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Closed Masque Carnivalia

Celest felt her face burn up when Conner fell over her, but as soon as it happened he was sitting back where he was, laughing. Her face still blushed pink, she nodded curtly at his apology and hoped that was the last embarrassing moment the two had.

And, of course, she had to be wrong.

Kiara stated her revised plan... And more. "At least now you two can make out in peace." Celest's face colored a bright red as she glanced nervously at Conner. Make out with Conner? The man she met not even an hour ago? She would never exchange slob with anyone, let alone someone she just met. The thought was out of the question and made butterflies flutter around in Celest's stomach.

When Conner changed the subject, Celest decided she needed some alone time. Without answering, she stood up, brushed off her clothes and turned on her heel, her face still burning as she bowed her head. She quickly but silently stalked over to her tent from earlier in the day and tied the ropes on the flaps of the tent together. Somewhat surprised that the lightbulbs of the old theatre mirror were still dimly alight, she stepped in front of the mirror and blinked at her shattered reflection.

Turning away, her red eyes glazed over a large wooden crate. Curling up beside it, Celest released a deep breath of air, closing her eyes.
Connor looked up and watched Celest leave without answering his question. How very rude of her. He thought as he bit the inside of his cheek. He scrambled to his feet, and moved around to the back of the tent. He sprawled out, twisting his head to the side, and wriggled his head through the tent. He couldn't get any more underneath, but it was fine. He looked up, glanced around the tent, and spotted Celest curled up by a crate.

"You know, it's extremely rude to walk away from a conversation without so much as a 'maybe later' to the other person." To be perfectly honest, Connor was unsure if he should trust Celest on her own, with her palms being... Well, bloody. If she asked, he'd leave, but until then it was war. He tried to push himself a little further into the tent, so he might be able to rest his chin on his arms, but found he was effectively immobile.

Well... What to do if Celest decides I need a kick in the nose? Guess I just have to go ahead and let the broken bones sink into my brains. He tried to move back out, only to find that he was completely stuck, even when he pressed his ear on the ground. He let out a whistle of amazement. We meet again, Coke Bottle of doom. "So... How's the weather?" He asked awkwardly, letting his chin sink down into the dirt.
Celest sighed at Conner's awkward position. "I'm sorry," she apologized, bowing her head once more as she sat up, "I... I just don't handle such situations dearly. I haven't had many like such before, so..."

She pulled her legs to her chest and lay her head on her knees, exhaling again. When she finally noticed Conner was utterly stuck, she got to her feet, grabbed both of his hands and easily pulled him up, not caring much about the tent's well-being. Putting him in his feet, she dusted off his clothes, stared into his eyes for a while and sat back down. "To answer your previous question... Northbound High," she answered quietly, looking at her Converse high-tops, "To answer the latest one... It's cold. And dark. What more can I say?"
Connor heard the tent rip a little when Celest pulled him free, and he felt his skin grow hot on his back where friction had bypassed his shirt from being dragged along the bottom of the tent. He rubbed his back a little, wondering how much it would hurt later. "Well, I dunno what you mean by 'such situations.' I'll take it, though.

"Northbound High... Huh... I think my cousin goes there. No, wait, she graduated last year. Did you go there last year? You might've known her, I guess. Her last name's same as mine- Cassidy Morgan. She was kind of loud, colored her hair the school colors a lot, you know, painted on her face on game day? Yeah, I'll bet you saw her around. Blonde hair, real short, real loud." He laughed a little. "I'm over at East High. Lucky for my classmates, I won't be distracting them. Maybe the average test scores will get better!" He figured he was probably talking too much. He hadn't been serious about the weather thing, but she responded.

"Well, it's not windy. Or the fire would be screwed. Not raining, either! And when you think about it, it's a pretty warm night." Ironically, as he said this, he breathed into his hands to warm them up a little. "Well, maybe it could be a bit nicer out." He found himself wondering on how many of his 'excursions' to Northbound High he had seen Celest at all. She seemed the type to avoid extraciricular activity, and he always payed his visits to the after school sports and clubs. Maybe he hadn't seen her, but she had seen him.
Celest got up and sat on the crate, her feet kicking back and forth. "Northbound isn't the best of places, I can tell you that..." She blinked. "Yes, I've been there ever since I got out of middle school."

Celest looked up at the name Cassidy. She racked her brain for answers on this person as she ran a hand through her navy hair. "Cassidy... Cassidy... Yes, I knew her vaguely... She was my friend's girlfriend at some point. Rest assured, my friend is a guy."

Her ears flickered. "... I bet your school's test grades are better nonetheless... Northbound isn't particularly a student-devoted place..."

Knowing she had said enough, Celest turned away from Conner, her eyes on her shoes.
Logan was confused now. He saw Connor and Celest have a fight (he guessed one could qualify it as that) and then they separated. He was really pleased by this, because it gave him a chance to get closer with Celest. However, right away, Connor apologized non specifically, and she went right back to him to help him out of his tent, after which they seemed to make up. What? He was now sadder than ever that he didn't understand people, because that knowledge would have helped him with this situation.

However, being the nervous wreck he was, decided to sleep on it and awkwardly tried laying down, not to much success. Logan thought about how he would never get a chance with Celest at this rate.

Why would he never be happy?
"You know," Connor folded his arms, raising an eyebrow. "I need to teach you drag out a conversation." But he shrugged it off, deciding that would be for another day.

He skimmed through his mental list again. Damn my uncharismatic... ness... Lack of charisma, yeah that works. Damn that thing. He idly clicked his tongue a few times, his eyes rolling in little circles as they examined the floor, a wall, a tent ceiling, another wall, and the floor again. "So... Good job finding Logan. I think he needs a few buddies." He bit back the 'go fetch doggy' joke he was tempted to blurt out. "I like him. Think he's a nice guy." He stuck his head and hand out the lower part of the tent flap, and when he saw Logan, waved at him.

"Oi! Logan! Come 'ere, we're going to have some wonderful friendly bonding time!" He pulled his head and arm back in.

"I think we need another person to fill in the air of these conversations." He grinned at Celest.
Connor called to Logan from across the camp. Did he really think Logan would fit into that tent? And what in the world was "wonderful friendly bonding time"? Logan wasn't really sure he wanted to find out. Connor had a point though, he did need some friends. and heck, if being close to Connor meant being close to Celest, Logan was all for it, even if it meant going behind the back of half the other guys here. Kind of half reluctantly, Logan got up and walked over to the tent.

"So, is that your clubhouse, or...?"
Celest blinked as Conner called out for Logan to join in their "wonderful friendly bonding time." It was so very strange to her why Conner remained so upbeat and happy-go-lucky despite all that had happened that day. She mentally rolled her eyes as she got to her feet, popping her head out of the tent and seeing the deformed man herself.

Seeing nothing else to do, she waved her hand to him softly, implying Logan to join them. She felt her ears twitch the slightest bit as she ran her pale fingers through her dark hair again, feeling the silky texture of it.

A few moments later, she fled back into the "safeness" of the tent, sitting back on the wooden crate, crossing her legs. She sighed deeply as she hugged her arms around her waist in an almost self-conscious way. She felt as though she was slowly beginning to trust everyone here just a little bit more, and maybe they wern't really out to get her or make fun of her appearance. Her demeanor brightened at the thought.
"Yeah, get your tail over here." Connor laughed. Logan asked him if this was their 'clubhouse.' He laughed again, clapping his hands together before resting his chin on one of his fists. "Yeah, and this place is more exclusive than the DMV!" He laughed yet again. Logan seemed pleasant enough. For now, anyway.

"No, seriously though, Logan, I like you. You're my new buddy." He drew a little upside down triangle with a circle inscribed in it with his finger. "Hey Cel," He added little tick marks to the corners of the triangle. "What do you think about a little field trip tomorrow? I wanna' see if any of these rides still work. Sounds like fun, right? Logan? Fun? Yes? No? Maybe? Lobster? No, wait, we don't have those... Well, maybe there's a tank here. Saw an attraction one year about a lobster that could do headstands."
[Oh god. My fastest post yet]

"Field trip?" Celest repeated, her voice filled with dread. She looked away and sighed quietly, completely forgetting about the rides here. Hell no, she didn't want to go. What if they had poisonous snakes or bugs that lived in them? Or if they worked, but had an electrical error and shocked the living daylights out of them? Worse still, what if it went all the way to a loophole and, while they were upside-down, it crashed, leaving them dangling for sweet life? She shivered at the thought, tightening the hold on her waist.

"... I... I-I don't know. I mean... They're old and stuff, so... they probably have a lot of problems... right?" She looked at Conner with big red eyes. "I don't really want to die this young, to tell you the truth..."
[We have a slight problem guys. Raptor, the final Carnie, hasn't posted since the first page, and I don't think they've been on, either. So we might need someone else to step in.]

Tess blinked groggily. She was laying on the forest floor, stuck in a thorn bush. Tess tried to stand and winced as thousands of thorns embedded themselves into her flesh. She glanced up at the sky. Dawn was coming soon, so maybe the others would find her. Or...maybe not. She had to get out and find some food. AS carefully as she could, Tess wriggled and pulled, trying to free herself from the thorns. It was no use, the harder she pulled,the more the thorns hurt her. She collapsed for the second time that night, fainting a pool of her own blood, desperately weak and hungry.
"Yeah, a field tripe. Optional excursion. Learning opportunities. Breaking and entering... No wait, not that... Sometimes that, but not this time." He laughed. Celest said she'd rather not die young. Connor felt confused at this.

"What does dying have to do with checking out the rides?" He figured this stuff either worked, or it didn't. He hadn't thought that maybe they only had lethal malfunctions. "Okay, so if it would make you feel better, you could just hit the start button, and I'll ride them by myself. But that doesn't sound like as much fun, you know. Kind of lame to be the only person on a ride."

He thought about other possibilities. "Or... Or we could go and... Hold on, I was going somewhere, just lost my train of thought..." He heard-no he felt his stomach growl at him. "God, I need a funnel cake." He mused as he stared at his gut. "Hell, I'd settle for a can of catfood at this point."
"There are ways you can die in an abandoned amusement park by riding the roller coasters, I assure you," Celest intoned, tilting her head a bit. Her red eyes looked out of the tent as she heard a loud rumbling noise from behind her. Whipping around to face it, she edged toward the flaps to run if need be. However, once realizing it was merely Conner's stomach snapping back at him for the lack of food, she let out the breath that was caught in her throat and nodded. "I'm doubting about the funnel cakes, but we can find some berries."

She undid the rope of the tent and pushed the flaps aside, looking back at the Blaziken morph. "... So... on we go?"
[blarh I forgot about this thread]
Ally was sleeping by the dead fire, locked in a nightmare while the others left.
Blood was all around her, corpses of people she knew, and a dark figure stepped out of one.
It chuckled.
Welcome, it whispered.
Ally stumbled back, and tripped over...herself?
It was an empty shell of herself before the capture,lying peacefully.
Ally blinked once, and started running,no,gliding, away...
Connor blinked at Celest. "If you can name twenty significantly different ways for me to die on a single ride, I'll be convinced." He laughed. "And anyway, even if something did go horribly wrong, and bad goes to worse, then, too bad. Not like I'll be sorely missed!" He grinned. He said this with a laugh and a smile, but in the back of his head, the truth of the statement took a toll. He quickly shoved it away, before it showed physically.

Celest opened the tent flap. Connor stopped in front of the opening, and poked his head out, biting his lip and furrowing his brow. "Huh. Tess isn't back... Might have to put those plans on hold..." He stepped out, and took hold of the tent flap to hold it open for Celest. So much for a conversation with Logan.

"Oi. Logan. Daaaaydreamer. Respond? Activate? Wakey wakey!" Logan seemed to have ignored their little field trip discussion. How rude. "Hey, Cel," Connor turned his head to face her. "You should totally start, like, a training thing. And school us in combat. All of us. It would be like some epic gladiator thing!"

((OOC:... Cough.)
[... >~<]

Celest nodded at Conner's remark about Tess. "Kiara went to go find her, right? Well, we might need to tag along and help if they don't come back soon..." She stepped out of the tent and blinked a few times at Logan. He seemed a bit distant, but Celest looked back at Conner when he mentioned starting a school thing. Her red eyes widened a bit as she blinked twice. "... Me?" she asked meekly. "Train all of you? I don't know if I can..."

She looked down at her feet. "I mean, why do you do it? You seem like you'd do a good job," she added, turning away. "Besides, it's not like anyone would listen to me," she muttered under her breath, her insecurity creeping back in little by little. Her arms wrapped around her waist self-consciously as she looked back up at Conner, her demeanor depressing.
"Oh, wha- hmm?" Logan had been zoning out. Conner had been spouting some nonsense about rides and dieing on them. Logan wasn't particularly interested, mostly because he wasn't too brave, nor was he interested in death. At least, not yet.

Now he and Celest were talking about fighting, and Tess, some person he was not familiar with. "I-I would listen to you, Celest."
Connor made a little 'pout-face' at Celest. "Yes, you. You are the fighting type." Logan assured Celest that he would listen. Connor grinned. Back from the land of the dead, are you, Logan?

"Totally!" He gave Logan a friendly slap on the back as though he was proving a point. "We'd all listen to you! And the reason I don't do it? You really think I'm handy in a fight? No, my life's motto goes along with a thing I saw on the net once. 'Do something brave today, then run like hell.' You, my friend, are primarily a fighting type."

He smiled. He tried to block out the image of Celest hugging herself, looking insecure. He didn't know if this was a bad thing, but he found her absolutely adorable when she was like that. Is that bad? Does it mean I like it when girls feel like crap? No, it must just be her 'look.' Bet Logan looks like a badass on a motorcycle.

Connor looked at the ferris wheel. He might be able to kill two birds with one stone, except that Celest had to get up there for this to work, with her aura vision and all. "Hey, I got a plan. Let's go, guys, come on!" He motioned for Logan to follow him by twitching his head in the wheel's direction, and took Celest's wrists, taking a few steps backwards before releasing one hand and facing the wheel. There were a few lights flickering on and off, trying to die, but most were broken. There were just enough to see a semi-circle on its side.
Celest looked up at Logan's voice. He reassured her that he would listen, and Conner agreed as well. Pushing a strand of hair out of the way, she sighed. "I don't know... I... I haven't proven useful..." She shifted her weight to her other leg and looked at her feet. "I mean, spitting out fire is a lot more helpful. All I do is literally weigh you down, Conner..."

Celest's eyes widened as she was whisked away by the Fire Carnie, claiming he had an idea, and the Lucario morph felt her heart drop. Oh, joy. For some reason, when Conner had an idea, up to this point, it made Celest feel a bit queasy. But she soon started wondering why she felt as though he was already the closest friend she had, despite that they had met only hours earlier. Was it because she had absolutely no one to turn to while growing up? Or... Or was it something... deeper, perhaps?

Blushing a bit at the thought, she shook her head and looked up at Conner. "Where... Where are we going?" she asked timidly.
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