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poof!!!!!explode herbe![]()
alright it's less funny the second timeexplode herbe![]()
yes. that.bair![]()
Back aerial
A back aerial attack is an aerial attack that can be performed in midair by pressing the attack button and tilting the control stick in the direction opposite the character is facing. Its official term varies between titles; it is known as a back...www.ssbwiki.com
thinking.,,.,.,.,,,, zori as someone who specifically remembers that claiming miller is an option as straightup wolfDay 1 miller claims are usually lightly town-indicative, because people forget that claiming miller is an option is wolf?
so light townread there ig
claiming miller after a redcheck is big bruh moment
(other than Friendship and Presence of zori of course rip friend)i really don't think we lose anything lightly escorting zori out of the setup
ok wait before i go digging into the archives and dealing psychic damage to myself w/ my old posts, what do you mean "as far as i can tell". does it not actually say your alignment/winconas far as i can tell, its this one-your alignment is snitch, and you just happen to have an unique wincon regardless
me trying to muster up the motivation to see what happened in the 90 pages of acnh mafiamaybe i should actually go and read what happened in some of these threads that people chose as their mafia choices