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Closed Masque Carnivalia

Annie looked down a her bottle. Empty again. She took another, and popped the cap off. "I don't even know what antethesis means." She told him. She could guess, easily enough, but she had to... Wait, why did she say that? Oh well. "That doesn't matter." She corrected.

"Oh, so you went places with buddies? There's another problem. Girls don't like guys who travel in packs. Girls like it when boys look lonely. Believe me, I've fallen for that trick multiple times. If the only time you went anywhere was with a pack of like-minded guys, you look like the type of idiot who can't help himself so feels the need to have a bunch of friends with him. Lonely guys look like they're in the same situation, but refusing help, so girls think they can be special. Works 90% of the time." She bent back so she was laying flat on the vendor.

She sat back up rather suddenly. "I'm curious, that's why. And for the record, I was never Prom Queen, Homecoming Queen, or any of that stupid stuff. That would imply people voted for me. Plus, that Queen title is only for your senior year. You have to be the Duchess, Princess, and that crap depending on your year. And yes, partially gauging you. Back on track.

"You, Logan, need to learn to socialize. It'll be good for y-good for you." Annie wasn't sure why she was stuttering now. She felt a little hazy, though. She looked down at her bottle. Her empty bottle. She blinked at it, surprised. Three bottles, and she was still thirsy? No arguing, though. She popped another open. "Here's my plan. Next chick you see, whoever they are, jus-just ask them out. Like to a dinner theater or something. No-no, I take it back, all the girls left here are, like, children, and that's being a pedophile. Even you aren't that pervy."
"Well," Logan gulped a little, and let some breath out, "Would you like to go stargazing sometime? It's not much, I know, but what do we have here? Definitely not dinner and a theatre, though if you humor me here I promise to take you out proper when we get out of this godforsaken place." His hands were shaking now, and he felt like his voice was going to start to falter, too, and he hadn't even had any drinks. "I-I know we kind of got off on the wrong foot, bu-ut I want to make out - I mean it up to you." Logan really had no idea why he was stressing out so much, the girl was mildly drunk for crying out loud! "There," he said, feeling very accomplished, yet shaken, "I asked out the next girl I saw. What do you say? Would you like to do something with me?"
Annie pulled the bottle from her lips. "Stargazing? Me? Y-you don't get it, do you? I said-I said the next girl, not the one you've been staring at for the last... However long we've known each other. And stargazing isn't much of a date, mind you." She stared at Logan for a moment or two, glaring at him.

And then she shrugged. "I can humor you this once, but don't-don't make a habit of saying we're dating. All right? I'm huuuuuumoring you. So no kissing, no groping, no leaning, and no hand-holding. Mmmmm'kay? Logan?" She looked down at her now half-empty bottle. She glared at the bottle for a minute before drinking the rest in one go.

Four bottles. She pulled a fifth one, wavering a little as she did. Was she tipsy? No, that was impossible! Or at least, that's what she thought. She thought she was just incredibly thirsty and dehydrated. "Oh!" She shouted, spilling a little beer as she lurched forward, nearly pressing her forehead against Logan's. "And no hugging. Or kissing-hugging-kiss. Don't do it."
Annie was obviously at least a little drunk. She actually agreed to his pathetic attempt at a date! She said that he hadn't quite followed her instructions, though. "I thought you said if I asked the only other girls here it would be a bit like pedophelia. So, I asked the next girl I saw in my age range."

She shrugged, and talked about how she could humor him this once, but it was strictly friendly. No hugging, kissing, groping, leaning, hand holding, and espescially no kissing-hugging-kiss. Whatever that was. Logan didn't really care though, because she actually said yes. He was a little drunk just thinking about it. She was really downing the stuff, though. Five bottles in just a few minutes was not something someone who was new to drinking did, but Logan wasn't the judging kind.

"So, are you going to have all of those or can you spare one?" He asked this tentatively, but only because Logan thought he might be testing his luck at this point.
Annie blinked at Logan, her head slowly going up and down. "Oh, you want one? Su-ure you can take that-this-here have him..." She reached for the last bottle, and accidentally knocked it over. It fell down, shattering on the ground. "Ooooooopsie!" She laughed.

"Here here let's-let's go and fi-let's find Celet-Celesk-The other chicky, I need to talk to her..." She got off the vendor stumbling a good deal to the right, then to the left. She laughed, and used Logan's arm as a support every time she stumbled back to it, pushing herself off of it. "Cele-e-e-ester-Eistein! Noooo, no-Con-Cure-Connor! Cele-est!" She laughed to herself again.

She eventually ran into a tent, crashing the whole thing down on top of her. The loud clatter came as a surprise to her, and she stumbled to her feet out of the wreckage. "Heee started it..." She told Logan. Then she continued her drunken search for Celest, waving her arms around above her head in hopes of attracting their attention. "Cele-erest-Celest!"
Annie began on some sort of drunken rampage back to the others. She really was a wreck right now. Feeling sorry for her, he called out, "Would you like a ride? I mean I am carrying everything else, but if it means you don't kill anything on your way back to the tent, I'm sure the others would appreciate it!"

He ran in Annie's direction, and surprisingly enough caught up to her with all his hindrences. Logan grabbed her arm so she wouldn't go on any further, and said, "Come on, Annabelle, time to ride the half-dinosaur." Logan's body actually had reformed to resemble a rampardos, so his back was easily rideable. He just hoped she wouldn't vomit on him during the ride.
"Nothing to kill~" Annie sang at Logan's request. He grabbed onto her arm, and she stared at it for a few moments. "... Ow... Ow... Ow ow ow-That-This really hurts-ow..." She heard him say it was time to ride the half-dinosaur. She blinked at him.

"Bu-But I-" She gave a dramatized gasp. "You're coming onto meeeeee... Thanks and all, but I'm staying-I'm keeping my-my virgin junk... So there." She stuck her tongue out at him, and almost fell backwards had he not been holding onto her arm.

She leaned back, tilting her head backwards. "Cele-est, heeeeeelp.... Cele-est! Yoooooooo-hooooo...." She laughed again.
"What?" Logan looked at Annie, perplexed. Then, it hit him. "Aw, no! I meant climb onto my back, and I'll give you a lift back to the tent!" He laughed as she almost fell to the ground, and half-heartedly called to Celest for help. "I just want to make sure you get back without hurting yourself. If you break your ankle or something you really will be useless on our date." He then thought about her complaining about his grip and loosened it a little, while still keeping his hand firm.
"I-I can walk, just gotta'-gotta' look both ways when cropping-when crossing..." She started trying to pull Logan with her, humming random songs off-key. Logan didn't exactly move a whole lot, so she didn't really go anywhere.

"Hey." She looked at Logan with as much anger as she could in her drunken state, which amounted to absolutely none. "I am not-you are useless. No that-I was-that's uncalled for-" She gave another gasp. "You didn't call me last night! I gave-I gave you my number, you-you-you didn't call me, though!" She went to slap him, but her hand missed entirely. "Let that be a lesson-a lesson to you..." She turned her head.

"Cele-est, I need to talk to yo-u..." She laughed. "Con-nor, where is you la-ady-friend? Aha, Cele-est!"
I didn't... call you last night? I didn't know you until earlier today... These were Logan's thoughts as Annie looked at him, which he guessed was supposed to be an angry look, given her words, but it was in fact a mix of a sultry and sly look. She tried once again to slap Logan, but at this point she couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a cannon at point blank. Annie began beckoning to Celest again, although this time it just sounded like she wanted to talk with the girl.

Logan made sure that Annie wouldn't fall over if he let her go, and he released her, resigning his efforts to keep a close tab on this crazy drunken girl. He decided instead to just follow her and make sure she made it back to the tent in one piece.
Celest widened her crimson eyes a fraction as she twitched her ears. Someone, god forbid who it might of been, was calling her name. At first, just stuttering it horribly, then calling her for help, then back to the stammering. ... Was someone drunk or something? She could tell as the voice drew near that it was Annie, and she tensed as she got to her feet, peeking out of the tent. A strange, booze-smelling scent filled her nostrils as she eyed Annie from the tent carefully, and she eventually came to the conclusion she was undeniably drunk. By the way she was coming up short on her sentences and staggering around the carnival, it was obvious.

Celest managed to stay her ground, though; if Annie was drunk... then it would be a bit easier for her not to get on her bad side, right? The Lucario girl hoped so. This was probably the only time to make a good impression, and although she feared Annie, perhaps she wouldn't waste it. "... Yes?" Celest said quietly, holding onto the tent flap. Her tail wrapped around her legs as she watched both Annie and Logan come closer and closer.
"Oh! Oh-Logan, Loganloganlogan..." Annie got Logan's attention, and then whispered, "I found herrrrrr..." And she stumbled her way to Celest, hitting her head on a game stall on the way there. She kept herself from falling over by throwing her arms around Celest and pressing her cheek against the Lucario girl's own cheek.

"Hmmmm Celest, I found you..." She laughed, and tried to stand up straight. "Celest, I-You should be-No, I want you to be my sissy. And-now don't interr-interrupt me, don't interrupt me-and we'll be the best, the BEST sisters everrrrr..." She smiled and hugged Celest tighter. "And-and we can go out on fridays and listen to boys whistle at us, and-and we can-was-we can wait to tell them you're already taken-by-by Connor-and we can wait to say that until after they buy you a drink! Hahuh..."

Annie finally was able to let go of Celest and stand. "And you can-you can always come for christmas, and you can be my sister, and we can talk about boys for hours when you're at my place because that's what-that's what sisters do... And I'm mean to you, but we're sisters, so it's okay, and if-if anyone is mean to you, I can beat 'em up because I'm your sister. And that's why I'm not nice enough to you, Celest and I sooooooo sorry!" At this point, she turned to Connor.

"And if you ever hurt her even a little, I will walk you like a dog-like with your own intes-no, I'll get you back for it-but that won't happen because you two love eachotherrrrrrr... And I love you guys to, because I'm your sister, Celest-but I'm not really related to you, but we're sisterssssss... See, this is how I show affection!" She punched Connor on the shoulder, and then Celest, but due to her drunken state, it was hardly a tap. As an after thought, she punched Logan's shoulder, to.
[What to do, what to do...]

Celest gasped when she suddenly found herself in Annie's arms, her cheek pressed up against the drunken Psychic Carnie's. She froze as Annie went on a rant about how the two could be "The best, the BEST sisters ever." Celest tried to slip out of her grasp, obviously shaken up by all this, but Annie tightened her grip and explained happily they could go and trick some guys by making them buy her a drink, but only tell them after that she was... "taken." Celest felt like the word "taken" didn't really fit, but she didn't dare open her mouth.

Celest was close to sighing in relief once she was let go, and she stepped back from Annie as she started brewing stuff up about her coming to the Gardevoir morph's place for Christmas and talk about boys for hours on end. She looked over at Logan, her eyes wide and very, very confused, but turned back to Annie when she said she was sooooooo sorry for not being nice enough to her.

She blushed a bit when Annie said that she and Connor loved each other in a drunken, drawn-out way, and blinked a few times when she stated she loved them, too. Celest reminded herself that Annie was a bit wasted at the moment, so it didn't come as much of a surprise. However, Celest jumped as Annie punched at her shoulder, fearful it would be rough and abusing, but sighed deeply when she realized it was nothing more than a tap. Celest self-consciously wrapped her arms around her waist, feeling a bit ashamed she was more accustomed to bring hit hard instead of a playful punch Annie gave her. "I... umm... O-okay, I guess..." she finally choked out, shaking a bit from all the excitement, "We... can be sisters... I guess..."
"Oooh that's soooo good to hear, Celest." Annie tried to hug the Lucario-morph again, but missed, catching herself on the tent flap, laughing. "I'm just sooo thrilled." She slurred. She swung her head around in a circle, her mouth gaping open dumbly. "Hey, hey Celest..." She whispered. "Logan, him over there, Logan asked me out! Heeheehaaaaaaaaa..." She got back on her own feet.

"Yeah, Logan, he-he asked me out to go stargazing... A-and, AND I told him that was dumb, but he's excited for it, I think... Did you know he's a pervert? He talked about my dress being wet and sssstuff. But it's okay because I-it's okay because, secretly..." She looked over at Logan and motioned as best she could for him to not pay attention, and then whispered as quietly as she could (Which wasn't much quieter than normal at this point), "Secretly, I think-I think it's kind of cute how desperate he is... But SSSSHHHHH, it's a seeeeeecret! Sisters keep-we keep each other's secrets..."
Logan hadn't even been paying attention to Annie once she started her drunken conversation with Celest. He was too busy trying to find something to use as a table. He set the machine down, and started his search, when he couldn't help but overhear Annie talking to Celest. She really wasn't being quiet. Logan heard her call him a pervert again, but only this time to Celest. He rolled his head backwards in disbelief and gave a bit of a "wtf" look in her direction, not that Annie noticed at all. However, it was the next thing that surprised Logan. Annie must have noticed him, because she turned to him and shooed him a bit, but quickly returned to Celest. She then continued on in a slightly quieter voice, and even slightly was pushing it, about how she secretly thought he was cut with his desparation. Logan's heart softened a bit when he heard this, and smiled. He then went back to the task he started before he began eavesdropping on the two.
Connor could only blink at the drunken Annie who had stumbled her way to him and Celest. He laughed a little when she began her talk. She was a fun drunk, apparently. Then she warned him that he better never hurt Celest in any way. He blinked a few times, and opened his mouth to say he'd never do that, and was interrupted as she began saying how much they loved each other. Connor felt his face grow a little hot, and noticed Celest blushing as well.

She went on to tell them how much she loved them, feebly hitting each one on the shoulder in turn. After she told Celest what she thought of Logan, Connor laughed, partially at Annie, and partially at the thought of someone like Annie-angry-dating someone like Logan-timid. "I think I like this Annie!" He said. "Logan, you should let her get like this more often!"
Celest clasped her hands together behind her back, blinking at Annie with a vague hint of curiosity to her words as she rocked back and forth on her heels, still a bit flustered from the Gardevoir girl's sudden hug earlier. She tilted her head a bit to the side when Annie mentioned Logan asking her out to a night of stargazing. Well, it seemed he was hasty to ask her while she was drunk so her answer would be much more likely to be a yes. Celest supposed it was rather shrewd, but it wasn't like Annie was going to remember much of it after this. Nonetheless, the Lucario girl stayed silent as she listened to Annie ramble on.

However, she psychically flinched at the word "pervert." Celest turned over to Logan, her tail hanging between her legs. She knew that Annie was probably stretching the truth, being in her drunken state and all, but some of that had to be true, at least to some extent. Celest guessed that him calling her dress wet was probably true, meaning he actually said it... The Fighting Carnie shrunk back behind Connor. She wasn't particularly itching to stay near Logan after that, despite the fact she vaguely thought it might've been an awkward choice of words to make him say that. She blinked at Annie again as she "whispered" Celest her secret, it being she thought Logan was cute when he was desperate. The Lucario girl kept her face unreadable and didn't respond, and instead changed the subject entirely after Connor remarked that the drunk Annie was the better Annie, supposedly. "... So did you two ever find any food?"
Annie blinked at Celest a moment. "F-food? Foo-food! Yesssh, yes we have food! We-we got some-a few popcorns and hot dogs-and-and popcorn-AND BOOZE, we got those, and-and I only had a few, like... Like this-THIS many!" Annie showed Celest four fingers, then switched to five, then one, then three, then six, then eight, then two, and finally five. She laughed, hiccuped, and then tottered in a circle, humming the tune to "Jolly Old Saint Nicholas."

When she finished her circle, she suddenly stopped, stood with a rigid spine, and saluted the popcorn machine in Logan's possession. "Fredericks! Out!" She called, and then she promptly fainted, crumpling into a little hungover pile of meat on the wet ground.

(On a road trip, in McDonalds. Won't be hardly active at all, so Annie's just a limp body until the trip is over. That means Logan can carry me and stuff. And not do perverted things. Peace out.)
Logan sighed, and put down the machine. He looked around for a chair or something, but found nothing. She could sit in his cage, but Logan wanted to clean that... he pondered it a little, and walked over to Annie, where he bent over and delicately picked her up by the waist. He didn't want to sling her over his shoulder, but there was almost literally nothing in the tent besides the carnies and his cage, so he didn't think there was much of an alternative.

So he did so. Looking at Celest, he said, "So yeah, she had just a few drinks."
Celest shrunk behind Connor when Annie mentioned her dress and Logan. Connor was paying too much attention to a fly that seemed to like his shoe to notice the details of the conversation, though. That, however, changed when he heard Celest ask about food. He perked up his ears, and heard Annie slur a list of things they had. "No way. You have weenies?" He pressed his face against the popcorn machine to check, and sure enough, there were the delicious little processed sticks of meat. He didn't used to like them, but now his mouth watered at their very name. Hot Dogs.

And then Annie finally let her drunken state overcome her, collapsing to the ground. Connor just stood there dumbly next to Celest, watching Logan pick her up. Logan said she'd had a few, and Connor laughed. "That's how my uncle gets after a lot more than a few. Methinks she either can't hold her alchohol, or she had more than a few." He laughed. "Tell you what, Logan," Connor said, his mind already turning to another matter. "If you take that back, I'll... Well, I'll do something for you in return. I dunno, maybe pay for your next date! At the bar, huh? Haaaaa, I'm kidding."

He stepped closer to Celest. "And in the meantime," He smiled, raising an eyebrow. "I believe you owe me a ferris wheel ride." With sudden realization, he clapped his hands together and laughed. "How's this for repayment, Logan?" He asked. "Me and Cel test the ferris wheel, and if it works, I'll man the controls for your little star-gazing thing! Sounds fair, right? Sweet!" He laughed.
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