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New Pokemon?


But seriously, though. More underwater Pokemon. A new stingray Pokemon. Mantine is a poor excuse for a manta ray. I want a real stingray. I was also thinking we could have like some kind of Fire/Ice type, but I wouldn't be sure what kind of Pokemon it would be...
A goat.


Toucan, A Bug/Dragon, Iguana, Cockatiel, homunculus (the D&D kind), LIVING MUSHROOMSNAKE, salmon, caribou, cougar, moray eel, lionfish, killer whale/orca...

I have some ideas for stuff like that... x3;
If Kangaskhan is a kangaroo, then Qwilfish must be a sea urchin. (Speaking of that, we need a sea urchin Pokémon.)

Seriously, the only thing even vaguely kangaroo-like about them is the pouch, and all marsupials have that, not just kangaroos. If it wasn't for the "Kanga" in the English name, nobody would ever see Kangaskhan and think "kangaroo."

Does Pikachu actually look like a mouse? No, but you can see similarities.
If you actually look, Khangaskhan have similiar anatomy to Kangaroos, but have a fatter head and stubby legs.
If Kangaskhan is a kangaroo, then Qwilfish must be a sea urchin. (Speaking of that, we need a sea urchin Pokémon.)

Sea urchins can't inflate and deflate themselves though, nor can they...swim.

Seriously, the only thing even vaguely kangaroo-like about them is the pouch, and all marsupials have that, not just kangaroos. If it wasn't for the "Kanga" in the English name, nobody would ever see Kangaskhan and think "kangaroo."

Kangaroos are pretty much the only marsupials that can stand up like Kangaskhan can. The only deviation I see (apart from claws and armour) is that Kangaskhan is much more bulky-looking than a normal kangaroo.
FMC said:


And don't say they're deer or mooses because most deer (other than reindeer/caribou, I think) only have antlers if they're male.
I had a feeling at least one of the ones I said was a real pogie.

we need a carabou that doesn't scare me silly, then. x3
I would like to see pokemon that looked a little like these dogs!
I would also like to see an electric lion.
We need more fox Pokemon.

And a goat. There definitely needs to be a goat in there.

And a cheetah.
And a tiger that actually looks more like a tiger than one of those whatchamacallits from Chinese mythology.
And a zebra
And more cats
And an actual wolf
Water serpent of some sort
Gargoyle perhaps
Aaand we need something along the lines of a sphinx
Legendary dragons that are based on western dragons
Seconding squirrels

And another kitsune-type Pokemon would be nice. :]
We so need a Pirate Pokémon.

*tries to think back to his crappy Fakemon from ages ago* I think once I had the idea of some living fish skeletons which could be Water/Ghost type, and you can never have too many wacky type matchups :3 (I think their names were Troutot and Breamort. Yeah, I suck.)

Let's see... also a floating suit of armour which could be Steel/Ghost... a gravestone and a gargoyle who could be Rock/Ghost... a leafless, dead tree which could be Grass/Ghost... I liked matching Ghost to loads of weird stuff :D

And I'm not so much listing good ideas for new Pokémon as slightly interesting ideas I had once... sorry XD
A pirate, a ninja, barracuda, a cheetah, a goblin, a Stegosaurus, an actual Mammoth (Mamoswine doesn't count because it's a pig), a meerkat, an okapi, a Saber-toothed tiger, a Dimetrodon, a hamster, a leopard gecko, something based off Set (Egyptian god of chaos and the desert, with many animals' attributes), a chimera (for me, personally, a lion's head and body with goat legs and horns, eagle wings, and a snake tail), a koala, a dolphin, a goat, an ant, legendary Pokemon equivalent to Vishnu (the preserver) and Shiva (a destructive god) of Hindu legend (Arceus is like Brahma, due to Arceus creating stuff), Sleipnir (Odin's multiple-legged horse of Norse myth, complete with armor), a chipmunk, a python, a polar bear, a Spinosaurus, a Plateosaurus, an iguana (possibly evolving into an Iguanodon), an Archaeopteryx (the first known bird), Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, a red panda, a sea turtle, a T-Rex (Tyranitar's more like Godzilla), a hydra (with some similarities to King Ghidorah [from Godzilla]), Pan (the goat-man-god of Greek myth), a Sun god-beast, a Moon goddess-beast, a Diatryma (ancient terror bird), a condor, a mandrill (think Rafiki in The Lion King), and Satan (just to be opposite of Arceus) all need to be made into Pokemon.
I lol'ed at the Steve Irwray name

It seems to me that a majority want more water types
I the dolphin has been used, Gorebyss

A cat-like thing that's not legendary would be cool
Anubis. Dark type
Griffin. Flying/fire
I like the flaming goat thing.
Orca. I refuse to call it by that other disgusting and misleading name.

A white tiger that is an ice/fire type and has blades on it's front and back legs.
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