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Missingno. and 'M Glitch Pokemon

No, it's true. Since MissingNo is, as it implies, missing a number, it goes to the number 1 id, which is Kangsakang.

Rhydon is number one. Kangaskhan is two.

There's actually a wide plethora of glitch pokemon that can be obtained via the Ditto Trick (which some still insist on calling "extended Mew Trick" for some reason). The count is 16 across Red/Blue and Yellow versions. Additionally, 5 glitch pokemon in Yellow alone can be obtained by evolving other glitches. Finally, 9 across both versions can only be obtained by trading their equivalents from the other version.
Yeah... Missingno. and 'M are pretty cool. For a long time I would go to TR'sRockin' and read the long lists of stories that others had about those glitches. Then I finally got Blue. I was able to experience those glitches like everyone else had. I even took a trip to Glitch City once. But then it got a little boring and I gave the game to my little brother who then lost it or something. Oh well. It was only like, 2 bucks at the game store.
By the way, does anyone else remember the crazy color glitch for Gold and Silver? (talk to the Machop in Vermillion and check the coin case) That one was fun. Then I tried to do the trick during the trick and it BLACKED OUT AND FROZE.
I like seeing which Pokemon I can find at level 120-something on the Cinnabar shoreline while doing the Missingno trick. I've had Magnemite, Aerodayctl, Tangela and more I can't remember.
How do you get Missingno. in R/S/E?

Better explanation: You can't (my proof of this spawned an epic thread in the coughing cupboard so I'm not going to go further into it)

The glitch pokemon ?????????, aka ?x10 or "decamark", is usually obtained with a cheating gadget. I forgot if there's some other way to get it at the moment though
I was obsessed with glitches, cheats, ect. for a long time. I have a M' and Missingno. in my Red game. Nothing is seriously messed up, surprisingly. I remember using my Gameshark to get a blue Raichu with Thunderbolt, Surf, Hydro Pump and Thunder Wave. I named it Pikablu and tricked some of my cousins and friends. Ah, what fun.. =D And duplicating items with Missingno. was really useful.
On a related note, in R/B (maybe yellow? I never tried) if you surf along the "Missingno. coast" and land right in front of the gym door, a sprite similar to the coffee dude's can be seen standing on top of the gym. I created a whole backstory for that guy, tying him into Missingno. and to the coffee dude, but I have since forgotten.
Me and my sister Bean LOVE Missigno and all the other glitches, but they scare us to death. We used my Blue version to see Missingno, but we caught it on Red. I also used Blue to go to Glitch City and play with the Mew Trick. Just the other day, Bean got a Gameshark so she could glitch up her FireRed. :D

I saw that guy on top of the gym. Freaked me out. X3
That's pretty cool. Once I did the missingNo cheat right after I beat the 8th gym, and I kept running into really high leveled Mewtwo. It was really weird.
I would love to experiment on Yellow, but I have two restrictions:

I am still stuck on Brock(DX).
My mom says if I glitch up a game, I will stop getting them.
Nono, Yellow is not the game to hunt Missingno on D: The Yellow 'No is the one that's supposed to be able to screw up your save file.

Ha, before I restarted my Red I'd go to Glitch City so much I ended up having nightmares about it XD
Oh yeah, it was yellow, wasn't it? But I wanna check out Glitch City. It sounds cool! But Yellow also gives me the Ditto Trick, and I would like a Mew, even if I can't transfer it to Diamond! Maybe I'll eBay a Red/Blue game to get MissingNo!
I don't have any of the earlier games, but I watched my friend's brother go to Glitch City, which was bizarre. All the glitch Pokemon are really eerie, though I've never encountered one.
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