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Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

"Oh, very impressive," bluffed Eloise. Thaddeus nodded, and began to bullshit Dave about Grace University and how he definitely could see his way to funding a graduate of that fine college.

Ignatius' thin smile grew a little wider. He opened his beak to say something to Dave.
Dave smirked to himself as the two bigwigs immediately turned on the bullshit. Ignatius, on the other hand, was reacting. That motherfucker, he had him--

And then, suddenly, smoke and shouts and -- a cocky Floragato dramatically announcing her presence to absolutely everyone. So she had decided to waltz in here, for whatever the fuck this was meant to be. And in the process, disrupt the one person here doing something actually useful.

Fuck. He watched her warily, teeth clenched, claws digging into the floor.
Nip's heart skipped a beat, fur instinctively puffing as chaos erupted around him. He forced himself to calm down, to focus. He'd been in plenty of scrapes before. This was no different.

Well, no different except for the crowd of Innocents gawking.

Turning to the nearest party-goer, he shouted, "Keep back! Or better, get out. Things could turn dangerous!"
Gerome stared at Mhynt. Mhynt stared back.

"That your group?" Gerome asked.


"Looks like I see some o' your group."

"Things have become complicated today."

"Should probably sort that one out."

Mhynt sighed and set down her glass. "Please watch this." She stepped away and hopped off of her seat, disappearing in a flash of light.
Amidst the commotion, Nova backed away from the bandits. He wasn't paying attention to the dumb grass cat begging for everyone's eyes on her. Rather, he was scouting the guests. Whether they were running or staying put. Nova eyed their expressions and body language intently. Were they truly fearful? Or, perhaps, scornful? It could tell him a lot about who here was just some wealthy airhead... and who was actually a power player worth being concerned about.
Like clockwork, Bellatrix leapt right towards the fray. To each of her companions standing besides her she each gave them a look that asked them to remember their plan. But now was the time to put on an act, she just needed everyone to play along...

"You will not be able to accomplish anything here," she bluffed, her wording deliberate. "We can make things simple, or we can make things difficult. Your decision."

The maus appeared more than happy to watch the chaos, eating cheese like popcorn while excitedly squeaking amongst one another.
At first, Nova thought the bedlam was making him hear things, but then the voice seemed to talk as if some of the other offworlders were outside. And having to fight? Was there something out there after all? What would that mean if Lucien did try to break off in all the commotion?

Well, this was an easy enough choice. Nova used a few other folks heading outside as a cover to make his way out of the manor.
The Pawniard and Patrat stationed around the ballroom stepped forward to take on the outlaw, but were met by more smoke bombs, confused shouting, and then tackles and attacks from members of Las Picaras, appearing apparently from out of nowhere. Growlithe Sera and Capsakid Carolina appeared at Sonora's side, guarding her from attacks.

Ignatius sneered at the ensuing melée, and inclined his beak towards his more recent security hires. The order didn't even need to be given verbally, to be clear.

Get rid of her.

There was suddenly a ruckus, as Kalas knew there would, and he was glad his initial position seemed to be behind some decorations. If he was lucky, Ignatius and the other had not been looking at his general direction, so he took the chance to peek out from his space.

The smoke bombs are a good show, Kalas mused, but not that good against a Spearow. And we both know the real distraction is elsewhere, isn't it, Sonora?

??? appeared...!?

[ ] Objective: detain Sonora...?
[ ] Objective: wait, what is happening? You are fighting a battle? Someone please explain!
Sonora ate her Reflex Seed! +1 Eva and Acc!
Sera ate her Cautious Seed! +1 Def and Res!
Sera used her Protect Orb! +1 Shield!
Carolina's Defender Skill! Sonora will take 25% less damage this turn!
Rocco's Support Skill! Sera got +1 Def!

Some of the guests fled to other parts of the mansion. Others stood and watched, perhaps stunned, perhaps entertained. One way or another, there was going to be a show.

Kalas had been eyeing the movements of the bandit Growlithe (of which he couldn't hear their name if it was given) as his initial target. Growlithe had specific skills that could make the group's attempt to carry out a cover-up much more difficult if that opponent were allowed to act freely, and incapacitating would be an initial show of action before Ignatius' eyes. However, as he was making his plan, he heard the voces again.

What a timing! Kalas swore, this kind of interruption always happened to officers in duty in the mini-threathre boxes that the humans watched, too!

He pinged back at the voce.

Hey, are you here with more info? Because unless it's about our current attackers and host, it'd be not a very good time.

He eyed his group cautiously for a head count.

The bandit Sonora and others managed to infiltrate our protected location instantly. There's a number of us meeting them up in a fight.

Like clockwork, Bellatrix leapt right towards the fray. To each of her companions standing besides her she each gave them a look that asked them to remember their plan. But now was the time to put on an act, she just needed everyone to play along...

"You will not be able to accomplish anything here," she bluffed, her wording deliberate. "We can make things simple, or we can make things difficult. Your decision."

Kalas waved a wing at Bellatrix to call for attention. Assuming she would notice him, he proceeded to point out to the Growlithe and then to himself, poked the sides of his head and his beak as if imitating a nose. He hoped to send the clearest message possible that incapacitating that Growlithe before they could detect anything else would be important.

The maus appeared more than happy to watch the chaos, eating cheese like popcorn while excitedly squeaking amongst one another.

Kalas narrowed his eyes at the little critters. They'd be a matter for later, but Kalas made a mental note to eye which holes and crevices they would pick for escaping the area. Who knew, Ignatius could not be the only one to know his own secrets, or chance upon them...
Hey! I am not entirely sure what the present situation involves, but I can hear you, and I think you can hear me! It seems like being gathered in one place, with your auras fired up for battle, strengthens the connection between you, and between us!
I do not know for certain whether you should or should not fight this battle, but other heroic spirits are on their way to help. Can you hold on until they get there and I figure this all out?
Good luck! I believe in you! You can do this!
[ ] Objective: keep fighting Sonora. (0/3 turns)
The inevitable finally came about... and of course, this Floragato chose to make her entrance with a certain degree of flourish... Corey narrowed his eyes as he glared at the Grass Cat off in the distance with vitriol, his personal issues threatening to have him completely forget the entire pupose of the mission they'd all agreed to in the first place.

Fortunately however, that was when the voice finally seemed to reach him, and the ensuing message seemed to, however briefly, snap him back to reality. Right... he couldn't let the others down, just... push those feelings aside for a bit and do your job...

"Alright, everyone, please, try to exit in a dignified manner! Or at least keep your distance! Don't risk getting yourselves hurt for entertainment value, for god's sake!" he called out to the scattering aristocrats. Whether his voice could even reach most of these people was doubtful, but he at least tried his best in that regard... Now... time to step up to the stage...
Alright, everyone was going where they needed to go. This time around, he recognized the voice in his head as the one from the Nexus. All they had to do was hold on until the cavalry arrived, huh? That could be good… Or it could be very bad, depending on how said cavalry was going to respond to the current situation. It could very well be that they had a time limit here. Oh well, best not to worry about that now.

The Oshawott closed the distance between himself and the Growlithe, focusing on her as his primary target. He lashed out with his scalchop, beginning their engagement with an Aerial Ace, that he then followed up with a Water Gun.

Archie (43 STM, 5 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Walk to West Ballroom
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Aerial Ace @ Sera (-8 STM, Sure Hit, +3 TMP)
- Water Gun @ Sera (-4 STM, +2 TMP)
- Receive Call (+3 TMP)
- Receive Call (+3 TMP)
Net change: -12 STM, +16 TMP
Net totals: 31 STM (41 after regen), 21 TMP
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Well, if they just needed to keep these bandits at bay for a bit before... whatever the next course of action would require, then perhaps it would be ideal to keep the leader occupied for as long as possible... Occupied, asleep, either/or really... It would take a lot of effort from his relatively weak form, but if he could get this to work, at least it might get the more physically capable folks a better chance.

Making his way over to the other side of the ballroom, he allowed his psychic powers to forcefull calm his mind with the aptly named ability before tilting his head up just a bit, letting his glowing eyes set on the Floragato as he cast Hypnosis.

Corey (43 STM, 5 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Walk to West Ballroom
- Calm Mind (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- Hypnosis @ Sonora (-14 STM, hit, -6 TMP, +2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
Net change: -32 STM, +3 TMP
Net totals: 11 STM (21 after regen), 8 TMP
Bellatrix shut her eyes, contemplating for just a moment. "Very well, if that's the game we are going to play." Her claws unsheathed, sharpening against the floor.

In the blink of an eye, she pounced on Sonora in an attempt to knock her off her feet, getting a glimpse of the contents of her bag in the process. All attempts of evasion lost as the persistent little fox doggedly scratched at the feline. "Let's make this a proper show, shall we?" Bellatrix said before retreating back, stopping in a battle-ready stance.

She looked towards the sneasel from the meeting with a nod. "Aim for spectacle, not refinement," she said. "Make it look like we're not holding back."

Bellatrix (45 STM, 5 TMP, 0 SPD, 1 ACC)
- Hone Claws (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- Dash to West Ballroom (-2 TMP)
- Quick Attack @ Sonora (-6 STM, Sure Hit, +4 TMP)
- **Spotter T0:** Intel @ Items
- Scratch @ Sonora (-4 STM, +3 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Call @ Nip
- Walk to East Ballroom
Net change: -28 STM, +7 TMP
Net totals: 17 STM (28 after regen), 12 TMP

1 - Aux
2 - Dave
3 - Corey
4 - Leaf
5 - Archie
6 - Bellatrix
7 - Nip
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With a quick dip of his head towards the zorua, Nip took a deep breath before dashing in to follow up. A punch , a scratch, a flip out of the way.

Cover. They needed cover if they were going to do this right. But how? An idea flashed in his mind, and Nip smashed his fist on the ground in hopes of kicking up some dust. But to his surprise, smoke billowed from the impact site — no, from his fist.

Huh, this body keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Nip (50 STM, 5 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Walk to West Ballroom
- Receive Call (+3 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Scratch @ Sonora (-4 STM, +2 TMP)
- Rock Smash @ Sonora (-11 STM, effect, -5 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Smokescreen @ Sonora, Sera (-9 STM, -10 TMP, +2 TMP) (rogue T0)
Net change: -24 STM, -1 TMP
Net totals: 26 STM (38 after regen), 4 TMP
The cloud voice was back, awkwardly uncertain about whether this was a good idea but telling them to fight. All around him, his 'teammates' were springing into action. A bunch of Pokémon.

There was an itching buzz in the back of Dave's brain, an instinct that was all for this. Just run up there and bite and tear and hit her until she stopped moving. Until she turned tail. Until she got the fuck out of here.

Mayor Ignatius was looking expectantly at the others, waiting for them to do his bidding. Was the idiot Zorua still hoping to capture her and then spring her out of jail in some let's-figure-this-out-later prison break? What the fuck was Sonora doing here? Having a big fucking sulk about not being invited to the inane party?

Before he could decide anything, his lips had pulled up in a snarl, and he bounded towards the Floragato, veins throbbing in his temples. He snapped his jaws at her, grasping skin before it slipped away.

"I don't know what the fuck you think you're doing here but this bastard Empoleon wants you strung up in the square," he growled, quiet. "Get the fuck out of here while you still can."

He glanced at Bellatrix and the others, heart pounding. Best if Sonora were kept as far away from them as possible. The battle instinct was still buzzing, made it hard to think. "So what is it you've got to say, anyway?" he said, louder. "How about you tell me this fucking sob story of yours?"

His heart was still racing in his chest, a dumb instinct telling him he should be getting the fuck out of here as he stared up at a Pokémon practically three times his size. Fuck that. A feather of something snapped in his chest, and instead, his paw scraped sand that shouldn't have been there off the immaculate floor, flinging it toward Sonora's eyes.

Dave (46 STM, 5 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Walk to West Ballroom
- Rage @ Sonora (-4 STM, +2 TMP)
- Activate ability (Pickpocket Sonora's +1 Acc)
- **Bonus Action:** Call @ Sonora
- Taunt @ Sonora (-20 STM, +2 TMP)
- Sand Attack @ Sonora (-9 STM, +2 TMP)
Net change: -33 STM, +6 TMP
Net totals: 13 STM (24 after regen), 11 TMP
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“I think that’s where I’m supposed to meet my group,” she whispered. “Are you gonna be okay alone? If anything goes wrong, come find me. Hopefully I’ll still be up there. Good luck.”
Steven nodded when Odette announced her leave. He didn't particularly like the idea of splitting up, but he had no interest in getting involved with bandits of any kind.

Unfortunately, it seemed like he wasn't going to be given the choice as smoke and screams brought the gala to a screeching halt. A florgato stepped out amidst the chaos, and Steven surmised this must have been the Sonora character Odette had mentioned.

It was impressive she'd managed to get into the mansion despite the excess security, he had to give her that. But what a ridiculous idea to waltz right into the pyroar's den, especially if the mayor's unruffled reaction was anything to go by.

Attacks were flying and security was circling and guests were panicking. Steven didn't know which way to go until he heard a voice. A voice that came from seemingly nowhere, a voice that was far too close with no one around to speak. A voice he'd heard calling for help back in that dark tunnel.
Hey! I am not entirely sure what the present situation involves, but I can hear you, and I think you can hear me! It seems like being gathered in one place, with your auras fired up for battle, strengthens the connection between you, and between us!
I do not know for certain whether you should or should not fight this battle, but other heroic spirits are on their way to help. Can you hold on until they get there and I figure this all out?
"Hello? I can hear you!" he called out, backing away from the fray as his eye darted around the room, trying to find the speaker.

"Who are you? Where are you? And what's there to figure out? The mayor and this Sonora bandit are about to start an all out brawl, and we're caught in the middle of it!"

He was still retreating when a panicked guest stumbled into him, knocking him to the side. "Heroic spirits or not, this is going to get ugly and fast," he grumbled to the Voice. "People are going to get hurt!"

For a moment, his gaze flicked toward the stairs. Should he follow after Odette? She'd said to come and find her if anything went wrong...
Voices, chatter everywhere, smoke obscuring the field, the Cloud inside his mind. Too much to keep track of. Koa didn't think, there was no time, he had to act now-

Baring his fangs and snarling, he charged and struck with an electricity cloaked fist.

Koa (Aux Rogue)
Rogue: Paralyze @ Sonoroa
Wes just barely caught wind of Bellatrix’s words to Sonora, and, despite the erupting chaos everywhere, he found himself relaxing a little. Maybe he’d misjudged her. Maybe she didn’t have her heart so completely set on that bounty reward like he’d thought.

He braced himself to jump into the fray, but Sonora herself was already surrounded by several enemies. If he was going to keep this balanced, he’d have to focus elsewhere for now—and his eyes fell on the Growlithe squaring off against Archie. Perfect.

He sprang to his fellow “guard’s” side and snapped at the Growlithe’s flank, warning a snarl and a spew of embers in retaliation. Wes glanced at Archie.

“I’ll make an opening! Don’t waste it!”

Wes (Aux Rogue)
Call: Archie
The group was about to get into the thick of it. No time for niceties, some of the members of the group had already started their attack. Kalas felt most of everyone's attention was put on the Floragato, who was the key in this operation. Still, there was enough going on that the Growlithe in the group was still the Spearow's main concern.

She looked towards the sneasel from the meeting with a nod. "Aim for spectacle, not refinement," she said. "Make it look like we're not holding back."

Kalas held his breath at the attack. Pretending this was a fight for their lives or something that serious might be the lesser of the group's problems right now. He returned his attention to the Growlithe.

The Oshawott closed the distance between himself and the Growlithe, focusing on her as his primary target. He lashed out with his scalchop, beginning their engagement with an Aerial Ace, that he then followed up with a Water Gun.
He sprang to his fellow “guard’s” side and snapped at the Growlithe’s flank, warning a snarl and a spew of embers in retaliation. Wes glanced at Archie.

“I’ll make an opening! Don’t waste it!”

Kalas moved from his position slightly, shuffling about so the others' lines of attack wouldn't block his view of the Growlithe as the Oshawott and Rockruff headed in. He paid all the attention he could... What more than smokebombs was in their item toolset?

Kalas (Aux Spotter/Support)
Spotter: Gather Intel (Items) @ Sera
There was smoke and then muttering and then shouting and then screaming. She'd've said the fancy greedent were hitting a note only dogs could hear, but apparently ponyta could hear it too and well that was just fantastic. Leaf pinned her ears back and shook her head. Focus, focus. The floragato had to be Sonora. She had a growlithe running interference up front, while a gang of other pokémon scrambled in the background. The Nexus group was leaping into action, too, attacks already flying through the air (why, to do what).

Ugh, no time. Focus. Do something to at least distract the bandits, keep them from hurting anyone (but don't give the mayor or his goons too clear an opening). Most of the others were chasing after Sonora; best bet, then, was to pin the growlithe down. Keep them busy, keep them separated. Double battles were always easier when the opposing team couldn't coordinate, when they were so busy struggling to keep up they couldn't react or adapt.

The shattering of glasses and dishes filled the air as guests and servers dropped everything in their panic. Well, when in Alto Mare, right? "Aaaah, this is so scary, I am so terrified that I have no control over my reactions, oh no," she mumbled, and then sent the tray of glasses spinning toward the growlithe. Unfortunately it was too heavy to soar the full distance; even more unfortunately the handful of flutes that did make it that far shattered against a protective barrier. Ah, well. The mayor's fine glassware made for some pretty satisfying fireworks, at least. Hopefully distracting, too.

Leaf sprinted forward, reared up, brought one hoof down on the growlithe's shield and the other onto her face just seconds after, before she could block again. As she whirled around and tried to drive her shoulder into the growlithe to throw her off balance, she noticed the oshawott charging up right behind. She just about managed to fix him with a look, hoping she could see some sort of intent there even as she shoved at her target. "I hope you know what you're doing," she hissed.

Leaf (46 STM, 5 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Walk to West Ballroom
- Double Kick @ Sera (-9 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP)
- Tail Whip @ Sera & Sonora (-14 STM, +2 TMP)
- Quick Attack @ Sera (-6 STM, +2 TMP)
- **Spotter T0:** Intel @ Sera's AI
- **Bonus Action:** Call @ Archie
Net change: -29 STM, +6 TMP
Net totals: 17 STM (28 after regen), 11 TMP
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If they just had to stall for time...

There was no point in fighting too much here. Sure, they could down a few of them to make a show of it, but they didn't want them apprehended for the strange dealings that the mayor was doing.

What was going on? Why was this all happening in the first place? Something else... There was something else going on.

But for now, she just had to gather intel and lay low. There was no point in exerting her energy where it'd just be wasted later.

Now, what was Sonora thinking...? She kited around the battle, Teleporting when she had to, and observed.

Spotter: Gather Intel (Behavior and intentions, Sonora)
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