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Most disturbing bosses you've seen in any game ever?

Bongo bongo from OoT used to creep me out (and so did everything else in the shadow temple).
I also saw the Giygas battle on youtube and I have to say that it was freaky. Especially when you're watching it at 1 in the morning.
Giygas. It looks like a Foetus O_o Plus the fact that it's constally calling your name and saying that it feels h.a.p.p.y... (Probably got that quote wrong)
Or that removed boss from Mother 3 *shudders*
Even though It's also one of my favorite bosses ever... Legion/Granfaloon from the Castlevania games scares the crap outta me... Oo"


It was when you were overwhelmed that it was actually freaky (i.e. SotN).

PoR Legion was piss easy. Basically just fire a few Fire spells at it while from a ledge and he's down before you see the swarm.

I've yet to see him in 3D action in Curse of Darkness though.

Adding to Castlevania, the Puppet Master was pretty freaky (and actually quite difficult the first time through).
Pretty much all the enemies, not just bosses, in the Shadow Hearts games freak me out.

The scariest ones I can think of offhand are headless dogs that balance upside-down by their necks on big floating bones.

It's a really, really creepy series. Any you should play it right now. Yes, you.
That's because it's so goooooood.

The voice acting is terrible, but the music is amazing, the battle system is addictive as hell, in the second game you get Anastasia Romanov on your team, and half the male characters are openly gay X3
The first boss on Metroid Prime was malformed and creepy. Also whenever Ridley comes along he makes me jump, especially in Subspace Emissionary, Metroid: Corruption (Meta Ridley) and various other times.
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