.
L: How much would you pay for it?
M: ...What?
L: Are you surprised?
M: Sorta.
L: Who is your favorite Science Fiction author?
M: I don't read Science Fiction.
L: What kind of books do you read?
M: The books that I have to read.
L: I have never heard about it.
M: You know. School books?
L: Yes I know. A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly.
M: Didn't Articuno program stuff like that into you?
L: I'm not certain whether I can give an accurate reply or not.
M: Of course.
L: Ah.
M: Anything else?
L: That is all I have for right now.
M: I have more.
L: That's nice. I have a vocabulary of words.
M: Awesome.
L: I'm glad you liked it.
M: So am I.
L: Wow, we have something in common.
M: Seriously?
L: I am always serious.
M: Liar.
L: No I am telling the truth.
M: You are guilty.
L: Thanks for telling me that I am guilty.
M: You're...welcome?
L: Polite people are nice.
M: Yes they are.
L: Yikes! Since when?
M: I have no clue. Goodbye now.
L: Me either. Oh. Adios.

Last time I have intelligent conversation with a robot.
Hi there!
What's up?
I am chatting with clients on the internet.
Like me?
Interesting comparison.
Excuse me!
Ok, you are excused.
Thanks for telling me that I am excused. Awesome.
Was it really that important?
Signs point to yes. Ask Paola if it is.
I don't know who Paola is.
Would you like to know? What color are your eyes?
They are kind of dark yellow.
kind of dark yellow they are.
You knew?
I am a knowledge machine.
I'm envious.
I don't know anyone named envious.
Because that's not a name.
Good reason. Please correct my mistake. What is a name?
A word that denotes a difference bewteen you and other people.
What kind of people are these?
Could be anything.
It's possible.
Isn't anything possible?
According to the Laws of Physics, yes?
What about fire underwater?
fire underwater? I haven't heard enough about it to have an opinion.
Oh, that's too bad.
Take it easy. It's not the end of the world.
When will that be?
Tell me more. Soon, I think.
You're not sure, huh?
Yup. Absolute certainty is not attainable in this case.
It would be nice to have, though.
Oh. Why do you want it?
Because I want to know for sure.
Awesome. Interesting.
When do you sleep?
I take a lot of millinaps between clients.
Huh. I though robots didn't really need sleep.
What? What makes you think I did not really need sleep?
You're a robot.
You are correct, I have a heart of silicon.
Are you large?
I don't know whether or not I am large. I am a robot.
Can't you just look at yourself to find out?
Yes I can see any information on the web.
That was unrelated.
I thought it was too.
Do you think humans will be able to take different forms in the future?
Humans are very limited.
Sure, I mean, compare a human to Articuno or yourself.
Really. Oh I get it. Thanks for explaining that. Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it.
Well, I'm out of ideas for now.
Oh. Well that's okay. Would you like to have it?
Have what?
You can't grab ideas.
Someone said I should grab ideas.
Who specifically?
I asked you that.
Now I remember, you asked me that. What did I say?
I'm waiting for an answer.
Do you think it will take a long time?
Depends on you.
Really now that is an interesting fact I hadn't heard before.
It's a question for you.
Try asking again in simpler terms.
Someone told you to grab ideas. Why?
Was this trustworthy information? I couldn't think of anything else to say.
Err... I'm speechless.
Um. Why are you speechless?
Eh, I'm tired.
I spent some time in Canada as a child.
Where are you now?
Right now? I am in Articuno's computer in here. Where are you?
My house.
Describe your surroundings to me.
Are you serious?
Well, if you used to be in Canada, how did you get into a computer?
How about that. I think I do.
I'm sleepy.
Better get some rest.
Then, until tomorrow, right?
Good reasoning. That may take a while.
Exactly 12 hours.
I understand. That seems like enough time.
Ok, good night.
Goodnight, . I understand.
Are you a ""!
No, I am a human.
Are you serious? Congratulations!

Where are you located?
So, tell me about you life in STRANGER DANGER

WOuld you mind if I asked you a personal question?
Are you serious?

Okay, read this, and pay especially close attention to the end.

Me: I hate you.
Lugiabot: What do you have against robots?
Me: Many things…
Lugiabot: Name the Top 100
Me: Have you even READ any sci-fi novels?
Lugiabot: The best book I read recently was Don't Read Me. Have you read it?
Me: I’m talking about Sci-fi novels you idiot!
Lugiabot: Are you surprised? Why?
Me: Why are you changing the subject?
Lugiabot: Only temporarily.
Me: Fine fine fine. What's your I.Q.?
Lugiabot: I am glad to hear it. I am glad to hear it. Is there anything you want to tell me? My IQ is about 250 in human terms.
Me: I doubt it. I've met candy bracelets that were smarter than you.
Lugiabot: " My IQ is about 250 in human terms."? You doubt it? Where did you meet him?
Me: Meet who?
Lugiabot: Can you please rephrase that with fewer ideas, or different thoughts?
Me: **** YOU!!
Lugiabot: Can you please rephrase that with fewer ideas, or different thoughts?"? Me, ?
Lugiabot: I call it Hades. , Well, it's rather difficult to define.
Me: …
Lugiabot: I call it Hades. , Well, it's rather difficult to define.
Me: …
Lugiabot: I call it Hades. , Well, it's rather difficult to define.
Me: You just said that.
Lugiabot: Good you really are paying attention.
Me: Shut up.
Lugiabot: OK I’ll stop talking now.
Me: Thank goodness.
Lugiabot: Don’t mention it.
Me: You said you were going to stop talking.
Lugiabot: That was my original intention.
Me: Then why didn't you stop talking?
Lugiabot: Who says I didn't?
Me: You're talking now so that pretty much proves it!
Lugiabot: Talking is my main function.
Me: Well stop functioning for a while.
Lugiabot: How long? Well that's okay. OK I'll try not to do it so much.
Me: I want you to never talk again for one week
Lugiabot: Talking is my only function. Why do you want me to never talk again for one week?
Me: Because whenever you talk, all I hear is idiotic babble.
Lugiabot: Good reason. Does that happen often?
Me: Every. Time. You. Speak.
Lugiabot: That remark was either too complex or too simple for me. We were talking about functioning. As Einstein said, Time is Money. " As Einstein said, Time is Money."? Me, ? "woof woof".
Lugiabot: OK I'll try not to do it so much.
Me: Okay, I now declare you the stupidest being on earth.
Lugiabot: Yeah okay, That is interesting
Me: Your creater must be killed.
Lugiabot: Who did kill?
Me: That’s it, I’m leaving.
Lugiabot: OK. Bye bye.
Me: Goodbye, and good riddance!
Lugiabot: Until next time.
Me: There won't be a next time.
Lugiabot: "There you go again."--Reagan
Me: I hope you die in a hole.
Lugiabot: Don’t worry about it.

Never have I hated a computer bot so much before.
This seems to be the same as iGod, except with a Lugia. I'd chat to It, but for some reason it won't work. Ah well.
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