blame telegram
- Pronoun
- he/him
Re: Mr. Backlot's Mansion Challenge
You enter the lavender door. Inside is a:
[ Catch / Ignore ] ?
You see only a white door.
Which do you enter [ white ] ?
Inventory: Pokeballs x1, Muscle Band, Volbeat (M), Surskit (F), Slowbro (M), Nosepass (M), Houndour (F), Pure Incense
You enter the blue door. Inside is a:
[ Catch / Ignore ] ?
You see a lavender door and a periwinkle door.
Which do you enter [ lavender / periwinkle ] ?
Inventory: Pokeballs x3
You enter the lavender door. Inside is a:

[ Catch / Ignore ] ?
You see only a white door.
Which do you enter [ white ] ?
Inventory: Pokeballs x1, Muscle Band, Volbeat (M), Surskit (F), Slowbro (M), Nosepass (M), Houndour (F), Pure Incense
You enter the blue door. Inside is a:

[ Catch / Ignore ] ?
You see a lavender door and a periwinkle door.
Which do you enter [ lavender / periwinkle ] ?
Inventory: Pokeballs x3