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Closed Masque Carnivalia

She wanted to know if he used to have hair. "Yes, I had hair," he began, "It wasn't really anything though, you know, just kind of short and there, nothing special. It was straight, and brown. Kind of like David Tennant from Doctor Who, but a little longer." He thought about his hair for a minute, and began to miss it for the first time. "To be honest, I hardly even realized it was gone. So much stuff going down today, didn't have time for hair. As for you..." He thought about it. "I'm not really sure. I mean, certainly you're attractive, but I don't know if that's the main reason. And past that, you haven't given me any reason to like you, no offense. But really I don't mean that, because you're rude, abrasive, and cruel, and yet... I like that. I know I shouldn't, because it's not normal, but I do. So... Thank you I guess? For being cruel and all?" He shook his head, then continued "Anyway, I'm not trying to disappoint you, but to be honest I'm kind of a nerd. That is, I enjoy nerdy things like math class and Star Wars, sorry to disappoint. I know I seem like a burly tough guy and all, but that's mostly the transformation. Not that I'm not fit or anything, I do take care of myself, it's just my interests lie in the nerdier spectrum, so to speak. Now that you know a bit about me, is there anything else I should know about you? I know you're the queen of mean and your dad is your school's principal. I also know you have not had the best experience with guys in the past. And before you reject me for being a nerd I offer this question: How many of the guys who you've had trouble with in the past were jocks, and how many were geeks?"
Annie snickered to herself. "Big and burly, yes, but never did you come off as tough. No matter how strong you are, Logan, I'll always see you as a big teddy bear." She continued to laugh while he Stumbled over his words. As hurtful as the words mean and cruel would have normally been to her, she found it funny how much he tried to correct himself to save some face with her. It might have actually been a little cute, but she wasn't sure that was the right word.

"Well," She began when he turned the question on her. "First of all, I've never had too much trouble with any particular clique. I've gone out with just about all of them, and they all turned out to be idiots. In some way or another, at least. Jocks were too fast, nerds were too slow, and then there's all the in-betweeners. I don't discriminate based on interests, so you should be safe enough. I've discovered that it isn't so much what somebody likes as much as its their attitude that matters. So what, you like nerdy junk, that's fine. As long as you're a nice guy, Logan. And even if you are a bit perverted, you are pretty nice."

She smiled at him-something she didn't normally do-and then began on herself. "Well, I had my first kiss in fifth grade, I took honors classes for the first two years of high school, then dropped out to regular classes so I could socialize more. Dad didn't like that very much. Anyway, I think most guys are idiots, and most girls are even more deceitful and vile than I am. I've never dated for personal gain, but believe me, just about every high school girl does. drives me nuts that people are that manipulative. I'm mean, sure, I admit that much, but I don't do manipulation." She looked at him, wondering where exactly they were going, and shrugged. "Any other tidbits of info tickle your fancy?"
Connor laughed. "Food sounds great. I'm starving. Probably running on less than I ever have." He wrapped his fingers in hers, and started in the direction of the new camp.

He figured a conversation was necessary. "So about those fighting lessons and such... I think if I'm going to fend off the big bad dad, they might be helpful." He gave a sheepish smile, hunching over a little. "After food, of course." He added, glancing at his shoes. The hardest part about this, of course, would be that he didn't want to fight Celest. For that matter, he didn't want her to do any sort of sparring at all. He could always pair up with Logan, but that would mean Annie would probably be with Celest, unless one of the others was feeling up to it. If he took Annie, Logan would mean no harm, but would probably cause it on accident. Connor had seen Celest prove her strength. She could probably handle any of them, but he didn't like the idea. It frightened him.
Annie told Logan about her past a bit more, and asked if there was anything else he wanted to know. He thought about it for a bit, then decided he didn't need to know anything else right now, and he let her know that. It now dawned upon Logan that he didn't really know what they were doing or where they were going, so he thought it might be nice if he came up with something before Annie noticed as well. He said stargazing, so that was an activity, so now he just needed a location.

He looked around. There wasn't really much near them, the carnival being in one direction and the forest being in the other, and they were mostly surrounded by plains. Something like this had been his original intention, but now he felt the location (and if not the activity) lacked in their own ways. Thinking quickly, he looked at the carnival itself, with its various rides and attractions likewise oriented, and he got an idea. Turning to Annie, he said, "What's your favorite part of a carnival?"
Annie gave a little sarcastic snap to Logan. "I don't know, Splash Mountain." She stared at him with unamused eyes before realizing he might be seriously asking a question for a reason, not just some stupid and pointless thing. "... Well, I, uh..." She wrapped her fingers around each other behind her back as she wracked her brain. She hadn't thought about it. Last time she came to the carnival was ages ago, and since then, all she could think about was how nasty cotton candy was.

"I guess... Well, I never thought about it. Maybe... No, that wouldn't be it." She puzzled over this for a moment. "Hm... It could be anything, I suppose. Bumper cars, merry-go-round, hell, maybe it is some water-ride. Maybe one of those things that spins real fast, and plants you firmly on the wall. Makes you feel like Spiderman?" She sighed, and pinched her forehead. "I don't know, Logan, I always thought rides were kind of lame. Food sucked, to. If this is about the date, then you pick. That's what men do."
She imposed the boyfriend rule on him. At least, that is what Logan liked to think about it as, not that he had much experience in this department. Now, though, he had to make a decision. He really wasn't sure what to do, because he had never been in this situation before, and Annie said she didn't really like carnivals to begin with. He guessed that was kind of out of the question, then, because he didn't want to displease her.

But the conundrum was that basically all that left was stargazing, which she already said was pretty lame. Logan was basically out of options at this point, and it depressed him a little. He thought about it for a while, and decided Annie would probably suck it up if they did something lame, and he led her into the carnival. He didn't go for the Ferris Wheel because he figured she would think he was being perverted again, and he didn't want to do a roller coaster because it was far too risky. He could try the Merry-Go-Round...

"I know you don't like it, and I know that you think this is my duty, but if you had to choose a ride, which would you like?"
Annie was beginning to get the feeling Logan was the type who believed the whole 'happy wife is a happy life' thing. The type of guy who would do just about anything she said if she said it'd make her happier. This was both very good, and very bad. Good because he wouldn't let her down if she wanted something. Bad because he was lost whenever she didn't care. Like now.

She gave a little sigh. "You know what, Logan, the more you ask, the more I seem to lost interest. I couldn't care less if you pick the kiddie pool or the Tower of Doom. Since you're just so damn interested in my favorite, though, let's just go with something basic besides the freaking Tunnel of Love. M'kay?" She clapped her hands together and thought for a moment. "I have an idea. This is cool, actually. Merry-go-round, but you have to get us on top of it. If you get it running, of course. There. There's your answer. Take it and run, or I'm going back to the raw weenies and musty tents." This was, of course, all just a face she was putting on for Logan. His consideration was quite sweet, but she couldn't afford to be all bashful and bubbly with him.
Annie said she was actually all right with the Merry-go-round, but they had to ride on top. He laughed. "Wonderful!" He said, "I was actually thinking the Merry-go-round myself, I guess I just wanted your validation? Who cares, I'm rambling again. Let's go!" He dashed for the ride, which for him was more like a light jog, but he didn't care because he was making progress.

They got to the ride, and Logan helped Annie get on top before he went to find the controls. He knew a bit about electrical engineering, so if the ride didn't work on its own he might be able to get it going. Oddly enough, the key was still in the ride's control panel. What kind of carnival was this, anyway? Kidnapping teenagers, transforming them, and leaving the sketchy rides with the keys to start them? This was an odd place. He held his breath, pushed the "start" button, and turned the key. There was a low hum, and the ride lurched into motion. It worked! He could hardly believe it. Logan was almost certain he would have ad to burn his fingers on the electrical board...

Ah well, he guessed beggars couldn't be choosers. There was still the problem of him getting on with her, though... He figured he could climb up the support poles, but he didn't want to break anything. So he approached the Merry-go-round, and jumped. His feet came about three inches from the top the the ride, and he made a surprisingly light landing. "So I'm surprised that went so well, I mean with the ride and all," he said.
Annie supressed a laugh at Logan's waddling run, and let him help her up on top of the ride. She sat quietly by herself while she patted her legs in a little rythym, and made sure all the hair was out of her face. The ride hummed to life, and Logan made a powerful leap to the top. He mentioned what a surprise that was. "Well, I honestly thought you'd fall through the top." She shrugged. By the time he'd gotten up, she was halfway across. She crawled along the roof (since standing would put her very much off-balance) and stopped when she was next to him.

"I never liked those horses and things on the ride. They look creepy, I think." She was just making idle conversation at this point. She didn't know when the stars would be visible, but she hoped it would be soon. She motioned for him to sit down next to her with a single finger sharply jabbing the air downward. "You might as well sit." She told him.

She sat for a moment longer, chin resting on her knees. She needed a good topic. Better than how creepy she thought the horses were. "Do you really think I'm difficult to impress? I mean, I've been called a lot of things, good and bad, but I have to say, that's a way of saying it I've never heard." When she said "it," she obviously meant the various harsh curse words that had been spit her way whenever she told a boy that he was boring or some other thing.
[At Yoshi's request, we're gonna start to set this thing on fire. Here we go!]

Celest thought about that for a moment, looking at her feet as they walked. "... I'm still not sure about those lessons," she admitted, looking back at Connor. "I mean, what if... what if I hurt someone accidentally? I don't like dealing with guilt, as you've witnessed..." She placed her free hand on her stomach were the grapefruit-sized, rather deep stab wound rested to prove her point. "And... And I'm not even sure if—"

And she froze. Celest quickly flicked her head to the right, her ears adjusting appropriately to hear from further distances. Her tail stood on its end, the hair on it prickling out like a lightning bolt as she sensed it. It was so familiar, so peculiar, so... intimidating. Celest knew she knew it from somewhere, but where?

Closing her eyes, the Lucario morph ventured to the aura she sensed through her aura vision, and felt the color drain from her face as she saw him. A stocky man, probably around 4'6, if Celest were to judge, jumping over the barb-wired, steel-enforced fence leading to Masque Carnivalia. He was one of them. One of those horrid men that dragged her, Connor, Annie, Kiara, Logan, Tess and Ally into that carnival. The ones that mutated them into freaks. Into Carnies. She remembered him from when that ritual-whatever was performed, changing all of them on the spot.

And he was heading straight for her and Connor.

"... C-Connor," Celest squeaked, opening her eyes and looking up at him fearfully, "I... I sense one. One of... of them."

Connor shrugged. "Nobody would get hurt. And if they did, it wouldn't be anyone's fault, least of all your's. Part of the risk of the whole lesson-thing, right?" She started to say something else, but stopped mid-sentence, freezing on the spot. Connor looked around for whatever had her psyched out. It wasn't Annie. Celest didn't act like this around her anymore. Did somebody get hurt?

She told him that someone was here. He wasn't sure who she meant, though, since she only said, "one of them," so he just pretended to know what she meant. It crossed his mind that she might be talking about her family, but that didn't make sense. Actually the only ones who would make any sense were...

Oh. Right. Them. "... I think it'd be best if we hid. We have no idea why they might be here, and with that wound of yours, I'd rather not take chances." He pulled her aside into one of the tents by her wrists. "If we stay quiet..." He didn't finish. He hoped that the man was here to tell them they could leave. There was no knowing that, though. Maybe they hadn't quite proven themselves "worthy." Maybe they were here to kill them. He took a deep breath. "How far away is he, you think?" He asked.
He sat, and Annie asked him if he really thought she was difficult to impress. He thought about it, and said, "It's not that you're necessarily hard to impress, I think it has to do more with my lack of experience, along with the fact you're more difficult to get along with than most people. Again, not trying to offend." He looked up at the sky, and it was getting kind of dark. It was almost night, in fact... "And anyway," he began again, "I don't think you're hard to please, I'm just an idiot, is all. I've never had much experience with people, let alone girls..." He sighed, and sat back, looking up at the now slightly starry sky.
Annie rolled her eyes. Logan wasn't any of what he told himself he was. But he seemed so positive. In truth, the only reason she was being difficult was very shallow and wrong of her. She had known that from the start of course, but now she was considering otherwise.

How to tell him of her very unjust judgement? Well, she wanted to be nice about it, but there wasn't any nice way of putting it. Well, maybe one, but she could feel her face flush at the very thought. She didn't like blushing. She forced it back, and cleared her throat, looking forward as though there was something far more interesting in that direction, even though the spinning kept it difficult to focus on anything. "Well," She leaned forward, rubbing her ankles with her fingers. She spoke as though she was a teacher trying to tell a kid he was going to fail without a doubt without being mean about it. Which was only half true about this case. "You're not stupid. Experience is overrated believe me, and I can honestly say, but really... I think the biggest thing about this is that I've been unfair to you. I'm trying to think of how to put this..."

She sighed, tapping her chin with a single finger. Given the circumstances, she might as well go through with it. If it felt right, which was something she had discovered was not usually the case, she'd stick around Logan. If not, then maybe she'd just be stuck here without a single friend. "Thing is, Logan, I was very judgemental first time we met. I didn't say it, or don't think I did, but it wasn't fair to you." She couldn't force down the blush this time. "... To be honest, I've been really skeptical of you, and it's for such a dumb reason." She laughed nervously. "It's just because... You know..." She took a deep breath. "... You're too damn ugly." And at the moment the last word left her lips, she twisted sideways, and grabbed him by the collar. She pulled him down and herself up, and she kissed him.

And inexperienced as Logan might be, it felt damn good.

(Oooh, snap crackle pop, here we go)
[[Aw man, Kuchiki, now I feel bad. You're probably going to have to leave your moment in a few more posts. D: Oh, and Yoshi: feel free to control our midget friend.]]

Celest let Connor whisk her away into the apparent safety of one of the nearby tents, though she didn't at all feel protected. She could feel that the man was coming closer and closer—at an alarming rate, too. He was obviously setting out for something important, and it made the Fighting Carnie flinch every time her heart loudly beat inside her chest. Thump. "He's... fast," she choked out. Thump. "But... But he's not heading for the others." Thump. "Not Logan, or Annie—," Thump. "—but you—" Thump. "—and me."

The Lucario girl could hardly keep herself from screaming as she felt the man's thunderous footsteps near closer and closer, and it was safe to bet that he was not even a hundred or so yards away from them now. When he finally slowed to a stop in the middle of a circle of tents—one of which was the tent Connor and Celest were in—the girl ceased her breathing, shaking all the while.

The long crow-beaked, pure white mask and pitch-black, hooded robe concealed much of the man's body, letting no skin show. The hood of his robe hid his soulless, black eyes from view, but he was indeed inspecting the tents with a careful, aloof stare. His eyes glazed over the tents one by one, looking for even the slightest movement, and Celest could tell by the aura he gave off that he wasn't there to inform the Carnies they had proven worthy. It was more like he was there to correct them.
((Okay, but I refuse to do dialogue for him.))

Connor stood perfectly still. He was fast. He couldn't even hear him before, and now his steps were like hammers hitting the ground. He felt his own breath grow a little shaky, but he kept quiet.

He couldn't recall anyone that short being that fast before. It certainly was odd. There was the chance that he was like them, mutated and all, but Connor didn't think it was likely, and if it was true, he despised the idea. Celest seemed certain that he was here for the two of them. Which was frightening. From the sounds outside, he knew they were around here. Me and my damned ferris wheel. He cursed himself. They probably had ways of knowing where they were at all times, but his childish need was probably all it would take.

But if he was here for the two of them... If it was possible that he only thought there might be one of them here... He lowered Celest to the ground until they were crouched together. "Stay here. Stay quiet. I have an idea. Don't worry, I'll be back in a flash." Of course, Connor was entirely unsure if he was going to be or not, and if Celest read his Aura, she'd know, but he hoped she'd believe him.

He kissed her quickly, and then stood up as silently as he could. And he stepped out of the tent, his hands up above his shoulders with a wry smile on his face. "Alright, you got me. I was hoping you'd pass me by, go after the others, but you seem intent." He laughed. "I'd love to tell you where they are, but they weren't too appreciative of my 'jolly nature,' and I haven't seen any of them since this morning. Who knows where they are, now." If they had any real eyes on the situation, his lie was useless, but it was worth a shot. If the man decided Connor was enough, then he was pretty sure he could outrun him. Fast as he might be, Connor had a lot of practice running away.
[[That's okay, too; he's not going to use words, anyway. ... I think I am going to break his arm now, Yoshi, if that's alright with you. ]]

Celest blinked as Connor lowered her to the ground, saying he would be back in a moment, and for her to stay silent and motionless. She was about to protest as he kissed her and rose back to his feet, but ruled against it as he stepped out of the tent. If the man outside could at least believe Connor was the only one there, as the Blaziken morph was saying that currently, then he just might pass him by. ... Might. The word resounded in her mind over and over again. Might. Or might not. But he might.

"Might." Celest unintentionally said the word aloud, and it wasn't even in a whisper. Immediately she threw her hands over her mouth, praying desperately that the cloaked man outside didn't hear her, but her prayers went unanswered.


The short man blinked at Connor for a moment after his little speech that he was the only one there. That he hadn't seen anyone else since that morning, which was quite a few hours from that moment. The stars had already started fainting glowing, but only in a few spots; the dark clouds from earlier that day and the night before hung low in the sky, still very much full of rain, making the carnival dim and harder to see. The man quickly jerked his head to the right as he heard something from the tent the Fire Carnie emerged from, grunting. That boy was lying, after all. By the pitch and sound of the noise, he concluded that it was a girl. If he were to specify, it would either be the snow-haired girl that was crying when they left the Black Parade, or the other girl, red-headed and the one he personally took to the float. Just using common sense, he knew it was the first.

If he were to strike at the girl first, it would be a simple matter: she was morphed with a Lucario, and one if its weaknesses was Fighting. However, the boy would most likely protect her if he was with her in the first place, wouldn't he? So taking care of the boy would be easier and less time-consuming if he planned on executing all of the subjects before the sun rose again.

Without a moment to lose, the man turned back to Connor, rushing at him and sweeping one of his legs at the boy's feet to fell him to the ground. With that, he quickly spun around to the back of boy, not particularly caring if his kick had even damaged him at all, and grasped his arm, twisting it behind his back. All if this was done without the slightest sound from the man, and he tightened his grip, aiming to snap the bone in Connor's arm right in two.

Connor heard the sound Celest made and hoped to whatever god may exist that the short man hadn't heard. But by the slight twitch of the man's head, Connor could tell he knew. But it was inevitable. The man stood there for a moment, probably thinking, before his head snapped back in Connor's direction. The single though, Oh, this is going to hurt passed through his mind before the man was on him.

His foot rammed against Connor's, but his powerful legs managed to keep him rooted in the ground. He had no defense, however, regarding the spin around his back. He felt his right arm grabbed by the man's large hand (which Connor now noticed didn't have five fingers), and before his mind registered the word ouch, knew what was happening. There was a loud crack! Connor's vision went white, and he heard a ringing in his ears. He was screaming, but the ringing drowned him out. The man let go. Connor essentially collapsed, his breath coming in short and heavy heaves. He was going after Celest. He was going to hurt her. Connor felt tears well up in his eyes as he tried to stand. The pain from his arm was paralyzing the rest of his body, though, and he could hardly get a straight thought through his head.


The man stalked towards the tent. He threw open the flaps, and stared at the girl huddled inside, her hands still over her mouth. In just a moment, he had wrapped her collar in his fist, and lifted her off the ground. Like a ragdoll, he tossed her out with her annoying white-haired friend. The boy, doubled over with the broken bone sticking out of his forearm, had lied. Lies were awful things, and were to be discouraged. This girl would understand that. The man lifted her again, this time where the boy could see, by her arm, and threw his fist at a wound already present on the girl's stomach.
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[[... So I saw a mistyping in there, and I thought it was hilarious. "Connro." Who knew?!]]

Celest had hardly any time to comprehend what was happening. With her enhanced hearing, the crack she heard was deafening. In an instant, she understood that a bone of some sort had been shattered, and a small gasp escaped her lungs as she saw the flaps of her tent fly open. And there he was, staring at her so disapprovingly and so sickly. She tried to inch away from the man, but to no avail; as soon as he stepped in, he had already grabbed a handful of her collar in his hand, her feet draggling from the ground as he effortlessly held her up against her will.

He threw her out of the tent, and Celest fell to the ground by Connor. She managed to get to her knees, but as she saw Connor and a part of his bone sticking out from his arm, she screamed in horror. "C-Connor!" she cried, turning to him fully. But as she started to reach out to him, she felt her arm being yanked back by the cloaked man. She was forcefully being held over the ground again, and had no time to react.

Her eyes widened fully as his fist connected to the wound on her stomach, proving to be a well delivered Bullet Punch, and couldn't respond for a moment. As she dud regain motion, however, the most she could do was cough up a fair amount of blood, spraying most of the man's mask with a bright crimson color.


The man carelessly dropped the girl back to the ground, not once sparing the thought of wiping his mask off. He would finish what he came for before any tidying up, and the boy would be the first to suffer. He merely punched the girl to silence her from interfering, and it seemed as though it worked. Stepping over Celest with his short legs, the man nonchalantly walked back over to Connor, ready to end his life without a care in the world.
((At least I didn't type "dud" instead of "did." :p))

Connor heard Celest cry his name right next to him. But he couldn't move. He couldn't see straight. Everything was in three different places, constantly moving, and there was a blind spot in his vision. The only thing his body seemed to focus on was the warmth of the blood leaking from his wound, and the chill of air on his exposed bone.

He heard Celest get pulled away, and managed to get enough control of himself to look at what was happening. When the Bullet Punch connected, Connor felt his own breath catch with Celests. He felt his blood begin to boil. A small part of him wondered how the blood dripping down his arm wasn't burning his skin.

But nearly everything had come back in focus. Sharper focus than he remembered having before. Everything was directed at the cloaked man. He felt his jaw tighten, and his arm go numb. Adrenaline dulled the stabbing pain, sharpened everything.

He had hurt her. He had caused her pain. He hurt her. Connor leapt to his feet with a roar of fury, and lashed out with his leg. His right arm was useless, but he'd be damned if he let this thing live while he could still do so much as twitch his eyebrow! The man backstepped, and Connor's leg missed its mark, but he threw his other leg around with the extra momentum. Even more anger was poured into this one, setting it ablaze and strengthening its resolve.


The boy was in a blind rage. But, the man thought as he easily dodged the first kick, at least it may not be such a boring assignment after all. He almost didn't notice the second leg. He didn't have time to dodge this one, and it crashed into his shoulder with much more force than he anticipated. The Blaze Kick threw a wave of heat over him, and he was blasted sideways, tumbling in the dirt. A lucky hit. He stood up, dusted his shoulder off, and cracked his neck. But the boy had no control.

He took a deep breath. And then he advanced again, slowly at first. He quickly accelerated, and jumped at Connor head-on to Body Slam him.
Celest managed to keep herself propped up on her hands, blood dripping from both her mouth and her stomach. The pain was bad enough to make her vision go fuzzy for a minute or two, and apparently bad enough where she spit blood all over the man's mask, but not enough to knock her out of this struggle. She was able to hang on because the thought of Connor getting killed by that bastard was more than enough to keep her awake.

She felt her forearms shaking slightly, but rather in pain than fear for once. Her breath slowed a little as she saw flames fly from Connor's leg as it connected with the man's shoulder, and an ash or two of his cloak flustered by Celest's face. It had burnt some of his cloak, and she could almost make out the rusty-red, almost rocky-like skin from the newly made hole near his shoulder. Slowly and gingerly Celest was able to stagger to her feet, and she stared blankly at the man for a moment.

Then, as the man rushed back over to Connor, her eyes widened. A strange urge had overcome her, and she had no control of her actions as she matched the man's speed, sending her fist crashing into his mask, leaving it to shatter into pieces. But that was not the only punch she gave him. She actually gave quite a few powerful hits to the man with a substantial amount of kicks, draining much of her energy along the way. Not even seeing if she had damaged him at all, she leapt back in front of Connor, panting heavily. Her defenses were lowered after using up almost all of her stamina, and her knees were trembling. The pain she was dealt not moments ago were wearing away at her, as well as performing a move such as Close Combat, but she tried to stay alert. He was hurting Connor. He was hurting him.

The oddest thing about all of it—the sudden burst of confidence, the anger, the pain—was that it actually didn't fade after her attack on the man. Celest managed to keep it in play as a fuel to keep her in the fight, which was, in truth, a feeling she hadn't dealt with for so long now. Anger was always scarce in Celest, as it was always pushed aside by fear and sorrow. However, she would keep her grasp on it as long as she could for Connor's sake. There was no doubt that he would be gone if she hadn't intervened. That much actually made sense to her.
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