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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
that's a good point. i kinda forgot that lost wolves exist.i think it could plausibly be an outgroup wolf signalling
oh, by no means, any of us Just Suffering has got to be at least a last resort. what do you suggest?5hrs back would actually really suck for me ngl because i'm on basically a 10-6 work schedule so that would push EoD right during my work hours (and i wouldn't be available for the last several hours)
9 (current time) would normally be fine on a day that isn't today. but if the 5hrs back one works better for everyone else i can just suffer.
and given how much energy seems to have been placed here into confounding the meaning of a snitch check/flip, I will eat my socks on camera if zori flips villa lmao. third-party maybe, but villa seems out of the question even at the most benign reading of the situationreminder to myself that if she flips anything but w i want to take a decent look at what happened today because this is a really easy/beneficial push from a prowolf perspective
the good news is that im like
a snitch
but one that has to kill the others
the bad news is that i dont know who any of them are(and im not sure whether or not they know who i am either)
mewt, i agree with you that it doesn't generally seem like a sensible strat for a wolf, but i think it could plausibly be an outgroup wolf signalling (and hoping our fear of aliens keeps her alive)
basically anytime after 6 pacific. i can be here during the evenings, and tbh for the whole last year i've just been playing mafia with you guys during the workday, it's just that i'm Actually trying to do my job now that i've moved to a new team lmfaooh, by no means, any of us Just Suffering has got to be at least a last resort. what do you suggest?
imo it would be an absolutely WILD outgroup wolf signal to go "hi i'm on your side but also i want you Dead pls do not kill me"mewt, i agree with you that it doesn't generally seem like a sensible strat for a wolf, but i think it could plausibly be an outgroup wolf signalling (and hoping our fear of aliens keeps her alive)
picking my slot over mf or mewtini like you suggested earlier?im going to target herbe i think unless anyone has objections
like would it be better if someone else picked my target