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Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

OK!i dont mind,fluffy!Kai,i've learned my first bit of German!^.^and Chaostres,your portals are ready!
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Ok,i'll see what the clouds look like on that background!
EDIT:Sky Forme!(got it off of an avatar!)
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Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

I think so too.Now,I will add an option to the clouds:Background,or none!
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Erm, I think Involintary Twitch scratched the Sky Forme Shaymin. You'll have to ask him before you use it.
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

PichuK:Oh,OK I will ask him before ever using it again
Flarginsnarf:Your Welcome!I just dont like the outcome,but its still cute!
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Hi, can I get a portal Ho-oh? And if it's not too much to ask, can I also get a Lugia egg? Thanks!
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Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

OK I can take those two!

And maybe the egg, I might have to leave that one for Mewtwo.

EDIT: Finished two!





I'll try the egg...


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Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Thank you very much!:grin:

EDIT: I can't get the images to display in my signature....
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Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

You can use the Skymin sprite, but credit me in the future please. ^^

But uh

PichuK said:
Erm, I think Involintary Twitch scratched the Sky Forme Shaymin. You'll have to ask him before you use it.
Mewtwo said:
Oh,OK I will ask him before ever using it again
...There's no gender postbit so you have no way of knowing. But uh do I really seem like a guy? xD

Hm, so this post isn't completely off-topic: Mewtwo, while I admire you keeping up with all these requests, please add some creativity to your work. D: Dataforms and bland recolors that are copypasted over Spiritomb sprites not only are uninteresting, they're killing the whole idea of spriting. D: It's an art, not something you just do because people ask for it. Try scratching and adding a little more creativity in... scratch some parts for mixes, for example, or recolor Pokemon with interesting and creative patterns.
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

@.@wow.Alot of requests,and I didn't do them.Thank You,Zulo!
and twitch(if I may call you that),I will try that.And I just use the term "him"as default.
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Hi. Can I have a Piplup/Torchic fusion please? I don't mind which base.

I want to compare it to my one. It's fun seeing what other people come up with.
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