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Open Memento Mori

Alayne watched as Zach put his blade away, "That's a nice piece, Zach, it'd be a good idea to keep that handy. Just be sure that if you use that to kill a stinker you don't use it to cut our dinner too, okay?" she said with a smile.

"I have a few spare weapons in case anyone needs something. I don't want anyone going out there with nothing but their bare hands," at that she drew a switchblade, bowie knife, sawn off shotgun, and a small .22 pistol from her pack and laid them out on the ground in front of the team.

Rodney looked at the small assortment of weapons in slight disappointment. He had been hoping there'd be some sort of large weapon, but all were fairly small. He quickly decided that once they began whatever it was they were calling the venture, he would acquire something large, powerful, and most likely quite rugged. He stooped to a squat and grabbed the bowie knife, feeling that, for the time being, it would be his best bet for a weapon.

"Can't wait to get something bigger." Rodney grunted as he sheathed the blade in his coat, leaving a notable tear. "So, when do we go?"
James immediately reached for the .22 pistol. No matter how useful a sawn-off shotgun might be, the thing was heavy and clunky and he had no experience with it-and until recently, a M1911 Colt pistol (incredibly similar to the .22) had been in his own possession. He opened the umbrella and reached for the boresnake and .17 calibre rod, and checked them against this .22. They fit well enough, and he was competent that he could clean the gun if need arose. He also withdrew the silencer, and tried to place it on, but unfortunately, this wasn't an exact fit-and he had no idea if this would silence the pistol or even allow the shot to leave uninhibited. He re-attached the equipment to the umbrella ribs, save for the gun and the boresnake, and he used the latter to tie the former to the base of the umbrella, just above the hook. He was about to put the umbrella to his side when he remembered the safety, which was also pretty different to the M1911 Colt, but not too difficult to figure out. He put the now safe umbrella to his side, before thanking Alayne.

"Thanks for this. Should be helpful. Could save my life.
As for what I can bring to the table...Well, I now have a .22 that I know how and have the equipment to clean, an umbrella that can protect me from the rain and anyone who gets too close, two letter-openers, and the ability to plan. Well, I say ability. I'm constantly doing it, every second, it isn't something I can really turn off. You ever need a plan B in the heat of action, you can count on me. There's no no-win situations, no time where death is the only option. There's a way out of everything, if only you're smart enough to see it. Oh, yeah, and could I possibly have some rounds for this thing? Unless I'm supposed to club the Zedheads to death with it."

After this rather outlandish speech (cut down, cut down, they'll think you inane and preachy) he turned to the Axelle girl. She'd said that he could just kill all the Zombies with the umbrella when he asked for firearms-not listening to his previous statement where he said he didn't think an umbrella would be enough, but said in a way that definitely implied the olive branch. A joking act of friendship. He would reciprocate. "Can you imagine? Just mowing down Zedhead after Zedhead in a thunderstorm, and not letting a splash of rain get on you. The pinnacle of badassery".
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<<Come on guys, let's not let this thing die. We all have busy lives and that, but this could be a lot of fun if we can keep it alive! (Postpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpost)>
[[ Right, right, sorry. I blame myself for not being the type to enforce things ;~;]]

Axelle eyed over the remaining weapons, and slowly reached out for the switchblade. She weighed it in her left hand for a moment, clicked the button on the side, making the blade flip out, then ran her finger over it. It seemed like a good enough weapon for her, and it was fairly easy control and handle, so she flicked the blade back in and pocketed it.

Alayne asked the group about their skills and useful abilities. "Well, I'll take part in the distractions, if needed," Axelle answered brightly, her grin still glued to her face, "I'll make sure they follow me until their legs fall off. I can surely capture their precious, oh-so-very single-minded attention. Leave that to me." She glanced over at James as he gave a speech about his strategic abilities to... strategize? Well, either way, Axelle thought it would come in handy. She wasn't one to think things through, let alone actually fight with a plan, so Culpepper would prove useful in more than one category.

"Ha, ha, right," she laughed a bit at James's answer, and ran her hand through her messy hair in a hopeless attempt to rid it of tangles. "I'll be sure to stick with you when I'm in the rain and with a couple of zoms. I'll need someone to help me to plow over them... and stay completely dry in the process." Axelle winked at him, giving him a thumbs-up sign, and looked back at Alayne. "I'm guessing these zombies are rather pathetic when it comes to a chase, though. I can probably mislead their objective, and you guys can jump a couple for the... investigation, for the lack or better words."
Alayne watched as they picked over her leftover weapons. So, no one wants the half-boom stick?

She returned the remaining weapon, the sawn off shotgun, to her pack. She watched as her team looked over the donated weapons, then she turned her attention to the sky, the sun still hung low over the Eastern horizon. Still, Alayne wanted to be at least in a safe-ish area before the sun set. Who knows what they would run into in the meantime?

"I'll teach you a bit as we move along. We'll leave the walls and make our way to the Old Town. As you might know it was a part of the city that had to be abandoned because it got overrun with zoms and couldn't be brought back. We'll find a relatively safe place to set up once we get there. We're on our own once we're beyond the walls."

She shifted her machete so it set more comfortably on her back, "I'll take point. Once we're past the walls we need to stay quiet, if you talk talk softly. If we run into anything let me handle it, no guns unless it's a last resort," she smiled and looked at Axelle, "and no singing."

"Let's go bag us a zombitch, " she said as she turned started walking at a quick pace to the walls, motioning for the others to follow.
Zach nodded, and turned to go after Alayne. He followed as quick as he could, trying to hide the limp he had at the moment. He actually caught up with Alayne despite it, and quietly spoke to her as they headed for the wall.

"I didn't say it before, but don't worry, I've got a seperate set of stuff for cooking. I wouldn't use a blade like that unless I had absolutely nothing. I'm also smart enough to not use it after zom-slicing even if I did clean it," he said, smiling at Alayne, though it looked slightly like a grimace as he tried to fight off a bit of pain from walking at that pace. He decided to slow down and stay a bit behind her instead, though it didn't help much at the moment. He regretted not taking a pain-killer before meeting up with the group, but he wanted to have enough for the trip, and it was a price he was willing to pay not being able to have one now.
Alayne listened as Zach spoke, but she also noticed something. He seemed to be favoring one leg. His face as he attempted to smile confirmed it. She thought about saying something about it, but stopped. If she said something about it now, and the others were to overhear it, they would lose confidence in him as a team mate. She needed everyone to trust each other, with their lives if need be. This could be a problem though, his condition could potentially hinder their chances of making it back home. Though he had volunteered despite his injury, his bravery alone was something to respect. Alayne just hoped that her choice to 'ignore' this wouldn't come back to bite her in the ass later.

She'd made a mental note to keep an eye on him and his injury. She smiled back, "Good to know," she said as she took a quick over her shoulder to make sure the others were following. She slowed down just a bit so that the group could stay together.

Rodney kept a steady pace slightly behind the experienced hunter. He decided that it'd be best if he didn't try to strike up a conversation at the time. As he followed along, he noticed Zach ahead of him, favoring his one leg. Rodney cursed heavily in his mond, as he knew that a limp will be the first to be caught by dead-heads if they had to run. He, like the hunter, decided to keep it to himself, again, not wanting to talk at the time.
Running hard, Nikki spies the green flag, where she was supposed to be awhile ago. She watches the group there pack up and begin moving. Cursing under her breath, she yells ,"Hey! Wait Up!" at the group moving. She remembers the crossbow on her arm. She pulls a bolt into it and aims at the building beside the woman in camo and a black hoodie. It strikes the building with true aim.
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James had been staring at Zach intently, logically reviewing his limping leg. Zombies themselves weren't the speediest of creatures, so it hardly mattered if his speed was impaired over a long distance. He doubted the speed would be impaired even if, for humans had a remarkable way of ignoring pain if their lives depended on it. He doubted this impediment would impede them much.

He started to look over his shoulder, at the city there were leaving, and wondered if he or his brother-a part of the Blue Team-would ever see it again. This brief period of emotion was quickly nipped-their task was relatively easy and they had a professional on their hands. Of course they'd get back.

He was about to tell Zach that even if he knifed a Zombie with a cooking blade, they wouldn't be infected unless the bacteria on the mouth were to get on the knife-Zombie blood did not in and of itself infect, although it probably wasn't healthy.

But he never did get to inform them of this fact. He was interrupted by a shout-"Hey! Wait up!" and then the whooshing of a crossbow bolt fly slowly across his field of view into a wall. He gripped the umbrella tightly, but before he went for the gun his brain kicked into gear-an attempt to catch the attention, not an attack, clearly. He surveyed the person-a girl, with a crossbow, trying to catch up, not kill. There no reason for attack, anyway, unless you wanted the Zombies to win. This was just an excitable member of the group, late, trying to get them to slow down.

They should be warned, with authority, that firing weapons at team mates was not to be encouraged.

And the others should be alerted at the lack of danger. The latter should probably go first.

"Not an enemy, just a late team mate!" he called, and then turned to the newcomer. "Don't fire weapons at friendlies. Ever. Seriously. If you're making stupid mistakes before we leave the walls, how can we expect you to be competent outside of them?"

Well, even if she turned out to be a liability, she could be a useful distraction.

((Sabre, true aim? She was hitting a building. Pretty big things, buildings. XD))
Alayne instinctively reached for her revolver as something flew past her and stuck a building nearby. Followed by a voice asking for them to slow down. She turned and saw a woman running toward them, crossbow in hand. Late and stupid, she thought as she removed her hand from the gun.

Scowling Alayne retrieved the bolt, the contact with the wall had destroyed it, shattering the wood and leaving the tip to fall uselessly to the ground. Bolt still in her hand she marched back toward the girl who'd fired upon the team. The scowl on her face was terrifying as she approached the girl. She half listened to James' scolding her about not shooting at friendlies, but she was too pissed to let this slide.

She met the girl halfway, she held up the bolt, almost waving it in the girl's face, "What the fuck was THAT?" Alayne growled. She broke the already useless and shattered bolt in her hand as she continued, "What if you'd hit one of us?! What in the hell were you thinking?!" she said as the shattered wood fell to the ground at her feet. "I will not tolerate friendly fire!" she growled, "or wasting ammo."

She turned away, walking back towards the front of the team, feeling the eyes of each of them on her, "Put the crossbow away," she told the newcomer as she walked, "since you're late you get to cover our flank, also since I don't want that fucking thing pointed anywhere near the rest of the team." She kept her face forward as she walked, "Congrats on killing a wall by the way, that must have taken quite the skill," she said sarcastically as she passed the building that'd been struck.
Miles gathered his things quickly and silently, and was moving at the back of the group. He observed the limping leg, the conversation, and particularly Alayne's colorful vocabulary. People were such mysteries.

He felt almost as if he was detatched from everything. It had always been like that, but he was usually alone, so it wasn't so much of a lump in his throat. He tilted his head a little when he heard the "wait up" from behind them. The crossbow bolt went past his left side. He made sure to take a few big steps to the right.

That felt unnecessary. He thought to himself. He listened to James as he announced it was a friend. Well, that seemed obvious, didn't it? There really weren't a large number of infected that were able to fire crossbows. Well, at least if a stray bolt struck him in the head, he wasn't feeling very connected anyway. What a game this is going to be. Zombies, murder, and comrades who are as good as wild cards. I might actually get excited.
Zach jumped at the sound of something hitting a building, turned to see the bolt in a building, heard the cry to slow down, and then saw Alayne walk over, ignoring James, and yelling at the newcomer, a girl with a crossbow. He immediately lost hope in any consistency of the team. He had his problem, the zom hunter had a temper that could probably cost them everything if someone pissed her off outside the walls, and the newcomer shot at freindlies. Oh yes, he was sure things were going to go just fine. He said nothing, though, and watched Alayne take the lead before following again.
James fell in line behind Alayne, not totally happy with how she had handled the situation. Yes, the behaviour in question-firing at team mates-was to be discouraged, but such a brutal attack was like as not to utterly destroy the new girl's confidence. She evidently knew how to use a crossbow, a weapon that was almost silent, much preferable to a gun when the slightest sound could draw more zombies in. And if she was too afraid or too ashamed to use it now, it was an asset they could cross off the list.

He was also a tad annoyed that his request for rounds went unanswered. He went to the newly acquired gun and opened it up to view the chamber. Like his old gun (now stolen, as guns often were) it held only six rounds. Which was, at best, six dead zombies. He couldn't say for certain, but he was fairly sure there was more than six outside roaming the American lands, and so more rounds would definitely be necessary.

He would ask Alayne later, when she'd calmed down.
But the walls were getting awfully close...
And it would be better to be prudent than dead.

"Alayne, sorry, but is there any more bullets for this .22? I mean, I know this is only supposed to be used as a last resort, but six bullets may not be enough to protect myself in the case of a significant attack. It is the world's most common pistol, so I suppose there'll probably be some to be found outside the walls, but do you have any on you I could have?"
"Let me see," she reached deep into her pockets as she walked, she pulled out six more .44 mikes for her revolver, another pocket knife, then, finally, four more rounds for the .22. "Sorry," she said a she handed them to James, "they're all I've got for it. There might be one in the chamber too, did you check? If not, chamber one then reload the mag."

Alayne stopped before the gates, "Last chance, guys," she said as the group gathered, "if you need anything this is the last time you'll be able to get it."
Miles almost shook his head at his companions. All of them seemed rather impulsive. He doubted his talents would be much use to them, since they seemed intent on more forward methods, and doubted even more that they had half the patience needed for his work. Worst case scenario, he ends up as useful as a slug, and they simply decide he's too much dead weight and send him back here to trap rodents. Or he gets eaten. That might be a slight hiccup.

He straightened his collar when Alayne asked for any final requests. He had a cache near here of extra supplies. No guns or knives, or anything these guys would want, really. Blankets, clothes, wire. Did he have toothpaste there? No, there were too many living things around here. It'd have gotten eaten. After a moment, he decided that the tools of his trade would be better left here, for his return, than taken with him. He didn't have enough room, anyway.

Rather than open his mouth and say something stupid, which is what usually happened, he just shook his head at Alayne to confirm he was fine, and looked at the others expectantly. Maybe one of them needed his extras. He could use the wire, and they could probably use the blankets, or the liner gloves he had. Well, so far, none of them seemed to be bothered by such things, so they probably had their own way of dealing with those things.
"Alright, missy, what do you want me to use to defend the flank?" The question aimed at the girl who snapped one of her bolts. Nikki hated being late, but hated this kind of stuff more. First the girl snapped Nikki's bolt, then yelled at her about 'friendly-fire' and 'wasting ammo.' Looking the girl over, Nikki decided not to bother arguing about that stuff, though.

"And, " addressing the entire group, "My name is Nikki, not that aanyone wanted to know what the name of one of their teammates is. By the by, what are yourall's names?"

She slides the crossbow into her pack on her back and pulls knives out of her pockets, one for each hand. "Will this do?" holding up the knives, she asks the camo-clad girl.
[Safe assumption, I'd say.]

"But...why would anyone not come prepared? This was when we were going, it's not like it was a secret or anything.."

James' mind spent an annoying amount of time devoted to the topic. The illogical behaviour of other human beings was the most frustrating thing in the world to him. They were either easy to predict, or impossible, and this varied wildly. He almost preferred the minds of zombies; at least they were internally consistent. A zombie behaving in a weird, unpredictable manor would be triply terrifying as any that followed the strict logical progression of EAT, EAT, EAT.

"Too bad about the rounds. I suppose the rest of the country dying is a plus for me: I can imagine there's plenty of dead people around-moving or not-that have weapons on them. Zombie apocalypse, and all that. Plus, the .22's ridiculously common, so there's bound to be some lying around. Not as if we're expecting to use it too much anyway."

Nikki then began to speak, clearly annoyed at Aayne's telling her off. Great, someone who couldn't control their pride kicking a lion who couldn't control her anger. Sure to be a great way to go.

"Héihéi, Nikki, I'm James," he half-mulbled.

[[Also, hate to be that guy, but I friend of mine and the internet both say that modern crossbows shoot arrows that are basically just shorter versions of the arrows used with bows. If you're particularly attached to bolts, you could always have it be an antique crossbow. I'm sorry, I have to say it, or I'll be all bothered by it. Just keep in mind.]]
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