• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Luigi says hi.


New member
Hello! Well-uhm...what to put here? I always have trouble figuring out what to put in these introductions. ^^; *IS BRICKED*

Well-I'm Luigi! You might already know me from one of the many Pokemon roleplaying sites I go on -and if so, nice to see you, friends. If you don't know me- nice to meet 'cha. I hope I enjoy my RP'ing experience here. Just a note - due to me having important stuff around this time -I may be kinda on and off with my activity -but I will make the effort to try and get on this site at least once a day.

My favourite Pokemon are ones not used much in games or seen much in the anime like Venonat or Dunsparce, and I am also a very big fan of Capcom games, alongside Mario ones. That's all, I think...nice to meet you all.
Hey there. Blade here to tell you that Komotana is the most awesome B/W Pokemon.

Seriously though, welcome to the cave! enjoy your stay, have a nice day, and watch out for my new-member-eating invisible shiny Garchomp.

Would you like a complimentary scone for only $42?

(Sticky note says: Check out the Anime-Style Battling part of the forums.)
Hey, wattup. Aside from the invisible Garchomp, you should look out for

~A blaziken and empoleon having an epic battle
~Carnivorous welcome mats (use the ones that say "Not welcome" the're safe)
~Poisoned Cod from the River which has been poisoned by Tea.

Have a complimentry cookie (Normally Tea and Cod but not for the above reason) and complimentry guide dog. He'll warn you when InvisiChomp is around....most times.
*Hands over Houndoom's leash*
To Respect the Blade: Nice to meet you! Well, this forum's acceptance of the new B&W pokeys is what drew me to it. It's cool that you guys think they're awesome when so many friends I know said stuff along the lines of 'THOSE DESIGNS SUCK RAAAGEEE'. Also, invisible Garchomps? Well, it wouldn't be the first time I get beaten up by one if one tries to eat me - seriously, my bro abuses Garchomp on his teams. *hands over money for scone* I might check out the anime-style battling thread later, too...

To Cheatmaster: Nice to meet you too, and thanks for the cookie and guard-pokemon. *pats Houndoom and gives it cookie*
Hey there, Luigi! Nice to meet you! I'm Mini_Moonwalker, though I prefer to be caled Moonwalker, or Mini. Welcome to the Fourms! I hope you have an enjoyable time here, and if you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask!

PS - Luigi is awesome.
Omg, Luigi is, like, on my shirt right now. It must be, like, fate, or something. :DD

Anyway, here's some baby Skitties to feed your new Houndoom. Enjoy your stay! :3
Hello. I think we'll be friends. I am Superbird, the resident bird-lover here. Also, would you like a beverage and pastries?

So yeah. Hi!
To Moonwalker: Nice to meet you, too. PS: Luigi > Mario IMO too :D .

To Nemec: Thanks, man. Hmm, maybe I should ask someone to make a sprite of the Houndoom I ahve so I can add him to my signiture to protect it...

To Superbird: There's a lot of under-apprectiated flying-types, so I bet we would both find a lot to talk about there. *nodnod* For example, Farfetch'd. Why didn't Nintendo ever give it a awesome evo? That aside, yay for beverage and pastries!
New Vegetarian welcome mats have replaced the old ones, and aparently ate the old ones because of sugar. Don't bring any sugar near them, by the way, they freak out, but are otherwise harmless. There's a bin inside and outside the cave to throw your sweets away.
~Poisoned Cod from the River which has been poisoned by Tea.

Hello, as you may or may not have already guessed I was poisoned by tea upon my arrival and the suppliers have since been unable to find an alternate supply of Cod.

Anyway, I loved Luigi in all the games, I always felt Mario was over done. I also wish you lots of luck in evading the Garchomp and Welcome mats. Beware of cursed floorboards, whether or not anyone but me believes in them.
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