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My somewhat-okay (I hope) Spritework

Re: My somewhat-okay (I hope) Pixel Overs

Okay, I see that your eyes are similar to the anime's eyes, but there is one major difference. Anime Pikachu's eyes are a black circle with shine in them. You have a black circle, but a gradual highlighting that never actually turns into shine on yours. This small detail makes the sprites look very different, to the point that your Pikachu looks a bit like a doll
Re: My somewhat-okay (I hope) Pixel Overs

Yeah, That's what I was saying. The eyes have highlight, yes, but highlight and shine are two different things. So a highlight would really bring the sprite to "life," as it were.

And @Sandstone-Shadow: It's alright if you're not fond of pillow-shading. Flat-out pillow shading (Not what these PO's are, BTW) always looks bad. This slight pillow-shading may not suit your taste either. That's fine. I included the statement "Your mileage may vary" for a reason. ;)
Re: My somewhat-okay (I hope) Pixel Overs

As I say, I tried to make the eyes nice and bright... brighter pixels next time, yes. Try to add brighter pixels next time, self. Also try to get that Swellow up today.
Re: My somewhat-okay (I hope) Pixel Overs

Ooh, Swellow! Can't wait to see that. I bet it looks great.
Re: My somewhat-okay (I hope) Pixel Overs

I hope so... Can't do feather texture, but eh. In the anime, few feathers are visible either, so.
Re: My somewhat-okay (I hope) Pixel Overs

Awesome! And a much better shot than I was expecting. I especially like the way you also pixeled-over the branch. I understand how hard feathers can be to pixel-over anyway, so you did a great job. One thing I would like to see imrpoved, however, is the cosistency of the size between the white feathers on the wing. They're all very differently proportioned and looks rather rough. Also, it looks liek the bottommost feather on the blue part of the wing at the base looks as though it should be divided like the rest. Other than that, this is definitely a great pixel-over. Keep up the good work!
Re: My somewhat-okay (I hope) Pixel Overs

That Pixel Over rocks! I can see that you are still adding the pillow shading on the body of the Swellow, but because it is round and the wing is up there, it actually works!

PS the eyes aren't soulless pits either =)
Re: My somewhat-okay (I hope) Pixel Overs

The wing isn't pillow shading. It's just regular shading, just sorta thick for each layer. And the eyes weren't soulles pits on the Pikachu either; just a little lackluster.
Re: My somewhat-okay (I hope) Pixel Overs

Well, yeah the part about the soulless pits was a joke.

And the shading towards the top of the sprite actually makes sense because of the presence of the wing.
Re: My somewhat-okay (I hope) Pixel Overs

Thanks! And yeah, I know the wing was a bit odd.
(Finish that Mamoswine and put it up, self)
(Also start that Regigigas, finish it and put it up)
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Re: My somewhat-okay (I hope) Pixel Overs

Well, the wing isn't odd in my mind. It's better than most wings I've seen by other pixel-overists.

And it's nice to see that you're open about giving sneak peeks at your newest projects. I never do that. XD (Can't wait to see them though!)
Re: My somewhat-okay (I hope) Pixel Overs

It's more of a 'remind myself to do it' thing really, but. Will edit when it's done.
It's done.

Yes, I know its right (our left) tusk looks odd; I had to Scratch that bit.
Next projects: Regigigas, Spiritomb.

EDIT: Regigigas is done. Its eyes were insanely annoying. @.@ Just for the record, it's from the shot of Giratina and the Sky Warrior where it slides down the hill along with many Mamoswine.

Next up, Spiritomb.
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Re: My somewhat-okay (I hope) Pixel Overs

Mamoswine looks great, if a little fat. (It's a Mamoswine, so...)

However, I can't say the same about Regigigas. Its outlines are great, but the shading doesn't have enough contrast between layers. Without looking at it extremely closely, you can barely tell there's any shading at all. It's still a good PO, just not your best.

And, perchance, would that Spiritomb be Sugimori art?
Re: My somewhat-okay (I hope) Pixel Overs

I think the Regigigas' shading is noticable... maybe your monitor is darker than mine?
And no, the Spiritomb isn't Sugimori; I know that would be too similar to yours. It's a screenshot from The Keystone Pops! where it's using Dark Pulse, though I've removed the Pulse.

EDIT: And it's up.

Next: Magnezone.
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Re: My somewhat-okay (I hope) Pixel Overs

Maybe there's just not enough of the dark shading. I dunno.

Spiritomb looks amazing, as usual. It's kind of hard to look at it and give C+C on it without comparing it to mine, but for one thing, it doesn't look like you've really hown the transparent nature of the purple swirl. You shoudl be able to see the distinct outline of the keystoen beneath it; yours looks like a blur of shading. Also, it appears as though the eye with the swirl is much larger than the other. Other than that, great outlines and colors. Can't wait to see Magnezone. :)
Re: My somewhat-okay (I hope) Pixel Overs

Well, thanks in any case, though this is how the shading (and eye, for that matter) were on the originals. Magnezone up soon now.
Well, this time I have an excuse for metallic shading!

Next: Lotad.
It's done.

Next is Shedinja, but I'm probably not going to have it done for a while.
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Re: My somewhat-okay (I hope) Pixel Overs

Well, thanks in any case, though this is how the shading (and eye, for that matter) were on the originals. Magnezone up soon now.
Well, this time I have an excuse for metallic shading!

Next: Lotad.
It's done.

Next is Shedinja, but I'm probably not going to have it done for a while.

Sorry about the spelling; When I get into my 80-to-95-words-per-minute zone, I'm not paying attention to that because I can't touch-type. XD I meant Keystone. You know, that stone Spiritomb resides in?

Magnezone looks great; the metallic shading almost gives it an ethereal glowing look, which looks amazing on a black background.

I hate to say it, but Lotad has been flat-out pillow-shaded. :( Sorry. The outlines are great though, so it could definitely be worse. Still, can't wait to see Shedinja.
Re: My somewhat-okay (I hope) Pixel Overs

Yeah, I got that; I just thought it was important to spell Keystone correctly.
I did Lotad's shading quite quickly, so it's not really surprising; maybe I'll edit it someday. Not started Shedinja yet and probably won't till tomorrow, but you never know.

EDIT: Started, but it's bedtime. Finish tomorrow.
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Re: My somewhat-okay (I hope) Pixel Overs

Might I ask, what program do you use to make them? MS Paint?

Bedtime? Geez, it's 4:20 PM here. You must live pretty far away.
Re: My somewhat-okay (I hope) Pixel Overs

GIMP 2.6.6, I think.
Can't comment on the time thing if I don't know where you live, can I? But according to the forums' time, there's a six hour difference.
Just starting Shedinja now.

EDIT: Not done Shedinja, but edited Regigigas' Shading.
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