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??? mafia (Day 1000101010101 well really 1)

what is this i don't even

He's claiming lover! There is basically no other role that doesn't involve death that can only be used once!

Honestly, I don't understand people and I understood what he was saying.

Exactly. If the mafia target a lover they get a double kill. The loved might even be important.
well the mafia tend not to kill lovers, because of a reason. I'm not entirely sure why. Lovers have beaten games with everyone knowing since like, one of the first days before. It's kind of weird. (that is, iirc)
When everyone wakes up, they see that Legendaryseeker is missing. Searching thoroughly did nothing, again.


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I targeted Chief Zackrai and welp. I'm pretty sure I'm vanilla. My head's filled with improbable role mafia stuff, so um normal roles means there's probably 1-3 mafia, a doctor and investigator, right?

Crack theory: since the bodies are only missing everyone is secretly still alive and will come back to life later. There is no mafia.
Sorry about not posting the other day. The other night I targeted Light Yagami and last night I targeted Karkat Vantas.
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