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New Type

I don't think they need to make a new type... but if you're gonna make a dark type you might as well make a light type.


Togepi chain

That's all I can really think of atm. :/
Am I the only one who thought Dark meant evil or something, not darkness?
Light and Sound for me.

I also have a crazy little idea. Okay every Pokemon has a primary type (like what it most obviously is).
Charizard = Fire
Dragonite = Dragon
Steelix = Steel

Now what I think is that you should be able to somehow specially breed a Pokemon to loose a type (only dual-typed Pokemon). For example, you could turn Dragonite into a pure dragon instead of dragon/flying. It would loose the immunity to ground, but Ice attacts wouldn't do x4 damage anymore. It could still learn fly and wing attack, because it still has wings. It would be complicated, but mabye worth it.
Nuclear type would be really neat. :D An element given only to artificially created Pokemon, the bodies of Nuclear-types are at least partially comprised of highly unstable atoms that threaten to decay and deal heavy damage to both the opponent and the Pokemon itself. There cannot be a pure-Nuclear type; they require another type to "anchor" them usually. Grass and Rock-types are more reliable subtypes than types like Fire and Electric.

...I'm getting carried away here. xD But wouldn't that be neat? :D

Hm, lessee. Of the commonly-abused fanmade types (Light, Sound, Cosmic) the only one I really tolerate is Sound, reason being that I hoped Chatot would be sound-type before fourth gen, only to have my hopes hashed. :< But don't call it Sonic type. I want an element, not the blue blur. << And sound's almost a type already, what with sound-based moves and the Soundproof ability.

Hm... here's a crazy type idea: Glass. A bit... fragile, though.
I think that a Light type is needed. If you have Dark, you should have Light, right?

Well isn't Psychic kind of the opposite of dark? I mean light is sometimes (at least in my book) accosiated with psychic types, and in the Eevee chain, they made Espion to oppose Umbreon O-o
sound's almost a type already, what with sound-based moves and the Soundproof ability.

Light is by this system also almost a type, with various light-based moves already around. Light doen't need to be opposite dark, and psychic is about mental power. The 'good' opposite of dark are mostly normal types eg togepi, chansey.
Well isn't Psychic kind of the opposite of dark? I mean light is sometimes (at least in my book) accosiated with psychic types, and in the Eevee chain, they made Espion to oppose Umbreon O-o

I thought that too, but the moves have nothing to do with being evil or good in Psychic. If anything, Psychic should be neutral.

In Dark, the moves seem pretty evil. Theif, Beat-up. It's pretty dark, I think.

In Psychic, all you do is blow up people's minds(lol).

I'm not sure what a Light type would do... maybe heal and protect people?
Light types would probably be about light energy, and would probably lift a whole load of moves from other types (like solarbeam). Otherwise it would have few damaging moves and would probably struggle as a type. Most healing and protecting is done by normal-type moves, however both styles could be incorparated into a light type.
Personally I think it would be wood-type.
I thought that. And frankly, it was a bad idea when I had it ^^ Weak to everything (fire, fighting, flying (maybe), ice... the list goes on and on) and I can't think of a single thing it'd be strong against.

Plus, Wood=Grass.
I think having a Light type is a great idea. They should really make a light type in the next generation of pokemon.
What all would a light type be strong and weak against?

That's a good point. I can only think that light would be super-effective against dark...But otherwise, it doesn't connect with anything.

Oh and with a wood type, yeah, it sounds a bit pointless, but I have a qestion =/
Wouldn't wood be to grass as Rock is to ground? Or ice is to water? Or ghost is to dark? >_<;;;
What all would a light type be strong and weak against?

In my head (at least):

Light type attacks are super effective against:
Possibly Ice

And not very effective against:

Light type pokemon resist:

and are weak to:

I also found the Pokemon Factory light type strenghs/weaknesses:

The pokemon factory said:
Offensive Strengths: Light attacks are effective against:

Offensive Weaknesses: Light attacks do little damage to:

Defensive Strengths: Light-types are resistant to:

Defensive Weaknesses: Light-types are vulnerable to:


Mine is based on light energy; The pokemon factory have apparently based thiers on the same thing but some of this (eg fighting weakness) seem to be based on 'goodness'
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