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Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

Well, it could have been an alien activation.

And, referring to yesterday, I'm not sure how I was incorrect. I was simply putting out a random idea, which other people complicated. I didn't even respond again to it.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

If they did activate an alien we better be careful if we lynch today. At least everyone's alive still.

As for what to do... I'm not sure. We still don't really have any strong leads, aside from disagreements/misunderstandings among us.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

If there's a fairly good chance that there's an alien activated, we have to be certain that who we're lynching isn't the alien. This means that lynching inactivity and randylynching are out of the question. Now that whoever was silenced yesterday can talk again, I suggest we go ahead and see who didn't talk yesterday as compared to who dosen't talk at all, and go from there.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

Hmmm... *doesn't know what lynching is* Anyways, it is possible that the alien was activated, or maybe the first suggestion was correct, the healer got to the person first. This is my first mafia game, so I'm slightly inexperienced... :sweatdrop:
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

Hmmm... *doesn't know what lynching is* Anyways, it is possible that the alien was activated, or maybe the first suggestion was correct, the healer got to the person first. This is my first mafia game, so I'm slightly inexperienced... :sweatdrop:

Lynching is the act of everyone voting to kill someone during the day, in the hope of killing a mafia member. It's a vital part of the game.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]


...sorry about that. Hmmm... I don't have anything else to offer yet.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

hrm. I think it may be far more likely that a Healer got themselves lucky, since the odds are better and all that. Though with this little information, we're really not much better off than we were on the first day.

I'm pretty much for another abstain at this point, unless something happens.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

Mewtwo and Big Red Cherry Bomb didn't post yesterday, so isn't it safe to assume they're Poland and Liechtenstein, and therefore innocent?
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

Mewtwo and Big Red Cherry Bomb didn't post yesterday, so isn't it safe to assume they're Poland and Liechtenstein, and therefore innocent?

If I'm not mistaken, crazy linoone didn't post yesterday either, but had posted the day before, which also puts him into the running. So either one of them just chose not to post naturally, one of them is mafia trying to seem innocent, or one of the first two (maybe more) and someone who didn't talk on day one was one of the two.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

Mewtwo and Big Red Cherry Bomb didn't post yesterday, so isn't it safe to assume they're Poland and Liechtenstein, and therefore innocent?

If I'm not mistaken, crazy linoone didn't post yesterday either, but had posted the day before, which also puts him into the running. So either one of them just chose not to post naturally, one of them is mafia trying to seem innocent, or one of the first two (maybe more) and someone who didn't talk on day one was one of the two.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

Mewtwo and Big Red Cherry Bomb didn't post yesterday, so isn't it safe to assume they're Poland and Liechtenstein, and therefore innocent?

If I'm not mistaken, crazy linoone didn't post yesterday either, but had posted the day before, which also puts him into the running. So either one of them just chose not to post naturally, one of them is mafia trying to seem innocent, or one of the first two (maybe more) and someone who didn't talk on day one was one of the two.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

Hmmm. I believe in the Mafia you're not supposed to come out and say "ZOMG I HAVE/DON'T HAVE THIS ROLE DUR HUR" So I'll quietly make it discreet so you don't know either way. It is true that I didn't post in the discussion, but I was also away in Kentucky all weekend visiting relatives. This is not to say I'm not either of the two innocent countries, however. I could be one, but maybe I'm not~
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

So I'll quietly make it discreet so you don't know either way.

This is not to say I'm not either of the two innocent countries, however. I could be one, but maybe I'm not~

Urm, isn't everyone trying to prove their innocence rather than mystifying their identity?
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

When you think about it logically, the only criterion for being either Poland or Liechtenstein is not posting yesterday. Although, not posting yesterday doesn't mean they're Pol or Liech.

People who didn't post on Day 2:

St. Christopher
L'il Dwagie
Big Red Cherry Bomb
Crazy Linoone

So, Pol and Liech are two of these people, no matter what.

Practically, those who posted on the first day really had no reason not to post on the second day, unless they couldn't. So it's more likely Pol and Liech are among these.

People who posted on Day 1, but not Day 2 (excluding those who haven't posted at all):

Big Red Cherry Bomb
Crazy Linoone

Five players (St. Christopher, L'il Dwagie, Flora, Patar, Minkow) have yet to post at all, so one of them could be Pol or Liech. :\ Though I think it's rather suspicious: what do you all think about lynching one of the inactives?
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

Lynching inactives usually turns out badly, though; I've been in mafia games where some important innocents didn't post, but sent in night actions, and makes the Mafia's job muuuuch easier by cutting down the innocent numbers.

If that's how you wanna do it, though, be my guest.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

Although it does bring up the question of why they're not posting in the topic, when this is all we have to go by. Hell, you remember the last game I was in - a mafia member managed to take advantage of the silence of others to effectively win the game.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

Hmm...we do know that not everyone sent in night actions on at least the first day though, so there could be some true inactives...
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

Hmm...we do know that not everyone sent in night actions on at least the first day though, so there could be some true inactives...

True. Does that mean that some of the inactives are mafia? I mean..if suddenly someone reads this and starts being really active, it could either be coincidence, or a mafia member not wanting to be lynched for inactivity xD
Re: Mafitalia [Day 3]

...like i said, its my first game, idk what the CRAP i'm doing.

I really was away at Kentucky over the weekend, though.
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