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??? mafia (Day 1000101010101 well really 1)


used to be adventurer, took tails doll to the face
Rules: No out of thread communication. Even applies to the mafia who do not know their team, or if they're mafia themselves.
You can PMquote, but for sure it won't //do anything//
you don't have to use your role and I won't modkill.
Have fun ???ing others!

As the clouds parted from the night sky, the ???ians went to sleep, hoping to discover something about //what they even do//

24 hours for night actions.
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Re: ??? mafia (Night one)

After the townspeople woke up; they realized someone was missing. A quick call to town hall and headcount revealed that Phantom was indeed missing, but they can not find the body so they are unable to reveal exactly who she was. (You saw that coming, didn't you?).

P.S: Even if you target someone and nothing happens; keep targetting all! You could have been roleblocked, or a non-responsive PR! Or even a mafia goon with a dead don! Just keep trying; you`re not vanilla if nothing happens.

Phantom is dead; she was ???

24 hours for discussion and lynch.
Re: ??? mafia (Night one)

I used ??? [on Cheif Zackrai]. But it failed...

It's going to be really difficult to get leads in this, so one thing we could do is all say who we targeted. Obviously whoever targeted Phantom won't say so, but you never know what could be useful later.
Re: ??? mafia (Night one)

I targeted myself. :/

...hoping you were doctor? or hoping to cause a paradox with roleblocker?
A bit of a risky move. Plus this game's already got enough novelty in it, so I doubt RK-10 would add inspector sanities.
Re: ??? mafia (Night one)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only other role I can think of that can know at this point is... inspector? Or I guess bus driver, but then you wouldn't know for sure.
Re: ??? mafia (Night one)

I targeted no one. I just sort of... got preoccupied with all my other mafias.
Re: ??? mafia (Day UN)

I was denied the ability to target myself. Then I targeted someone else.

Care to share who you targeted, then?

Of course, if you're mafia you'll just make someone up on the spot. Therefore I'll put out a tentative Karkat; everyone else is saying who they targeted (if anyone) and this sort of thing just seems like you're being a particularly lazy mafia.

It's not like admitting who you targeted is much of an kill-bait, if you're going to say that; we don't even know if we're vanilla townies.
Re: ??? mafia (Day UN)

I targeted Kirby-Chan. You guys know as much about what happened with that as I do ._.
Re: ??? mafia (Day UN)

Care to share who you targeted, then?

Of course, if you're mafia you'll just make someone up on the spot. Therefore I'll put out a tentative Karkat; everyone else is saying who they targeted (if anyone) and this sort of thing just seems like you're being a particularly lazy mafia.

It's not like admitting who you targeted is much of an kill-bait, if you're going to say that; we don't even know if we're vanilla townies.

Since it'd probably be easier to make up a target like other players undoubtebly had to do, I don't think Karkat's neccesarily withholding his action because he's Mafia, and he's probably way too experienced to just make a mistake as lazy mafia.
A role blocker, mason, or any non-Mafia role could just as easily have targetted Phantom and not want to disclose it for fear of having to roleclaim, for instance. There are any number of reasons for not disclosing a target. I think we should discuss some more before picking lynchees.
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