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When making new pokémon for the next generation of games, Game Freak should really consider making them stone evolution pokémon - for some variety. And no pre/evolutions, either. Fuck that.
I think the addition of more stones was for continuity purposes - as in, if Magneton evolved with the Thunder Stone, it wouldn't make much sense continuity-wise as in previous games using the Stone on Magneton would, obviously, have no effect.

Zephyrous said it the best, really.
Although, more brand-new Pokemon lines with old stones would be good. They did it with Skitty, so..
Or how about if they sort of combined stone evolution with the D/P/Pt method whereby you can only evolve Pokémon at certain locations (a la Eevee > Leafeon/Glaceon, Nosepass/Magneton > Probopass/Magnezone)? That allows stone evolutions for old Pokémon but keeps the continuity unscathed because although one could try to use that stone on that Pokémon in earlier editions, one couldn't get to that location.

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Or how about if they sort of combined stone evolution with the D/P/Pt method whereby you can only evolve Pokémon at certain locations (a la Eevee > Leafeon/Glaceon, Nosepass/Magneton > Probopass/Magnezone)? That allows stone evolutions for old Pokémon but keeps the continuity unscathed because although one could try to use that stone on that Pokémon in earlier editions, one couldn't get to that location.

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I think that'd ruin the point.
You could make some prevos that only evolve into an already established family via stone evolution.
The Sun Stone needs more love... Only Bellossom and Sunflora can spawn from it, and they just forgot about it by 3rd Gen. Oh, and Thunder Stone is mostly ignored ever since 1ST. EFFING. GEN. Only Raichu and Jolteon come from it.
I think the addition of more stones was for continuity purposes - as in, if Magneton evolved with the Thunder Stone, it wouldn't make much sense continuity-wise as in previous games using the Stone on Magneton would, obviously, have no effect.

It'd be nice for Pokemon to eventually die, so that it can make a comeback with shitloads of revisions, like Nidoran being one Pokemon and similar things.
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