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Closed Masque Carnivalia

What was that? Running? Feet? People? Yes! Annie contained her joy, though. So she wasn't alone! Still, she couldn't afford to ever look weak in front of new people. That wasn't quite the first impression she liked to make.

She glanced up once, and saw two girls running towards her, though one of them was pretty big for a girl... It was only when this big one got closer did she realize this was not a big girl, but a man with extremely long hair. Longer than most girls' in fact. She stared up at him as he examined her like some foreign specimen.

In an instant, she jumped to her feet, jamming her fist into his face with just a hint of a smile. She had needed to punch something so badly, she thought she'd never have relief. "I feel a thousand times better!" She said in the sweetest voice she could manage. "Thank you so much!" She wondered what the boy's friend, a lucario, from the looks of her, would do about this. She seemed so timid, that she might collapse at the thought of even being in a hundred meters of a fight.

[Quite the first impression...]
Celest felt her jaw drop to the ground. ... Did that girl just... punch Connor to relieve herself...? Quickly, she rushed over to them and glanced between both of them. Did maybe they know each other before this? Or was the new girl just that brave to go off and punch strangers in the jaw?

She looked over at Connor, her eyes filled with worry. "Are... Are you alright?" she asked him, her voice squeaky with genuine fret. She looked over at the girl and instantly took a step back, fearful she would be next, and self-consciously wrapped her arms around her. Just standing near her made Celest nervous. The bittersweet mock kindness in her voice was eeriely familiar to the voice of a prostitute her father brought home one day. She was apparently interested in both males and females, because when her father was getting a few more beers from the fridge, the hooker began spewing nonsense about how "simply marvelous" Celest looked, and kept eyeing her chest.

Pushing the horrid memories out of her head, she took another step back. She found herself shaking a bit in fear, and her tounge was easily caught by the sneaky little cat.

[I guess we know why Celest is like she is, what with her past and all... Felt like throwing that out there]
((OOC:... Day-um. To both of you. Punch and flashbacks alike.))
There was a shock of numbness, which quickly turned to outright pain. Connor was levelled by the girl's fist, and he lay on the ground, stunned from the surprise. She told him she was feeling better, now. So he slurred, "Ooh, okathen... Yurwilcome..."

There were many things he expected, but that was not one of them. He just hoped that this wouldn't become a normal thing, because, for a psychic, she had a mean jab.

It was alright, though. Celest was there before Connor knew what was really going on. "I'mmmmmgood." He blubbered. This would be an interesting day at the carnival, he could tell.

He finally pushed aside the pain, and blinked at the new girl. "So, I'm Connor! Nice to punch you-I mean meet you! Don't hurt me again. That kinda' sucked." He laughed. "Boy, you gotta' nice punch for a psychic!"
Annie laughed a little. The girl had done more than expected, by running forward like that, but that was the extent. She was already backing up again. "It's a pleasure, Connor. I'm Annie. Hope you don't mind that little punch, I just had it building up all day today and yesterday." She laughed.

A realization hit her. A devious grin spread across her lips, and she looked at Celest intently. "A person as shy as you doesn't even run forward like that unless there's one reason, huh, honey? You two," She pointed to Celest with her middle finger, Connor with her index finger. "You two are madly in love, aren't you?" She cupped her hands together, pressing them against her cheek as she made a cooing sound. "That's so cute, a romance in a desolate carnival while you fight to survive! That'll be an instant Emmy for the actors in the movie!" And she laughed. It was quite hysterical, actually.

After all, this girl was practically nothing. Just a shell of self-loathing and insecurity. "Loosen up, you, or you'll never hug anyone but yourself." Hm. She was awfully mean today. Normally she was mean physically more than verbally. But she figured she was just making up for lost time yesterday. It seemed fair. She slipped on her heels, and pulled her cardigan over her dress.
Celest gasped audibly at this as she blushed a bright pink. Wh-What?! No! Her and Connor? Simply not true! Those two were complete opposites. How could they like each other? Celest liked him as friend. ... Though that title from her to other people was rare. She was too timid to make many friends, after all...

But it wasn't the lovey-dovey crap that made her tear up in embarressment. It was the tone of this- what was her name- Annie that set her off. The tone was as cold as she was used to, but something in her voice was different. It was more bitter, almost, and Celest bit her lip to keep it from quivering. She took another step back as she shook her head at Annie, mouthing "No, no no."

With tears streaming down her face, Celest sprinted back from where she came from, not at all caring about Annie or Tess or Kiara or Logan or Ally or even Connor. Slamming her back against a tree, she began to impulsively dig her spikes back into her palms, clenching her teeth as she forcefully pierced through the scabs. She sobbed uncontrollably, hugging her knees up to her chest. She didn't care about anything at the moment.

Connor felt his ears grow hot. "You should get to know people better before you talk like that, you know. I mean, me and Cel have know each other for less than 24 hourse, ri-..." Connor stopped dead mid-sentence. Celest was bugging out. She was backing away, saying , "No, no, no." Connor wondered if he was that repulsive. And then she bolted, crying. Connor looked on, shocked, for a moment before barring his teeth. He scrambled to his feet, kicking at the girl's knee in the process, and ran after Celest.

Damn it damn it damn it! He charged after her, and accidentally crashed into a stall. That was two he had knocked down. He didn't stick around this time to dig through rubble, though. He just kept running after Celest. She finally stopped, and he was able to bear witness to self-destruction at it's finest. It made his stomach turn.

He came to a quick and sudden stop just a few feet from her, his palms slamming on either side of the tree. "What the hell, Celest?" He stared at her intently. He couldn't force out any more words. "Get it together..." He whispered to himself, far more than Celest. He wasn't sure why, but he was tearing up. He forced them back, and only one escaped. "Calm down..." Another statement to himself.

"Cel..." He finally managed to speak. "We don't go out alone, right?"

((OOC: It's so corny. I love it.))
[Godammit that tag should be the other way around xD]

Celest shrunk back in pure fear of Connor as he slammed his palms against the tree. Staring at him fearfully for a full minute, she quickly scrambled to her feet, bolted from under his legs and step-hopped off, far too scared to be with anyone. She was too afraid of everything now: every sound, every movement, everything. Even Connor was scaring her.

Celest ran as far as she could, not once stopping for anything. Other than a few thorns and such snagging onto her sweater and a few vines wrapping around her legs, she was fine. Finally, she reached a dead-end: she ended up at the steel-enforced fence that led to the entrance of Masque Carnivalia. She longingly wrapped her fingers around the grooves in the fence, wishing desperately to escape. She banged her head against the fence once.

Her blood started dripping down the pearly gray fence, and Celest broke down into a full-blown meltdown. She slid to her knees, her forehead pressed against the fence, and tears trailed down her face wildly. Oh, what she would do to run away. Far away so no one could tease her or mock her. Her hands tightened their grip on the fence as she sobbed rather loudly, questioning herself why she was put on this Earth anyway.

[AND AND I'm loving this. It's been a while since I had a character like Celest... I truthfully tell you, it's fun. >:3]
Annie felt her knee buckle as the Connor kid kicked it. She fell down, trying to avoid a break. She must have done a pretty good job, because other than a bruise, she was fine. She stood up and looked after where the two lovebirds had gone. She had been mean on purpose, but she wondered if she was really that bad, to the point where she could do things like make an already insecure girl run away crying to do who-knows-what to herself.

It didn't change the fact that they were clearly gaga for each other. Connor's mad dash after her only proved the point. I'll have to apologize to her later... Annie decided. He drew a circle on the ground with her foot. Assuming I can even get near her without either her or Connor trying to kill me. Nevermind any other friends they have. She sighed. this day just kept getting worse.

No, she wasn't as bad as she just acted. Nobody was that cruel. At least, nobody sane. And Annie was pretty sure she was sane, or it wouldn't be beating at her brain like this. She just hoped she could get close enough to say, 'don't kill me, I'm sorry.'
((OOC: Nice tags, I see what you did thar. Sly.))

Connor cursed to himself, and chased after Celest again. His legs were feeling weak, probably from scrambling and flailing when he first gave chase. He barely managed to keep track of Celest, and was beginning to lose her when she stopped. He was still a good ten meters away when he stopped. His legs, now that they weren't moving, stopped supporting him, and he fell down awkwardly.

He was breathing heavy. He couldn't get a word in as she smashed her head into the door. Damn... He thought as he glanced around. Then he smiled. Actions speak louder than words... He thought. He grabbed a rock, and tapped it on the ground to get Celest's attention. He couldn't really lift his head to look if she was looking. He had to get to work, or this wouldn't work. "Yeah, we're in this together. So I feel..." He jammed the sharpest point of the rock into his palm. "What you feel." He whispered. The rock broke the skin, and wasn't as deep as Celest's, but that could be easily remedied.

"Hey... Hey, Cel... Ugh!" He twisted the rock and it sank deeper into his hand. "Cel... It was just yesterday, we were sitting at the parade! Heh..." He removed the rock, and poised it above the other palm. "Man, you've got some gusto. I can't handle this stuff..." He told her, and jammed the rock into his other palm with a weak laugh. "I'll be over in a minute to bash my own head. Just chill there a moment while I catch my breath." He laughed again.
[;_; I haven't put any tags... Damn. /tagless/ And... Oh, hey, rain makes everything better. :3]

Celest cocked her head back when she heard the rock tap the ground. She was a tad bit calmer than earlier, but she began to panic as soon as Connor aimed the sharpest edge of the stone at his palm. Turning all the way around, she crawled a few feet near him. "What-? What are you doing...?!" Her fingernails began to dig into her scalp. Why was Connor hurting himself? What was the reason behind that? "S-Stop it!" she pleaded, jumping to her feet and scrambling over to him. "Please! Quit!"

She tripped over her shoe lace on the way there, but she quickly regained her footing. Seeing nothing else to do, she forcefully pinned Connor down as she tossed the rock away. She swung her leg over him, and threw both his wrists to the soft, soot-like dirt. She felt her navy blue fall from her shoulders as she panted heavily, staring passively at Connor. Hearing a few claps of thunder from the distance, she never once broke her gawk at him, not even as it began to rain. Water trickled down from her hair as she kept her hold on him, her red eyes not once blinking at Connor.

... They were so close. Celest felt a bit restricted as the rain made her clothes stick to her skin, and she loosened her grip on his wrists a bit. From exhaustion, her head neared his a bit, and her cheeks blushed a deep red. ... So, so very close. It was then when Celest really noticed how handsome Connor really was, and the thought made her body tense.
((OOC: Oooh, snap, here we go.))

Connor laughed when she pinned him to the ground. His hands hurt like hell right now. There's Celest. Wondered where she went. He thought to himself. There was the clap of thunder, and Connor looked up briefly at the quickly gathering clouds. The rain came quickly, and he figured the only good thing out of this was that he was getting a much-needed shower. Celest was inching closer.

Well... Connor thought. This is fairytale quality. He felt himself start to smile. Celest got closer. He felt her tense up, her grip on him loosen. Despite the cold rain, his face was burning. A small chuckle escaped him, and he thought, Hell with it, and he leaned forward, and kissed her.

Next to the rain's chill, her lips felt like a fire. He pulled away, with a stupid grin on his face. He probably wasn't very good at kissing. He had never done it before. He half expected Celest to slap right about then, but figured it wasn't much her style. She'd get pissed at him, though, if just mentioning they had affections made her bug out, then this might drive her mad.
[Da da duuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!! :D]

Celest... Well, Celest didn't really know what to think. She was burning up like a fire, though. ... Or was that from Connor? Her face was flushed and burning up, and as soon as he kissed her... She knew. Oh, how she knew exactly how she felt. Her body began to regain its movement as it leaned in closer for another kiss. Pressing her lips against his, she pulled back after what seemed like forever.

Celest swung her leg back over and lay down by him, resting her head on his chest. She had never felt like this about anyone, much less someone who was so different then her. She listened intently to the rising and falling of Connor's chest, and she squinted her eyes as a good many drops of rain found their way into her eyes. She was still panting, but she yearned for the heat Connor provided. She was awfully prone to cold, and he gave her more than enough warmth to satisfy her. She slowly closed her eyes, thinking about no one other than Connor as she began to drift asleep.
((OOC: One more mushy post, then I have to sleep.))

Connor felt his heart leap into his throat when they kissed again. He couldn't have asked for better. He couldn't stop smiling when they pulled away again, and he was content to let her rest on his chest. He would have fallen asleep, were it not for the rain. Connor looked at Celest, and smiled.

Damn, the mean ones are always right, aren't they? He laughed a little at the irony of the situation. He let the rain clean his hands for him, closing his eyes. After a few moments, which he wished could have lasted longer, he opened his eyes, and lifted Celest by the shoulders. "C'mon. We need to get somewhere dry. We'll get back to the others once the rain gives."

He took Celest with him into the nearest tent. The tent had a few holes in it, but it was mostly waterproof. He smiled, and wrapped his arms around Celest. In all honesty, he wasn't sure he wanted the rain to stop soon. He rested his chin on her shoulder, and closed his eyes.
Celest let him carry her away to a nearby tent to escape from the rain, and as they stepped inside, she wrung her hair out. Running her fingers through it again, she was a bit puzzled at how much water her hair could hold, but soon forgot about that as she felt herself melt in his arms again. She rose her hands to his chest and snuggled her cheek under his chin, her face turning a soft pink.

As the rain finally softened to a quiet pitter-patter, Celest felt a bit disappointed. There probably wasn't going to be another storm like that, unless she read the weather forecast wrong. But, then again, Masque Carnivalia was hours away from home, so she felt content after a while. Lifting her head back up, she rose her eyes to meet his. "... I..."

And her heart caught itself within her throat. She couldn't say "I love you;" they had met not even a day before. ... Yet the word seemed most appropriate. But if she didn't say anything at all, Connor would probably think she wasn't interested in him. ... Or would he? She pulled him in for the last kiss, and it was considerably longer than the first.

Her cheeks flushed. "Umm, well... I-I..." Nothing. All she could muster up was a useless stutter. Sighing in frustration, she broke away from Connor's embrace, hugging herself tightly. What exactly did she feel for him? It was a feeling close to love, no doubt... But was it an alternative emotion? Did she maybe just like Connor out of pure loniness? As much as she refused to believe it, the more that seemed to make sense. And she hated every moment of that questioning.
Logan really hated his legs. They made him so slow, and it was awful. He reached Tess after everyone, it seemed, and he wanted to see what Celest and Connor were up to, since they weren't there. He was told the direction they went in, and he went to follow. As he went on, he thought he saw them run past, laughing and making small talk as they went. Wanting to talk to them too, he followed, albeit slowly. Logan made his progress at his own pace, and he heard them talking. He couldn't quite make out what they were saying, but he was sure he would find out. When he reached the edge of the forest, it had started to rain. This made it a little too dark for Logan, and he couldn't see what was going on, but Connor and Celest had gotten quiet.

Thunder clapped.

He saw it. They kissed, and then kissed again. Logan was devastated. Then, after a little while, Connor got up and carried her inside the nearby tent. He... didn't know what to think. He just turned around and ran.
Connor smiled to himself. He felt his heavy eyelids closing. He was content with the world, screwed up as this whole carnival was. Celest moved her head, Connor opened his eyes to see what she was doing. She was staring at him, trying to speak. She never got out any more than "Umm, well... I-I..."

He blinked at her when she let herself out of his grip. He could understand her message for what it meant, and knew he couldn't force out anything closer than she did. He took her hands off of her, and took hold of her once more. "Yeah. Me too, Cel." It was the closest he could get. But it would work. He considered kissing her again. With the rain softer now, he also considered going back.
Annie walked once more with her heels in her hand. Rain had started, and she could only stare up and hope the sky got a punch in the face soon. She had to find the two lovebirds soon, so she could make a few amends. The problem was that she had completely lost track of them. She sighed. Why did it have to be raining on top of everything else?

She looked up when she thought she saw movement, in hopes that it was Connor or the girl she'd never been told the name of. No, this was a stalky figure that moved considerably slower. She could tell just from a glance that he was quite hideous, but having made enough enemies for today, Annie settled for being kind-ish to him.

"Hey!" She ran closer to him. The rain had calmed down by now, and she waved at him. "Hey, could you help me, please?" She wrapped her wet cardigan tightly around herself, tapping the ball of hair on the back of her head to make sure it wasn't ruined too bad.
Logan heard someone call to him. He turned, and saw someone he was not familiar with. She looked like a Gardevoir, to be honest. So, either she was some sort of crooked jailperson, or another prisoner. He was certainly no longer in the mood for social interaction, but against his better judgement he decided to indulge this person.

"What do you need?"

[I... did not expect this. It throws a monkey wrench into my plans...]
Annie felt relieved that somebody could talk. "Great. I was wondering if you happened to see a pair of people running around here. A kinda' short dark-haired one whose name I don't know, and a tall white-haired guy named Connor. I sort of lost track of them and need to talk about a thing or two." She spun one of her heels around on her finger.

Well, this person was a bit like the girl from before. Not much of a conversationalist. At least he wasn't downright afraid of new people. But she supposed if you looked just as ready to eat people as say 'hi,' you didn't have much to fear.
"Oh," Logan said, his morale and self-esteem dropping quite a bit, "Yeah. They went that way. Nice meeting you."

Logan continued on his way, tears welling up in his eyes. Not even people he hadn't even met wanted to talk to him. Once he was certain the person he met was out of earshot, he began going full blast through the woods, not even going around trees. Straight through the woods. He wanted to be alone.
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