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Mr. Backlot's Mansion Challenge (reopened Apr 2015!)

Re: Mr. Backlot's Mansion Challenge

You enter the lavender door. Inside is a:
misdreavus (female)
[ Catch / Ignore ] ?

You see only a white door.
Which do you enter [ white ] ?

Inventory: Pokeballs x1, Muscle Band, Volbeat (M), Surskit (F), Slowbro (M), Nosepass (M), Houndour (F), Pure Incense

You enter the blue door. Inside is a:
wingull (male)
[ Catch / Ignore ] ?

You see a lavender door and a periwinkle door.
Which do you enter [ lavender / periwinkle ] ?

Inventory: Pokeballs x3
Re: Mr. Backlot's Mansion Challenge

You enter the lavender door. Inside is a:
misdreavus (female)
[ Catch / Ignore ] ?

You see only a white door.
Which do you enter [ white ] ?

Inventory: Pokeballs x1, Muscle Band, Volbeat (M), Surskit (F), Slowbro (M), Nosepass (M), Houndour (F), Pure Incense

Catch, pweeze.
Re: Mr. Backlot's Mansion Challenge

After you catch the Misdreavus, there is a chime and you hear Mr. Backlot's voice on the intercom. "That's it - you're out of Pokeballs! Congratulations on completing the Pokemon Mansion Challenge! Everything you caught or picked up is yours to keep. Thank you, and please come again."

Inventory: Muscle Band, Volbeat (M), Surskit (F), Slowbro (M), Nosepass (M), Houndour (F), Pure Incense, Misdreavus (F)
Re: Mr. Backlot's Mansion Challenge

Give me a go~

EDIT: 6 pokeballs; blue door.
Last edited:
Re: Mr. Backlot's Mansion Challenge

You enter the periwinkle door. Inside is a:
ledyba (female)
[ Catch / Ignore ] ?

You see a lavender door and a white door.
Which do you enter [ lavender / white ] ?

Inventory: Pokeballs x2, Wingull (M)

You enter the blue door. Inside is a:
Rose Incense
[ Pick up / Move on ]

You also see a yellow door and a lavender door.
Which do you enter [ yellow / lavender ] ?

Inventory: Pokeballs x6
Re: Mr. Backlot's Mansion Challenge

You enter the lavender door. Inside is a:
banette (male)
[ Catch / Ignore ]

You also see a yellow door and a white door.
Which do you enter [ yellow / white ] ?

Inventory: Pokeballs x6

You enter the lavender door. Inside is a:
drifblim (female)
[ Catch / Ignore ] ?

You see only a white door.
Which do you enter [ white ] ?

Inventory: Pokeballs x1, Wingull (M), Ledyba (F)
Re: Mr. Backlot's Mansion Challenge

You enter the yellow door. Inside is a:
pichu (female)
[ Catch / Ignore ]

You see only a white door.
Which do you enter [ white ] ?

Inventory: Pokeballs x5, Banette (M)

You enter the white door to find yourself in a hallway with several doors. Inside is a:
bonsly (female)
[ Catch / Ignore ] ?

You also see three doors: purple, maroon, and black.
Which do you enter [ purple / maroon / black ] ?

Inventory: Pokeballs x1, Wingull (M), Ledyba (F)
Re: Mr. Backlot's Mansion Challenge

You enter the white door to find yourself in a hallway with several doors. Inside is a:
[ Catch / Ignore ]

You also see three doors: purple, maroon, and black.
Which do you enter [ purple / maroon / black ] ?

Inventory: Pokeballs x4, Banette (M), Pichu (F)

You enter the maroon door. Inside is a:
croagunk (female)
[ Catch / Ignore ] ?

You also see a gold door and a vanilla door.
Which do you enter [ gold / vanilla ] ?

Inventory: Pokeballs x1, Wingull (M), Ledyba (F)
Re: Mr. Backlot's Mansion Challenge

You enter the purple door. Inside is a:
[ Catch / Ignore ]

You also see a vanilla door and an indigo door.
Which do you enter [ vanilla / indigo ] ?

Inventory: Pokeballs x4, Banette (M), Pichu (F)
Re: Mr. Backlot's Mansion Challenge

You enter the vanilla door. Inside is a:
taillow (male)
[ Catch / Ignore ] ?

You also see a gold door, a red door, and a green door.
Which do you enter [ gold / red / green ] ?

Inventory: Pokeballs x1, Wingull (M), Ledyba (F)

You enter the indigo door. Inside is a:
[ Catch / Ignore ]

You also see a vanilla door, a red door, and a green door.
Which do you enter [ vanilla / red / green ] ?

Inventory: Pokeballs x4, Banette (M), Pichu (F)
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