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Most disturbing bosses you've seen in any game ever?


It's feeding time
The title says it, what boss from any game did you find severely disturbing?

If you ask me, Giygas is undoubtedly the most disturbing boss ever, while it seems not that bad at first, if you take you're time to think about, you'll realize that what Ness and co. are doing is aborting a alien baby! It's told in such a discrete, hidden way I want to puke just thinking about it. Zero Two is also a disturbing boss, what makes it even freakier is the fact the bleeding angel-eye thing is in a Kirby game, although he have one of the best themes ever.

What other bosses do you know that is scares, freaks or disturbs you?
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Ursula from Kingdom Hearts. Sounds kind of random, but she really really really creeped me out during that battle and I have no idea why. I don't think it helped that she was so hard I had to keep attempting it over and over again. x3

And the Big Chu from Zelda: The Minish Cap. When you hit it, it turns red and just looks creepy. Hey, I was eleven! D=
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The fetus theory for Giygas is fun to kick around, but it's probably not true, once you consider that Giygas is most likely Giegue. That doesn't stop the Giygas fight from something that'll give you nightmares...*shudder*

I'll also second Pyramid Head. And the race to unlock Tails Doll in Sonic R. Look at the bastard move. He's creepy...
^ No he really isn't, trust me.

Theres a old GBA game called Phalanax which had strange organic spaceship bosses that resembled parts of the human body.
The fetus theory for Giygas is fun to kick around, but it's probably not true, once you consider that Giygas is most likely Giegue. That doesn't stop the Giygas fight from something that'll give you nightmares...*shudder*

I'll also second Pyramid Head. And the race to unlock Tails Doll in Sonic R. Look at the bastard move. He's creepy...

I hardly believe that the fact that you can see a fetus in Giygas' second form was unintentional, it really can't be.
Guh.............. There are some freakish bosses in Twilight Princess. Not only was that giant skeleton Stallord creepy, but the dungeon he lurks in was crawling with Redeads. I had nightmares for weeks...

YEAH I HAVE AN IRRATIONAL FEAR OF REDEADS! Leave me alone, I had a bad experiance when I was six years old.
I hardly believe that the fact that you can see a fetus in Giygas' second form was unintentional, it really can't be.

If it is intentional, it's just random mindfuck. The Japanese version's title ("Giygas Strikes Back!" or something along those lines) make it pretty clear that Giygas and Giegue are one and the same.

Also, Andross in Star Fox 64 was creepier. Gah, he looks like a furby and Richard Nixon's demonic lovechild...
That cultist leader in Dead Rising is moderately creepy. Along with the butcher in the same game. They're not totally disturbing, but creepy nonetheless.

The last bosses in LoZ:MM of course. Creeped me out, anyways.

Anything in Clive Barker's Undying. Fuck that shit. That whole game is disturbing up the wazoo. And I played it when I was like eleven or some shit. Ugh. Probably why I'm fucked up now.
YEAH I HAVE AN IRRATIONAL FEAR OF REDEADS! Leave me alone, I had a bad experiance when I was six years old.

Those Redeads are quite disturbing...in Melee they just hug you, but in OoT they practicaly raped you. (Seriously. They moan and hump you. I'm not joking here.)

But the most disturbing boss of a game I played would have to be 0. As weird as 02 is, 0 ripped his friggin eye out and shot blood at Kirby. Does Imakuni? count? He is weird in the TCG game, but in real life he is down right disturbing. See that Japanese Pokerap to see what I mean.
the endgame of every MOTHER series game is almost pure Nightmare Fuel D:
Def Pyramid Head but the Butcher in origins terrifies me all that much more.

Also, Fontaine from Bioshock. Not as an end boss necessarily but everything he does.
GLaDOS, because you're going through all that training in Portal, and it just wants to kill you at the end (what a waste...). I still can't hear the word Portal without thinking of some of the more disturbing things it says...

Some of you guys might think its funny, but GLaDOS seriously scares me.
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