• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Neverending recipe.

123. Go to a Homestuck bloodswap universe where Kanaya is the "gray" one, considering Karkat to be between Feferi and Aradia. Their version of Spidermom must be much smaller and act like Tinkerbull etc etc. In that universe, find the Pounce de Leon variation, cut off a small piece of one of its whiskers and add it to the mixture.
128: Remove the chewed up gum before stirring LOTS with my ridiculously tiny wooden spoon OF DOOM until it starts to form what looks like peaks! Which is strange as it's not meringue...
129. And then you have to redo all of the previous steps if you want a thick, creamy texture.
130: Once done, let a neko lick the ridiculously tiny wooden spoon OF DOOM (oh, yeah, it's back with a vengeance, baby!!!) clean! Using a banmarie (or however the hell you spell it), bake for 2 seconds! (And I'm on form!)
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