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Missingno. and 'M Glitch Pokemon

Apparently, there's a site that explains the wonders of Missing No. 'M, and the other one. I think it was if you have a Y in the 5th place in your name, you'll get 'M, and so forth. Not sure, though :\

You might be thinking of the thing where during the Missingno glitch on R/B, while surfing up and down Seafoam Island random Pokémon will appear, and what kind they are depends on the letters in your name.

For instance, as Mike, I got an abundance of Kingler and Starmie.
Never had a Missingno.
Can you get them in G/S or R/S or D/P?

I would love to experiment on Yellow, but I have two restrictions:

I am still stuck on Brock(DX).
My mom says if I glitch up a game, I will stop getting them.

I can't get past Saffron City and Celadon cos I have a hacked game on my LeafGreen.

I can't get Blue. So no Glitch City for me... :'(
You might be thinking of the thing where during the Missingno glitch on R/B, while surfing up and down Seafoam Island random Pokémon will appear, and what kind they are depends on the letters in your name.

For instance, as Mike, I got an abundance of Kingler and Starmie.

It is true that your name causes what Pokémon appear, but not so that the letters in the Pokémon names match yours. I don't claim to be an expert, but this page should be fairly helpful. That whole site is.
I so want a Red or Blue to experiment on~

The first time I read those TRRockin' articles on missingno., I seriously had nightmares. Pretty pathetic, but ah well.
I so want a Red or Blue to experiment on~

Have you tried using an emulator? They can be loaded with cheats and stuff, so if you're experimenting, it would be something to consider. However, emulators are only legal if you have the actual game. If you have an old Gameboy or a Super Gameboy for the SNES, and are going to do more than experiment on the game, I suggest getting a hard copy.
Ive only read the first post, But to get into glitch city, Go to the safari zone, Go out, Go "No" Save, Then restart, Go out the door, If I recall correctly, He asks "Do you want to play at the safari zone" Like usual, or whatever, Go no, Then walk out, And walk around till your time is over, then you go to glitch city. x3
^ Yeah, I think that's it. I haven't tried it on my Blue...I'm going to try now.

Edit: It isn't working :(
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Eh, you're obviously going to a non-Glitch-City compatible place. Try the Cinnabar coast first (there's a lot of places that work but I can't remember any of them off the top of my head).

Most routes will do it ;) I personally find the Cinnabar Coastline the most suitable place to be when the 500 steps run out.. It gives the most interesting (funky) glitch city. ..well that's MY opinion.. I'm a regular in Glitch City.. ..free entrances and stuff, you know (haha)

Xx Raika
I've had a Missingno. that turned into a Rhydon. It didn't evolve, it changed one thing at a time. First the cry, then the species, then the sprite. It still knew water gun, water gun and sky attack though xD
I've also evolved one into a Kangaskhan, but lots of people do that.
My Missingo evolved into Kangaskhan :D

Does the trick work if you bike?

Edit: Yay it worked!

But I still want to know if it works when you bike.
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it's pretty funky if you waste your 500 steps on Cycling Road.. ..the game thinks you're still on it, so it keeps pushing you "down", like on Cycling Road. I can't remember if you're still on your bike, though..
Cycling Road is pretty strange.

I enjoy glitches, although I've been spending more time figuring out advanced glitches.

They're fun. :)
Last time I did a missingno glitch on yellow, when I put my pikachu in the box, it deleted my file. Now I've been too lazy to re-beat the game.
Hmm. I remember a long time ago, I heard about this, so I surfed along the shore of Sefoam island. I found (and caught) an M (pretty sure there was no apostrophe) Lv. 126 that looked like a Mewtwo, not just an abundance of certain Pokémon. Was that supposed to happen?
Hmm. I remember a long time ago, I heard about this, so I surfed along the shore of Sefoam island. I found (and caught) an M (pretty sure there was no apostrophe) Lv. 126 that looked like a Mewtwo, not just an abundance of certain Pokémon. Was that supposed to happen?

Along with M and Missingno., there are two other Pokémon that appear, and those are determined by what you name your character. I named my character Sydney, and I got Snorlax and Mewtwo.

There's a better explanation at TRR ^^;
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