• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



Pikachu of yin and yang
well, i've NEVER used a site this detailed.
Read the rules
Didn't mind the header, it actually seemed like a navigator, and it helped a bit :D
So, i joined hoping that i could find some of my old friends that quit Chao Island or Poke Board.
Anyway (yeah i ramble sometimes and yes its embarrassing)
Without further ado, Hi. XD
Let's see who is here.

Myself, Captain (Dispy), JinxElite, Kyogre, actionhero112, Thireven (Posiedia), Shiny (You've never met him, he goes by the name ClockWork), Luxcario, and possibly a few others.

Heyyy, I just did like the opposite of this

I just signed up at PokeBoard, I think I met you there

Anyway, welcome to here, which isn't there, but it's here, which is nice.
Yet another person I told about this place. :D
Welcome to the Forums, man! :F
Hi. I am Luxcario on PokeBoard. But, anyway, welcome to TCoD. (Cypher, you forgot about Mewtini.)
Hallo. Imma Ulqi, or Arctica, whichever's easier.
Truth be told, you remind me of my friend from a different site. *eyebrow raise*
Anywho, we got alotta topics and threads and stuff.
Be sure to check out all of 'em and see which one suits you the best! :D
Hallo. Imma Ulqi, or Arctica, whichever's easier.
Truth be told, you remind me of my friend from a different site. *eyebrow raise*
Anywho, we got alotta topics and threads and stuff.
Be sure to check out all of 'em and see which one suits you the best! :D

And i'm the only one who knows who she's talking about.

Anyway, welcome! Hope you have a nice time here! =D
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