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Music that gives you shivers

where to start...
the fafner opening. shangri la, ( i know i spelt it wrong) i've heard to melody before.
the rozen maiden opening.
the inuyasha openings, now such a trip into my childhood.
the oni and the maiden by kaito. his voice sounds so creepy~ i love it~
bright eyes by art garfunkle (i loved that song as a child.)
concrete angel by martina mcbride
hero by superchick
bring me to life by evenesence.
Re: Songs that give you shivers

John Powell - Test Drive
My favorite track from the How to Train Your Dragon score, and probably my favorite scene too.

YES. "Battle of the Red Death" and "Coming Back Around" are great as well.

I've been getting into anything with a (ominous) Latin Chant or just a chorus in general. But about any piece of music with notable emotion will do--usually orchestras.

Here's a few that have been getting to me lately:

Elfen Lied - Lilium

Loreena McKennitt - Dante's Prayer

Tarzan - One Family
"southbound pachyderm" by primus
"learn from this mistake" by down
"third eye" by tool
"floods" and "it makes them disappear", both by pantera. god damn
A Cruel Angel's Thesis (German cover "Grausamer Engel") by Oikawa, Satō, Ōmori, cover by Strawbelly Cake.
Komm, süßer Tod (trance version) by Arianne, remix by ? [End of Evangelion Soundtrack]

I love different variations of the above, but I think those are my favorites.
This is going to sound really geeky but the most shiver-inducing music track that I listen to is the Route 1 theme (both gen 1 and gen 2 variants). Probably just for the sheer, intense nostalgia.
Right in Two. Love that song.

10,000 Days is fantastic, but Lateralus is still my favorite Tool album to date.
right on, this exactly. lateralus is great. that reminds me, got another for this thread: reflection, or triad. or hell maybe the title track.
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