• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Nani ga deru kana?


Funk to the top.
Oh hey. 'Sup. Name's Risingbadge. I can't believe that wasn't taken. You can call me Rise, or maybe just Ing. Badge works. Ingbadge is pretty bold. Risebadge is even bolder. Badger will just get you hurt. I mean, it's versatile, is my point. You could also call me Sforzato or just Sforz, and I would probably answer to approximately twenty other names. I switch screennames a lot. Eh, bad habit.

Uh... I'm new. I guess. I've been lurking. On and off for a while. Figured I'd finally register. Sweet digs, broseph.

Let's see... Well, I play Pokémon, you might've guessed. No, I'm not one of those douchebags who hates the game but joins the forum.

Been playing since 1st gen. I own Blue, Yellow (broken), Gold, Ruby, FireRed, Emerald, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, Stadium, Stadium 2, Snap, Colosseum, and Battle Revolution. And I play the Pinball games all the time. Speaking of Stadium 2, did you know it's not actually a Pokémon game? I'm in fact not even sure if it's a game. Yeah. It's some crazy time-space anomaly jazz. How else could a Voltorb kill a Dragonite? Voltorb/Staryu, OTP 4 lyfe

Other games/series I like include Soul Calibur, Disgaea, Dynasty Warriors, Growlanser, Donkey Kong Country, Shinobi III, Starfox, Castlevania, Guilty Gear, BlazBlue, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, TWEWY, anything by From Software, and Jet Set Radio Future. I play a lot of stuff, but I'm probably best at platformers. And racing games, I guess. But I don't have many.

Anyway. What else do I do... Oh, I write. Pretty well, I think. I like philosophical discussions, so I do that. Philosophy, yeah. I do philosophy. She's a sweet girl, always rarin' to go. What am I even talking about? Also I recently got into GFX. I made my avatar. Yeah, pretty proud of that. Uhm what else... Trying to learn to cook. So far I can only scramble eggs. And they always look screwy, but they taste like eggs so I'm not complaining.

And you might have noticed, but I kinda like Scott Pilgrim. Kinda really. I just read the whole comic series in one sitting the other day. And the day before that I beat the whole Scott Pilgrim game with a friend's help. Also I think I might actually be Scott. Maybe. I mean not to be arrogant. There's just a lot of parallels. Like an uncanny level of them. Like holy crap I am reading my life kind of uncanny. Except I can't play an instrument. Despite loving music to death and having three very nice instruments in my room. It's a waste. I should learn to play one. I still have time to both have and dump a series of wonderful girls before finally meeting the fille of my dreams.

EDIT: Oh hey, there's another thing about me. I'm an incurably obsessive, unrepentant, rapid-fire ninja editor. I will probably edit a post three times before anyone reads it, and four more after the fact. I have edited this post three times already just to figure out what adjectives to use in that long string of them at the start of this pseudo-paragraph. Yeah, I'm a little sick in the head.

Soooo... Hm. Yeah, I guess that'll do. So, hi. How y'all?
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Have you ever heard of/tried the Suikoden series? The games are all for PS1/PS2 and they're fantasy jrpgs with actually good writing most of the time, unlike Final Fantasy which I love dearly but cannot call amazing with a straight face. The music's good, too. Pick up Suikoden V if you see it somewhere. They don't have the I MUST GRIND FOREVER quality of Disgaea, but they do have significant replay value for trying to get the freaking good ending. Particularly since every game has at least 108 recruitable characters and if you MISS ONE, hello bad end. And in some games, if you miss MOST OF THEM, hello super bad end.

Welcome to the forum, don't be too bothered by the Introduction Brigade (sigh), if you need help with anything ask me or Tailsy/Jessie/Erufuun, etc etc etc.
Well, hi. I've recently stopped introducing memes to newcomers.

Anyway, I'm your resident friendly bird-lover and tour guide. First thing, I reccommend you check out the Anime Style Battling forum, as well as the Safari zone.

And I think we'll like each other.
My, such colorful characters. I think I'll like it here. I am humbled by your most gracious welcomes. <3

~Seeing as I've been banned from giving out tea and cod to new forumgoers, you are obligated to accept it from others. If you don't, they will bludgeon you into a gibbering wreck with those foam swords of theirs.

I am not a fan of either, so I suppose I'll be facing many a foam sword.


~Avoid the welcome mats. They're carnivorous and seem to enjoy legs most, though recently they've also taken a liking to fingers. Usually the pinky.

What about the brain?

~The vegetarian welcome mats are usually alright, but they go batshit insane around sugar. So make sure you haven't even eaten sugar in at least 8 hours before going within five feet of one.

Well, I should be all right as long as there are no vegan mats. They probably would have psychic powers (Mewtwo: "PSYCHIC...POWERS?" Fuji: "PSYCHIC POWAZ.") and I am not a Dark type.

~Invisichomp, the Invisible Shiny Garchomp, is dangerous. Your only hope against such a monstrosity is to use a foam sword.

*gnashes teeth at hearing the word "Garchomp"*

...Ahem. Pay that no mind, just a reflex. Yes, I'll be careful.

~Lastly, the epic shippings here at tCoD are not to be messed with. Inevitably, there will come the day wherein you will be paired with another member of equal, greater, or lesser status either against your will or in compliance with it. This includes but is not limited to crack, slash, and your average shipping. Side-effects may include disruption of canon and assault by a member whom thou hast scorned. ._.

Oh my. Sounds like oodles of fun~

By the way, I'm Ryubane. Hai~


Have you ever heard of/tried the Suikoden series? The games are all for PS1/PS2 and they're fantasy jrpgs with actually good writing most of the time, unlike Final Fantasy which I love dearly but cannot call amazing with a straight face. The music's good, too. Pick up Suikoden V if you see it somewhere. They don't have the I MUST GRIND FOREVER quality of Disgaea, but they do have significant replay value for trying to get the freaking good ending. Particularly since every game has at least 108 recruitable characters and if you MISS ONE, hello bad end. And in some games, if you miss MOST OF THEM, hello super bad end.

Welcome to the forum, don't be too bothered by the Introduction Brigade (sigh), if you need help with anything ask me or Tailsy/Jessie/Erufuun, etc etc etc.

I have heard of the Suikoden series, but never tried it. It sounds intriguing, and I do like massive recruitables. I shall have to search the local Gamestop/Games Attic for them.

I'm MysticMoon, the Jirachi lover here! 8D

WOuld you like some tea and cod?

Never knew much about Jirachi. That exclusive attack sounds pretty neato, though.

Thanks, but no. I'm more of a sodas-and-burgers kind of fellow, to be honest.

Anyway, I'm your resident friendly bird-lover

Ah, hello Falkner, nice to finally meet you. I'm afraid I've misplaced my Cyndaquil, but I look forward to kicking your Pidgeotto-that-should-not-exist's ass very soon.

First thing, I reccommend you check out the Anime Style Battling forum, as well as the Safari zone.

THE HAFAHI HO? WELL HAT HOUNH ROFRY. ha loff ma feef Naw but yeah I'll probably check those out, thx. <3

And I think we'll like each other.

Me too. Unless I just thoroughly offended and insulted you by calling out your physically impossible Pidgeotto.
Ah, hello Falkner, nice to finally meet you. I'm afraid I've misplaced my Cyndaquil, but I look forward to kicking your Pidgeotto-that-should-not-exist's ass very soon.

Oh, Falkner? I beat that incompetent idiot down so quickly it'll blow your mind. Look at the trainer card in my sig.
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